Tuesday, November 15, 2016

Those who abstain from Takfeer and warn from that...

Question: As-salamu ‘alaykum wa rahmatullahi wa barakatuhu our noble Shaykh; What are the guidelines of Takfeer? And who has the right to perform Takfeer upon a specific individual? And do the laymen have the right to make Takfeer upon whoever insults the Messenger or allies with the kuffaar, whether he was ignorant or knowledgeable? And what is your opinion regarding those who abstain from Takfeer and warn from that? And what is your opinion regarding the one who calls for discussion and debate in the way which is best? May Allah give you aid and success, and lead your steps on the straight path, and make Jannah our abode and your abode.

Answer: Wa ‘alaykum salam wa rahmatullahi wa barakatuhu, to proceed: 
The discussion regarding the guidelines of Takfeer has very long details attached to it, however I’ll summarize that for you. 

So from the most important guidelines of Takfeer are three matters: 
1. That there is established proof on the reason behind performing Takfeer. 
2. That the action of the individual for this reason behind performing Takfeer is clear, and doesn’t have any doubtful possibilities in it. 
3. Impediments/Preventions [of Takfeer] are removed, and it is four [things]: Coercion, Ignorance, Interpretation and Mistake. 

And every impediment from these impediments [of Takfeer] have details attached to it. And everyone who has knowledge in an issue has the right to make a judgement in it, even if he was from the laymen, and that is like the one who knows that Tarik As-Salaah [Abandoner of Salaah] is a kaafir, then he sees someone who doesn’t pray, then he has the right to make Takfeer upon him, and also like the one who hears someone mocking the Deen, and similar to that. But as for performing Takfeer upon Specific Individuals: 
Then know, may Allah bless you, that the Madhab of irjaa in this time of ours deeply penetrated into those who affiliate themselves to the Salafiyyah, so they became two types:

1. Whoever states by his tongue or in his articles; there is no speech or actions that constitute kufr, rather all that falls back to belief in the heart. 
2. The one who affirms that there are sayings and actions which constitutes kufr, however he doesn’t see anyone as a kaafir. 

And there is no doubt that both these Mathhab are false, and the first one is more absurd than the second, and the one who ponders over the Seerah of the Prophet (saws) and his Companions, and the Aimmah will know the invalidity of these Mathāhib. For the first thing that the Sahabah did after the Prophet (saws) passed away, was Takfeer upon a nation of people and fighting them, and what has become most prevalent & famous from the Salaf is their Takfeer upon the Jahmiyyah and the heads of the Jahmiyyah, such as Al-Jahm, Al-Ja’d, Bishr Al-Marīsī, Ibn Abī Du’ad and others. And the most prevalent thing which gathered the innovators against Shaykhul Islam Ibn Taymiyyah was his Takfeer upon those who they believe are amongst the Awliyaa, such as Ibn ‘Arabī, Ibn Al-Faridh, At-Tilmisanī, Al-Qūnawī and others. And the most prevalent thing which Shaykhul Islam Muhammad ibn ‘Abdul Wahhab was most hated for, is the issue of him performing Takfeer upon grave worshippers and other than them. 
The Shaykh Muhammad ibn ‘Abdul Wahhab said in the third treatise from his – Rasail Ash-Shakhsiyyah – “If they were for more than twenty years affirming day and night, secretly & openly that the Tawhīd which this man displayed is the Deen of Allah and His Messenger, however the people do not obey us, and that what he rejected was shirk while he was truthful in his rejection, but only if he would abstain from Takfeer and Fighting, he would be upon the truth.” 

And he said in his twenty ninth Risalah, “And you know what they say, that if the people of opposition [i.e. Muhammad ibn ‘Abdul Wahhab] would abandon Takfeer and Fighting, they would be upon the Deen of Allah and His Messenger.” 

And he said in his thirty eighth Risalah, “However, today they argue with one misconception, so know the answer to it, and what they say is that all of this is truth, we bear witness that it’s the Deen of Allah and His Messenger, except for the Takfeer and Fighting, and what’s astonishing is the one who isn’t able to answer this [misconception], if they affirmed that this is the Deen of Allah and His Messenger, how can we not make Takfeer upon the one who rejects it and kills those who ordains it [i.e. The Deen] & imprisons them? How can the one who sends orders to imprison them [the believers] not be a kaafir? How can the one who comes to the people of shirk and urges them in holding onto their religion and adorning it for them, and encourages them in killing the Muwahhideen and taking their wealth not be a kaafir? How can he not be a kaafir if what he urges and encourages is what the Messenger (saws) rejected? And he [the Prophet] forbade it and called it shirk with Allah, and he testified that the one who has enmity to them and hates their people, and orders the mushrikeen to be killed is the Deen of Allah and His Messenger, and know [O Muslim] that the proofs supporting making Takfeer upon a righteous Muslim if he commits shirk with Allah, or he became amongst the Mushrikeen [in fighting] against the Muwahhideen even if he didn’t do shirk, are too much to be specified from the words of Allāh and His Messenger and the sayings of all the Scholars.”

By Ash-Shaykh Al-‘Allamah Nasir Ibnu Hamad Al-Fahd (fakk Allahu asrah)

1 comment:

  1. Surah 11 118-119.
    118.And if your lord had so willed, he could surely have made mankind one ummah, but they will not cease to disagree.
    119. Except him on whom your Lord has bestowed His Mercy and for that did He create them. And the Word of your Lord has been fulfilled:" Surely, i shall fill Hell whit jinn and men all together".
