1. Who appointed the twelve of them as
imams? For the Sahabah Ali, and the grandson of Rasulullah Hasan, sure
they had become Khalifahs. However, what about the other "imams"?
The others had never become a political leader of any governance. So,
the “imam” claim is in truth one-sided and without basis.
2. The simple meaning of “imam” is
“leader”. Did those other 10 imams, besides Ali and Hasan, have
initiatives that fit to be made as a symbol of the imamah, in 'ilm (knowledge) or jihad or reformation or other
spectacular achievements that could be compared to other mujahids or imam of
'ilm in the history of Islam?
3. Why did those twelve imams divert to Husain radhiyallahu anhu and thereafter abandon Hasan, his
own brother? Is it because that Hasan happily surrendered the
Khilafah to Muawiyah for the sake of preventing division in the Islamic
ummah? or because one of Husain's wives is Persian, the actual root of
the Shi'ah religion?
4. Supposing that iman towards the
"imamah", as in the concept of the Shi'ah of a Dozen Imams,
is the principal doctrine in the teachings of Islam, where is the
daleel in the Qur'an and hadiths of the Prophet Sallallahu alaihi
5. In reality, those twelve imams are
only tools for the Shi'ah of a Dozen Imams to legalize the immoral
and amoral acts of their priests. Because, by quibbling with "the
words of the imam" and "representative/mandatary of the
imams", they freely deceive the general public. In the end, it's:
mut'ah (the practice of free sex) and khumus (loyalty tax) for those
evil priests.
6. The twelve imams are basically
victims. Their authority are just "stamps" for the Shi'ah
priests. All riwaayahs which are attributed to them in the
primary books of the Shi'ah of the Dozen Imams are fake or with
broken sanad.
7. If human life requires the imams, as in the concept of the Shi'ah of a Dozen Imams, why only 12 of them? Muslims have existed for 15 centuries with a variety of fall-rise dynamics that they had gone through. 12 men are not enough to keep watch of the journey. Not to mention that, in the concept of the Shi'ah of a Dozen Imams, it was those imams themselves who determine the time of their death. If so, then they are running away from the responsibility of leading the ummah. Even worse, the 12th imam who is obsessively engrossed with his hiding in a cave, did not want to do jihad when America invaded Iraq (in contrast to Islam which indeed recognizes the concepts of ulul amri, ulama & umara, who are responsible for leading the ummah).
8. The concept of the “imams” in the version of the Shi'ah of a Dozen Imams, is totally opposed to the universalism of Islam which states that Islam is the religion of Allah for all mankind which measures the quality of a person based solely on his taqwa. Not on the "system of descendancy” as taught by the Shi'ah priests. In the concept of the Shi'ah of a Dozen Imams, Islam have become dwarfed, racist and feudal.
9. In the concept of the Shi'ah of a Dozen Imams, the mission of the "imams" is power struggle, instead of alleviating the problems of the ummah. They are portrayed as busy in provoking their followers to conduct rebellion against the government which on the other hand is busy conducting jihad and protecting the honor of Muslims. Meaning, in Shi'ah, the "imams" are no more than figures of separatist movements who are hungry for the throne.
10. In the Shi'ah of a Dozen Imams, the "imams" are portrayed as super humans: knowing the knowledge of the past and the future, commanding the control of the world, having higher status than the Prophets, etc. If all those were true, why didn't they use that "super" power to create justice in the version of Shi'ah. Instead, those "imams" only exploit their followers to become martyrs to the Shiite teachings, while those who have power are reluctant to use it for a struggle.
11. Even worse, all the beliefs about the "imams" in the version of the Shi'ah of a Dozen Imams, are NOT SUPPORTED BY ANY ARGUMENT at all. They are just propaganda of the Shi'ah priests which are swallowed wholly by their followers who are naïve or chasing after the craving for mut'ah/sex and khumus/fulus.
12. All the fantasies about the "imams" in the version of the Shi'ah are compounded further with the story of the "rebirth" the 12th imam, which is obviously an imagination- who will fantastically resurrect his political opponents just to take revenge over the events that happened hundreds, or perhaps thousands of years ago. Barbarically and heroically, he is described to be slaying his political opponents. He is even described to be similar to Dracula: enjoying the acts of sadism that he does to his opponents. God knows in the version of Shi'ah, how the fate of the Muslims would be at that time?
7. If human life requires the imams, as in the concept of the Shi'ah of a Dozen Imams, why only 12 of them? Muslims have existed for 15 centuries with a variety of fall-rise dynamics that they had gone through. 12 men are not enough to keep watch of the journey. Not to mention that, in the concept of the Shi'ah of a Dozen Imams, it was those imams themselves who determine the time of their death. If so, then they are running away from the responsibility of leading the ummah. Even worse, the 12th imam who is obsessively engrossed with his hiding in a cave, did not want to do jihad when America invaded Iraq (in contrast to Islam which indeed recognizes the concepts of ulul amri, ulama & umara, who are responsible for leading the ummah).
8. The concept of the “imams” in the version of the Shi'ah of a Dozen Imams, is totally opposed to the universalism of Islam which states that Islam is the religion of Allah for all mankind which measures the quality of a person based solely on his taqwa. Not on the "system of descendancy” as taught by the Shi'ah priests. In the concept of the Shi'ah of a Dozen Imams, Islam have become dwarfed, racist and feudal.
9. In the concept of the Shi'ah of a Dozen Imams, the mission of the "imams" is power struggle, instead of alleviating the problems of the ummah. They are portrayed as busy in provoking their followers to conduct rebellion against the government which on the other hand is busy conducting jihad and protecting the honor of Muslims. Meaning, in Shi'ah, the "imams" are no more than figures of separatist movements who are hungry for the throne.
10. In the Shi'ah of a Dozen Imams, the "imams" are portrayed as super humans: knowing the knowledge of the past and the future, commanding the control of the world, having higher status than the Prophets, etc. If all those were true, why didn't they use that "super" power to create justice in the version of Shi'ah. Instead, those "imams" only exploit their followers to become martyrs to the Shiite teachings, while those who have power are reluctant to use it for a struggle.
11. Even worse, all the beliefs about the "imams" in the version of the Shi'ah of a Dozen Imams, are NOT SUPPORTED BY ANY ARGUMENT at all. They are just propaganda of the Shi'ah priests which are swallowed wholly by their followers who are naïve or chasing after the craving for mut'ah/sex and khumus/fulus.
12. All the fantasies about the "imams" in the version of the Shi'ah are compounded further with the story of the "rebirth" the 12th imam, which is obviously an imagination- who will fantastically resurrect his political opponents just to take revenge over the events that happened hundreds, or perhaps thousands of years ago. Barbarically and heroically, he is described to be slaying his political opponents. He is even described to be similar to Dracula: enjoying the acts of sadism that he does to his opponents. God knows in the version of Shi'ah, how the fate of the Muslims would be at that time?
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