
First of all it is a matter of Nifaq and this is a matter we should all fear. Allah said:
“They come to you and testify that you are the messenger of Allah, and
Allah testifies that you are the messenger, but Allah testifies that
they are liars. They declare Imaan but they conceal kufr. Thus they
obstruct (men) from the Path of Allah. truly evil are their deeds. That
is because they believed, then they rejected Faith: So a seal was set on
their hearts: therefore they understand not.” [Munafiqun:1-3]
Allah cursed them and called them liars and hypocrites because they
called themselves Mu’min when they knew that they were really Kafir.
Also it is Is Takdheeb/Juhood meaning to deny the verses of Allah and this is a matter which is Kufr Akbar. Allah said:
“Those who claim that Allah is ‘Isa ibn Maryam, they are kafir, who can
have any protection if Allah decides to destroy Isa and his mother and
all the people of the earth?” [Ma’idah:17]
Allah informed us who
and how the Kafir is, he described many different types of Kufr and
Kafireen, if you do not affirm belief that they are Kafir as well as
confess to that with your tongue you are denying the Ayaat. Allah
“Nobody rejects the ayat except the Kafirun.” [Ankabut:47]
Furthermore, Allah says:
“Who is more oppressor than the one who lies about Allah or denies the
truth when it comes to him? Is there not a place in hell for the
Kafirun? As for those who strive hard in our cause, we will surely guide
them to our paths. Verily, Allah is with the Muhsinun.” [Ankabut:68-69]
We cannot
speak about the kufr of Fir’awn and Abu Lahab, Jews, Christians and
Hindus and call them Kafir and testify that they are in hellfire, and
then if someone from the Muslims commits the same shirk as them we do
not make Takfeer on them! To claim that they are Kafir because of it but
we are not Kafir if we do it is ordering them to Tawheed but accepting
the shirk for ourselves. Allah says:
“Are you going to
order them to do the birr, and forget to practise it yourselves, and yet
ye study the Scripture? Will you not have any sanity.” [Baqarah:44]
Allah says:
“He (Shu’aib (as)) said: "O my people! see ye whether I have a Clear
(Sign) from my Lord, and He hath given me sustenance (pure and) good as
from Himself? I wish not, in opposition to you, to do that which I
forbid you to do. I only desire (your) betterment to the best of my
power; and my success (in my task) can only come from Allah. In Him I
trust, and unto Him I look.” [Hud:88]
In Tafseer ul-Qurtubi and in Fath ul Baari it is narrated that:
“Whosoever rules by other that what Allah revealed they are Al kafiroon,
a man said that this is revealed about bani Israel, Hudhaifah said, “O
brother, anything sweet is for you and anything sour is for them? By
Allah, you will share it with them.”
These are a few points
however there is much more by way of consequences of not making Takfeer,
just by this alone it should be bought to our attention Takfeer is not a
matter which is Mubah (permissible), nor is it a matter which is extreme
and if you do so suddenly somehow you become what the deviants describe
as a "Takfeeri", rather it is a matter of framework of ‘Ibādah to
establish who is in the camp of Tawhīd and those who belong in the camp
of Kufr.
So to summarize we mentioned that to refrain from Takfeer is;
1. Nifaq!
2. Denial of the Verses!
3. And it is saying what you do not do!
2. Denial of the Verses!
3. And it is saying what you do not do!
The Deviants today have
struck with the swords or Irja and fear to make sure nobody ever
declares those apostate Rulers are Murtadeen. But the Evidences on our
parts are many to refute them and dismantle their wicked plots.
Another consequences of not making Takfeer is hiding the knowledge!
If you make sincere Ijtihaad and verify all matters and find that
someone has left the Deen but you conceal that, you are hiding the
knowledge. Allah say:
“Those who hide what we have sent
to the people from Ayat and answers and guidance, they are the people
that Allah cursed them and the people curse them, except those who
repent and do good deeds and … those, I will forgive them and I am the
one who forgives all.” [Baqarah:159-160]
Not only that but it will
lead to you feeling sorry for them, like we have found people coming out
and saying King Abdullah was like our father! Masha'Allah! A King who
was the ally of the zionists!? Allah says:
“Do not feel sorry for the fasiqeen.” [Mai'dah:26]
And He (swt) says:
“Do not feel sorry for the kafireen.” [Mai'dah:68]
Allah says:
“Allah shook the earth, all of them were killed, those who said Shu’aib
was not Nabi, as if they never had money nor lived there, say: “O My
people, I have conveyed the message of my lord to you. After that, how
dare I feel sympathy for the kafireen?” [A’raf:91-93]
will know all this, not making Takfeer for example, on those who Allah
called Tāghūt will lead us far astray in terms of Aqeedah and
Manhaj, which leads us into the next consequence of not making Takfeer
on those whom either Allah mentioned by name or by description.
It would Dismantle the Ayah 2:256, Allah said:
“There is no compulsion in the Deen, the right path has become distinct
from the wrong path, whoever rejects taghout, and believes in Allah, he
has got a firm hold of the most trustworthy handhold that will never
break, and Allah is the All hearing, all knowing.” [Baqarah:256]
How can the right and wrong way be so clear and distinct yet you do not identify who is Kafir and who is Muslim?
To go further we can say it dismantles the Tawheed.
If the Mushrik can be called Muwahhid then how can anyone be sure that
they have Tawheed? How can you reject Taghout if you cannot call him
Mushrik? Allah ordered us to declare kufr on Taghout, you cannot reject
him if you do not call him Kafir.
It would also Dismantle Walaa and Baraa’.
Walaa’ and Baraa’ is to love the believers and hate the disbelievers,
if nobody knows or recognizes who is Kafir and who is Muslim, you will
never know your brother from your enemy. You will end up loving the
Kafir in opposition to Allah.
Allah ordered us to follow the
Millah of Ibrahim (as) and made the original rules for the Walaa and
Baraa' to be Zaahir (apparent on your sayings and actions) and not only
Baatin (i.e. in your heart only). Allah said:
“Verily, for you is good
example in Ibrahim and those with him, they said to the people at that
time, we are free from you (have baraa’) and whatever you worship (or
obey or follow) instead of Allah, we reject you, and between us and you
is complete hatred and animosity until you worship Allah exclusively.”
This is impossible if you do not identify who is the Kafir you hate and have animosity for (i.e. make Takfeer on him).
"O you who believe! Take not as (your) Bitânah (advisors, consultants,
protectors, helpers, friends) those outside your religion (pagans, Jews,
Christians, and hypocrites) since they will not fail to do their best
to corrupt you. They desire to harm you severely. Hatred has already
appeared from their mouths, but what their breasts conceal is far worse.
Indeed We have made plain to you the Ayat if you have sanity. Here you
are! You are the ones who love them but they love you not, and you
believe in all the Books [i.e. you believe in the Taurât (Torah) and the
Injeel (Gospel), while they disbelieve in your Book, the Qur’an]. And
when they meet you, they say, "We believe". But when they are alone,
they bite the tips of their fingers at you in rage. Say: "Perish in your
rage. Certainly, Allah knows what is in the breasts (all the secrets)."
And these are just but a few matters clearly linked to our Aqeedah of not making Takfeer!
As for those who claim we are Takfeeri we ask them where did you invent
this lie and innovated term? We can clearly explain our Aqeedah there
is nothing hidden and you will find there is no similarity between us
and the Khawarij but rather all the traits of the Murjiah are for you
and present as we can see.
By honored Ustadh Abu Waleed (hafidhUllah)
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