Thursday, May 30, 2024

On the issue of Boycotting...

For a while, the issue of whether or not to boycott Israeli goods has been under discussion on Islamic discussion forums and the social media websites. The shallowness of jurisprudential insight in most of those discussions is appalling. Lets try to discuss this issue from various angles analyzing the arguments of those who are completely against it.

FIRST: Boycotting is not an end (ghaya) in itself. If there is evidence of its effectiveness, then it is a means of inflicting economic damage to the enemy. And as with all means (wasail), it need NOT be proven from the practice of the Prophet (saws) and his companions. All that is required that it be permissible (mubah) in itself, and the end (ghaya) be a noble one.

One example of this is the lines weaved into the carpets of a Masjid so as to enable people to form straight rows. These lines were not there at the time of the Prophet (saws), but the commandment to straighten the rows was there. The Prophet (saws) himself used to straighten out the rows by patting the shoulders of the Sahabah till they were aligned. Now we have lines on the carpets, and there is nothing wrong with that, because they are merely a means of achieving a legislated and ordained end.

This quashes the argument of those oppose the boycotting of Israeli products on the pretext that it was not the practice of the Sahabah and the Salaf.

SECOND: We have in the Sunnah a precedent for boycotting the enemies economically. It is the case of Thumama ibn Uthal (ra) who was one of the chiefs of the Banu Hanifah tribe of Yamamah; when he accepted Islam, he enforced a wheat embargo on the Makkan pagans, until they were so hard hit that they implored the Prophet (saws) on the grounds of kinship to ask Thumama to lift the embargo. [Al-Bukhari (4372), Muslim (1764) and Al-Bayhaqi 9/66]

The only difference is that Thumamah (ra) boycotted the selling of goods to them, while now people are boycotting the purchase of good from them; both being in essence two sides of the very same economic punitive measure.

THIRD: Some brothers are quoting ahadith in which the Prophet (saws) and his companions traded with the Mushrikeen, as a proof of refuting the claim that it is "forbidden" to trade with them.

No doubt the ahadith prove the general permissibility, but if giving up a permissible act can be a means of achieving a noble end, then it is legislated to give it up; for the means take the ruling of the desired end.

For argument's sake, let us agree that it is not forbidden to trade with them as per the quoted ahadith, but does that mean it is not even undesirable?

FOURTH: Some are quoting Al-Fawzan's statement: "The purchase of these products cannot be prevented unless it is a command given by the ruler... " First of all, the so-called rulers themselves now adays are in bed with Israel and are themselves the tawagheet of our times, so yes only a madkhali would bring in an excuse or a ruling as such.

FIFTH: There is a very important aspect to this issue which we don't find anyone mentioning: It is haraam to purchase stolen goods if one knows that they are stolen. And since Israel has illegally confiscated and occupied Palestinian lands, the produce of that land and its natural resources are therefore considered usurped and stolen goods. For example:
"Eden Springs" bottled water comes from the occupied Golan Heights.
"Jaffa Oranges" and "Medjool Dates" are grown on land stolen and confiscated from Palestinians.

SIXTH: Many people who advocate the boycott go way overboard by releasing lengthy lists of brands and companies which (supposedly) have ties with Israel or which are (supposedly) owned by Jews. Trying to boycott all these brands and companies is a daunting task that has a very slim chance, if any, of having a concrete impact on Israel.

For the boycott to have its impact, it should be focused and concentrated on that which hurts Israel the most. The Palestinian BDS (boycotts, divestment and sanctions) Movement is playing a leading role in the cause.

One should refer to their campaigns and resources to learn how to play an effective role in the cause.

And indeed Allah alone knows best!

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