Thursday, May 30, 2024

This is how the Ummah of Prophet Muhammad (SAW) should be like...

How is the Ummah of Muhammad SAW portrayed like? Do we really deserve to be called the Ummah of Muhammad? What are traits of the Ummah of Muhammad SAW? Isn't Islam going to be made divided into 73 groups? In which group are we in? What exactly is the role of Muslims in this life? 
The term “Ummah” is defined as:
مجموعات بشرية تربطها عقيدة واحدة 
“A group of people bound together by a common Aqeedah.”
Furthermore, the term “Ummah” is not used as a definition of people of the same race or skin colour; the “Ummah” is only for those people who are united by their aqeedah and way of life. It is not suitable if this term is defined as “a state”, because a state is a large group of people who live in a certain area or region. (An Ummah can exist without living in a state). 

Allah has categorized mankind into 2 groups:
1. Al-Ummatul-Islaamiyah (Islamic Ummah)
2. Al-Umatul-Kafiraah (Non-Believing Ummah
Moreover, there are only two camps (groups) for everyone, regardless of whether he is a Muslim or Kafir. The Jews, Christians, Sikhs, Hindus, Buddhists, they are all al-Umatul-Kafirah; in other words, they all do not believe in Allah. 

Allah says:
“It is He who created you, and among you is the disbeliever, and among you is the believer. And Allah , of what you do, is Seeing.” (At-Taghābun , 64: 2)
The Islamic Ummah itself is divided into two:  

1. Umatu Muhammad (The Ummah of Muhammad, or Ahmad – also known as al-Firqatun Najiyah, or the saved group).
2. Umatu Ahlul Qiblah (The Ummah of the people of Qiblah, of the 
seventy-two groups that deviate – also known as al-Firqatul Haarikah)
Seventy-two sects of Muslims will go to hell (not forever, only Allah knows its time), and one group will go to heaven. With the consequence that, if they want to be safe from the fire of hell, then they should seek knowledge about the saved group and learn, as well as practice their characteristics. 

The Role Of The Ummah
The role of Muslims is to apply the hujjah (be a witness) to the people, that there would be no respite – for those who do not believe – on the day of Judgment, when they meet with their true God. This can only be accomplished with iqaamatud deen, or implementing the deen of Allah (i.e. Shari’ah) – not the deen of Kuffar, such as democracy or liberty. Allah says: 
“He has ordained for you of religion what He enjoined upon Noah - that which We have revealed to you, [O Muhammad], and what We enjoined upon Abraham and Moses and Jesus - to establish the religion and not be divided therein. Difficult for those who associate others with Allah is that to which you invite them. Allah chooses for Himself whom He wills and guides to Himself whoever turns back [to Him].” (Ash-Shūraá 42: 13)
The Attributes or Characteristics of the Ummah of Muhammad SAW
Allah says:
“Muhammad is the Messenger of Allah ; and those with him are forceful against the disbelievers, merciful among themselves. You see them bowing and prostrating [in prayer], seeking bounty from Allah and [His] pleasure. Their mark is on their faces from the trace of prostration. That is their description in the Torah. And their description in the Gospel is as a plant which produces its offshoots and strengthens them so they grow firm and stand upon their stalks, delighting the sowers - so that Allah may enrage by them the disbelievers. Allah has promised those who believe and do righteous deeds among them forgiveness and a great reward.” (Al Fath 48: 29)
Allah tells in the above verse, informations about the attributes and qualities of Muhammad SAW, and “the people who were with him” – which refers to the Sahabahs and the people who rightly followed them (tabi’in and tabi’ut tabi’in). The attributes are: 

1. Ashidda’u ‘alal Kuffar
One does not become a part of the Ummah of Muhammad except that he “fights the Kuffar”. It follows on that, this action should be channeled out reasonably (compatible with the Shar’iah). The acronym of CPF could help us to remember our attitudes, namely : C-Cooperation, we can work together with the unbelievers when we are under a (peace) treaty with them, P-Patience, when we talk about the Deen (Islam) to them (in da'wah) and F-Forceful, when we are fighting them.
2. Ruhamaa’u Bainahum
It is not possible for a person to become the Ummah of Muhammad unless he shows affection and generosity to fellow Mu'min (believers), even if they (the obedient Muslims) are labeled as lunatics, extremists, terrorists, propagators of hate or fundamentalists. This generosity is a manifestation of:
- Al-Ukhuwah (Brotherhood)
- Al-Muwaalaat (Alliance)
- At-Ta’aatuf (Kindness) 
Today, it is a saddening condition when we see many people from the Ahlul Qiblah being confused from this point on and are also doing things that are completely reversed. As if they seem to prefer to hate the Muslims who are truly struggling for the cause of Allah, and have fellowship with the unbelievers. Therefore, they cannot be the Ummah of Muhammad! 

3. Taraahum Rukka’an Sujjadan
The Ummah of Muhammad is an Ummah who are always ruku’ and sujd, i.e. worshiping Allah. They are not secular people. They do not worship Allah in the masjid only or during Ramadhan only, but they worship Allah twenty-four hours a day – even their sleep is an ibaadah (worship). 

4. Yabtaghuna Fadlan Minallahi Wa-Ridwaanan
They seek the “Ridha (Pleasure) of Allah”. The Ummah of Muhammad do not look for praise, sympathy, honour or ridha from the humans. They only want the satisfaction and pleasure of Allah. With the consequence that, they would fight and dominate (rule over) the allies of Satan. They will overshadow everything, and Allah guards what are in their hearts. 

If we want to be the Ummah of Muhammad (the saved group) we must possess the same Aqeedah as the Messenger of Allah, who had the four attributes or characteristics described above. It is not enough to just have the correct Aqeedah but lacking these attributes (or characteristics) – we must have the correct Aqeedah and possess the characteristics of the Ummah of Muhammad at the same time.

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