Hadith Qudsi: “Allah the Exalted says: “Whoever declares his enmity to a close ally of Mine, then I declare war on him.”
from the ways of Allah is that in regards to those who harm Allah and
His Messenger whom the believers cannot punish, then Allah Himself takes
sufficient revenge on behalf of His Messenger. For example, the story
of Allah’s one-by-one destruction of those who mocked the Prophet (pbuh)
is well known, as has been mentioned by the scholars of history and
tafsir. They were a small group of the heads of Quraysh, including
al-Walid bin Mughirah, al-‘As bin Wa’il, al-Aswadan bin ‘Abd
al-Mutallib, Ibn ‘Abd Yaghuth, and al-Harith bin Qays.
the Prophet (pbuh) wrote to Kisra (the king of Persia) and Caesar (the
king of Rome), while neither of them had entered into Islam. However,
Caesar respected the letter of the Messenger of Allah (pbuh), and
treated his ambassador in a fine manner, so his kingdom was kept for
him, and this is why it was said: “His kingdom remains for him among his
descendants until today.” As for Kisra, he tore the letter of the
Messenger of Allah into pieces and mocked him. As a result, Allah caused
Kisra to be killed soon after, and caused his kingdom to be torn into
pieces, and there did not remain for any of the future Kisras any
kingdom, and this – and Allah Knows best – is in accordance with the
phrase “the flesh of the scholars is poisonous.” So, how would it be
with the flesh of the Prophets (pbuh)?
And in the ‘Hadith Qudsi,’ it is narrated: “Allah the Exalted says: “Whoever declares his enmity to a close ally of Mine, then I declare war on him.”” So, how would it be in the case of the one who declares his enmity to the Prophets?
you read the stories of the Prophets mentioned in the Qur’an, then you
will find that their people were destroyed the moment they began harming
their Prophets by throwing at them the nastiest of words and actions.
This is how the Children of Israel had humiliation thrown upon them, and
this is how they earned the anger of Allah, and they had nobody to help
them against Him – all of this, because they killed the Prophets
without any right, in addition to their disbelief, as Allah mentioned in
His Book. And you will not find anybody who ever harmed a Prophet from
the Prophets – and did not repent from this – except that Allah would
strike him with some type of calamity or disaster soon after. And we
have previously mentioned the efforts of the Muslims in hastening their
punishment of the disbelievers who insulted the Messenger of Allah
(pbuh), and we mentioned many different
examples of this, and this is a wide door of discussion that cannot be
mentioned here in its entirety.
example of this is what has been mentioned regarding a huge group of
the Muslims in our times, when they were laying siege to the fortresses
and cities of the Romans on the Syrian coast. They said: “We used to lay
siege to the castle or city for a month or more without being able to
penetrate it. As soon as we would hear that its people began insulting
the Messenger of Allah (pbuh) and attacking his honor, our victory over
them was suddenly and miraculously made quick and easy, and would not
come beyond a day or two afterward. The gates of the area would open,
and we would proceed to attack them severely. We would be extremely
happy with this speedy victory when we heard their slander of him
(pbuh), despite our hearts being filled with rage because of what they
had said.”
similar accounts were narrated from our trustworthy companions from
Morocco, as their incidents with the Christians there were similar.
from the ways of Allah is that He sometimes punishes His enemies with a
torment of His own, and He sometimes does so at the hands of His
believing servants.”
[‘as-Sarim al-Maslul ‘ala Shatim ar-Rasul’; 2/233, Ibn Taymiyyah]
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