Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Convey... even if it's just a single Verse

So many bad examples are milling around. Artists are proudly being adulterous. Spreading the viruses of pornography and porno actions. Perhaps it was caused by a mishap or they are simply looking for sensation. At the same time, there are those who are proud of their hedonistic lifestyles. Caught in the acts of carrying narcotics or even indulging in free sex. Many of its inhabitants have forgotten who they are. Obliviously engrossed in vices under the name of self existence.

More and more people easily despair. Aired in the mass media. Cases of suicide, abandoned newborns or even torture of loved ones in the name of depression. Frequently repeated news, thus it has become like a kind of motivation. While the market is not interested in the Islamic reflections at all, to direct towards the wisdom of life and the beauty of Islamic norms. The market prefers an exemplary model that is immoral or with low moral. That is why the entertainment world is full of matters of pleasure.

That now exists a society with minimal morality. Overloaded with tasks and jobs which are seizing the hearts. There is no more saalat, du'a is rarely made. The duniya and all its arrogance have busied themselves. So people rarely talk about 'how my Iman is today'. People rarely ask for help, 'please advise me, I am in a state of weak Iman'. It is non-existent, indeed it has never existed at all.

The wave of materialism makes the human beings in this century no longer care about religion. The necessities of life which are choking the neck, the costs of health care which are expensive and the lifestyle which is getting more permissive and hedonistic, make the yearnings for Islam fade. Even if they exist today, their numbers are certainly incomparable at all with the actual number of the population.

Its older generation does not want to develop, while its juveniles are asleep in their long slumber. Not inspired to love Islam and struggle for it. Instead they chose to be silent in their powerlessness, indifferent and unaffected by the condition of the surroundings. "What's important is that I am happy, other matters are not important..."

All these facts make us rub our breasts. Because this is clearly a part of the signs of the decline of our morality. A Scholar assessed that there is something static, or even backward, i.e. the akhlaq and national identity. According to him, one of the proofs that the akhlaq is experiencing a decline is that there are still corruption and bribery activities, as well as the circulation of pornographic video shows and the rampancy of vices in the society.

Let's Contribute...

It is time for every Muslim to be a Da'ie who calls upon goodness and prevents munkar. Do whatever we can do, carry out da'wah within the capacity that we have. Invite friends and relatives to talk about the subject of 'the heart and Iman', 'Ummah and Muslimeen'. How well have they paid attention to their Iman and their brothers and sisters sufferings. To what extent have they done the improvements which they have been doing all these while. Invite and keep on inviting. Because, with that they will begin to realize and reflect on the conditions of their Iman.

Those of us who work in the office, invite the colleagues to always pray right on time. Those of us who are teachers, invite the students to always look after their salaat. Whereas those of us who are in the profession of business, invite the customers to always pay attention to their salaat. As salaat is the pillar of religion. Pronounce the Shari'a wherever we are. Because a thousand starts from one. If even one is not done, how can we produce a thousand?

 Prophet (pbuh) said, "Convey (knowledge) from me (balagh) even if it be only a single ayah (that you know)." (Sahih Bukhari)

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