The Noble Shaykh, ‘Alī Ibn Khudhayr Al-Khudhayr (may Allāh hasten his release from prison), was asked: “What is the dividing border between Muwālāt and Tawallī? And how do we distinguish between the two?”
The Noble Shaykh answered: “Tawallī to the kuffār is major kufr (kufr akbar), and there is no Tafsīl in it. And it is of four types:
1) Loving (Mahabbah) the kuffār because of their religion. Like the one who loves the people of Democracy for the sake of Democracy, and loves the legislating parliamentarians, and loves the modernists and the nationalists and the likes of them, due to their goals and their beliefs. So this one is a kāfir with the kufr of Tawallī.
He (Most High) said, “O you who believe! Do not take the Jews and Christians as Awliyā’. They are but Awliyā’ of each other. And if any amongst you takes them as Awliyā’, then surely he is one of them.” [Al-Maidah 51]
Because from the meanings of “Walī” is “Muhibb” (one who likes, loves); This was said by Ibn Al-Athīr in “An-Nihāyah” (5/228).
2) Tawallī through aid (Nusrah) and assistance (I’ānah).So whosoever assists the kuffār against the Muslims, then he is a kāfir, murtadd. Like those who help the Christians and Jews against the Muslims. He (Most High) said, “O you who believe! Do not take the Jews and Christians as Awliyā’. They are but Awliyā’ of each other. And if any amongst you takes them as Awliyā’, then surely he is one of them.”
And whoever wishes a detailed discussion on this matter, then let him return to the book of Shaykh Nāsir Al-Fahd, entitled “At-Tibyān Fī Kufri Man A’ān Al-Amrīkān” for it is indeed from the best of what was written on this topic. And do not let the deception of the People of Irjā’ fool you.
3) Tawallī through alliance (Tahāluf).
So whosoever allies himself with the kuffār, and contracts an alliance to support them- even if the support does not actually take place- but he promises it, as well as to back them up, and he forms a contract and a pledge upon that – (then it is as) He (Most High) said, “Have you (O Muhammad) not observed the hypocrites who say to their brothers (Ikhwān), those who have disbelieved, among the people of the Scripture: (By Allāh) If you are expelled, we too indeed will go out with you, and we shall never obey anyone against you; and if you are attacked (fought), we shall indeed help you.” [Al-Hashr: 11]
And this pledge was given by the hypocrites to some of the Jews in Madīnah. And Al-Qāsim Ibn Salām said in “Al Gharīb” (3/142), “And the Halīf (one who pledges loyalty) is (also) called a Walī.” And Ibn Al-Athīr said (similar words) in “An- Nihāyah” (5/228).
And the like of this is seen in the forming of coalitions to wage war against Jihād and the Mujāhidīn, and it is what they have falsely disguised as “Irhāb” (terrorism).
4) Tawallī through agreement (Muwāfaqah).
Like those who make Democracy as a way of ruling, just like the kuffār; or makes parliaments, just like them; or legislative councils, or committees, or organizations; just like the actions of the kuffār- then this one has made Tawallī to them.
And this was expounded upon by the Imāms of the Da’wah of Najd in the most excellent manner. Books were even compiled regarding this, (specifically) the one who harmonizes with the mushrikīn and kuffār regarding their kufr and shirk. As Sulaymān Ibn ‘Abdillāh Ibn Muhammad Ibn ‘Abdil-Wahhāb compiled the book “Ad-Dalā’il” which is called “Hukm Muwālāt Ahlil-Ishrāk”, and Hamad Ibn ‘Atīq compiled the book “An-Najāti Wal-Fikāki Min Muwālāti Al-Murtaddīn Wa Ahlil-Ishrāk”. And each of these four types of Tawallī, is kufr within itself (expels from the fold of Islām), it does not matter what the person believes, unlike what is said by the People of Irjā’. As for Muwālāt (and this is more wide-ranging than Tawallī), then it is of two types:
1) A type that is called Tawallī; and it is the types that we have mentioned previously. And sometimes it is termed, “Al-Muwālāt Al-Kubrā”, or “Al-‘Uthmā”, or “Al- ‘Āmmah”, or “Al-Mutlaqah” - and all these are synonymous to meaning of Tawallī.
2) The Minor or Restricted Muwālāh.
And it is everything that glorifies the kuffār; from honouring them, or letting them sit in front in the assemblies; or taking them as employees (instead of Muslims), and such things. So this is a disobedience and from the kabā’ir sins (major sins).
He (Most High) said, “O you who believe! Do not take My enemies and your enemies as Awliyā’, showing affection towards them.”
So He labeled “showing affection” as Muwālāt - and He did not declare them kuffār due to it, rather He addressed them with the label of Īmān.
And these Verses (referring to Al-Mā’idah: 51) were clarified by ‘Umar, about taking a Christian as a scribe, when he rebuked Abū Mūsā Al-Ash’arī. And whosoever desires an expansion of knowledge regarding this matter, then he should review the book “Awthaq ‘Urā Al-Īmān” by Sulaymān Ibn ‘Abdillāh Ibn Muhammad Ibn ‘Abdil-Wahhāb, in “Majmū’at At-Tawhīd”; and the treatise “Al-Muwālāh” of ‘Abdul-Latīf Ibn ‘Abdir-Rahmān, which is found in his treatises in “Majmū’ Ar-Rasā’il Wal-Masā’il”.
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