Answer: Yes (it is a
nullifier), and this is the rule of the people which is called
'democracy'. We declare our innocence in Allāh from it, and from every
tāghūt. Even if he said that all the people - not only the majority -
will vote for it (i.e. Shar'iah), it is still invalid. This is not the
rule of Allāh, rather it is the rule of the people.
verily they did not judge by it because Allāh has obligated or
legislated it. Rather, they judged by it because the people wanted it.
Therefore, if they wanted something else, he would go ahead with it.
the deviations of those who affiliate themselves to the "Islāmic party"
in this matter are numerous. All you need to ponder over are the
ahādīth regarding the khawārij, and how they were ordered to be killed!
They were maligned and rebuked severely despite their great acts of
worship, their exaltation if Islām, the Shari'ah, and their good
intentions. So, what is the reason for that?
So how about these people who do not have
such great acts of worship, and exaltation of the Shar'iah which was
present among the Khawārij. They (i.e those who try to bring the
Shar'iah through the means of voting) have almost fell into every form
of kuffr!
So, will their good intentions
intercede for them? The discussion regarding this is lengthy (the Shaykh
did not have the time to fully answer).
And Allāh is the One from Whom help is sought.
[End Of Fatwā - Shaykh Nāsir al-Fahd (Fatāwā al-Hāiriyyah)]
- O Donkeys and Dogs, Evil is Evil !!!
- Why Voting is KUFR !!!
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- Rule/Judge by what Allah revealed..?
- Love the Ruling that Allah has Revealed & Hate the Ruling of Kuffr !
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- Secularism & it's Dangers !!!
- Is the Secularist a Disbeliever?
- Importance of Making Hijrah From The Lands of Disbelief !
- (Portuguese) Islam VS Democracy
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