Question: “What do you think of the claim of some people that whoever commit themselves to the Message of Muhammad (saws) and faces the Qiblah in Salaah is a Muslim and even if they make Sujood to their Shuyukh, they will not be considered Kuffaar or be called Mushrikeen. These people even claim that Muhammad ibnu `Abdul Wahhab was wrong when he stated that those who commit shirk will be consigned to eternal punishment unless they repent. They maintain that the Mushrikeen among Muslims will be punished (for a while) then will enter Jannah. None of the followers of Muhammad i.e. Muslims will remain eternally in Hell.”
Answer: “Those who believe in the message of Muhammad (saws) and in the ordinances of Shari’ah, and make Sujood to anyone other than Allah, a wali, a dead person, or a Shaykh are considered Murtadeen and Mushrikeen even if they utter the two testimonies of faith in their Sujood because they act contradictory to their utterances. But they may be excused for their ignorance, and should not be punished until they have been informed. When the evidence is brought forth, they should be given a three-day respite to review the situation in the hope that they may do Tawbah. If they insist on offering Sujood to anyone other than Allah after being informed, they should be sentenced to death for riddah, because the Prophet (saws) said:
“When one leaves his religion, kill him.” [Related by Al Bukhari in his Sahih Book of Hadith]
The Information and the establishment of the Hujjah are just to excuse them before applying the punishment not to call them Kuffaar only after clarifying the matter for them. Indeed, they are called Kuffaar once they make Sujood, vow, or sacrifice to anyone other than Allah. Qur’an and Sunnah indicated that whoever dies as a Kaafir, will not be forgiven and shall abide in Hell forever, because Allah says:
"Verily, Allah forgives not that partners should be set up with Him (in worship), but He forgives except that (anything else) to whom He wills." [4:48]
And He says:
"It is not for the Mushrikoon, to maintain the houses of Allah, while they witness against their ownselves of disbelief. The works of such are in vain and in Fire shall they abide." [9:17]
May Allah grant us success. May peace and blessings be upon our Prophet Muhammad, his family, and Companions.
Answered by Shuyukh: ‘Abdul-‘Azeez Ibn Baaz, ‘Abdur-Razzaq al-‘Afeefee and ‘Abdullah al-Qa’ud
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