Thursday, May 30, 2024

All about Dhul Hijjah, Arafah, Eid & Days of Tashreeq ...


  1. The mother of Aafia Siddiqi passed away.

    May Allāh ta'ala reunite her with her daughter in Jannah.


    1. Allahumma Ameen Ya Rabbil A’alameen!
      Indeed inna lillahi wa inna ilayhi raaji’un!

  2. A lament of an Indian brother:

  3. Allah ta´ala will not accept Hajj made wih haraam money or abusing others during peregrination.

    If we make a poll about the percentage of those who consider themselves Muslims we will find that the huge majority lives off money which we are not sure is halal. You can work and save money, which is halal, but showing off online about Umrah and paying expensive hotels it is not part of Hajj.

  4. Remembering the expulsion and killing of Muslim Albanians from Greece 80 years ago

    Chameria, a mountainous region in modern-day Greece bordering Albania, is now referred to by Greece as Northern Epirus.

    Greek forces killed at least 2,877 Albanian Chams, 475 women were raped and more than 68 villages were destroyed. Albanian Cham organisations say that at least 5,800 Albanians were killed.

    Greek Orthodogs ethnically cleansed about 20,000 Muslim Cham Albanians, according to Mojzes, forcibly displacing them mainly to Albania.
