Friday, January 13, 2012

Why Blame Islam?

Islam is a religion of peace, accepted and practiced by 1.5 billion people worldwide. It is the fastest-growing religion in the world, and if it was as some critics claim, why would people from all walks of life from around the world keep embracing Islam? Where is the sword now?

In Islam, a person has the right to defend himself, his family, his country or his neighbor(s), which justifies the resistance being offered by the people of Afghanistan, Bosnia, Chechnya, Iraq, Kashmir and Palestine, to attacks on their soils by the so-called liberators, who are actually the occupiers.

The Holy Qur’an clearly states that if a person saves one life, it’s as if he saved humanity, and if a person kills one human being, it’s as if he killed humanity.

What is happening in the enslaved Muslim countries is a natural reaction to occupation, bombings, killing and terrorizing of innocent civilians (children, old men and women), rapes, in addition to looting of resources, national antiques and artifacts, above all destruction of property by the occupiers.

Terror Breeds Terror

We assure those who bash Islam that if there was no occupation in this world by foreign invaders, there would be no resistance – the so-called terror. We would like those who criticize Islam to explain the following acts committed by the Christians on Jews, other Christians and Muslims alike, throughout history:

• Hundreds of thousands of Muslim men, women and children were killed by the crusaders, who were Christians.

• The bloody inquisition of Jews and Muslims from Spain was spearheaded by Queen Isabella, a Christian.

• Millions of people were killed by the European and American Christians during the two World Wars.

• Atrocities were committed against millions of Jews and Christians by Adolph Hitler, a professed Christian.

• Hundreds of thousands of Christians were killed by the Irish Christians, including the British and the IRA, both Catholics and Protestants, during the past few centuries. Why are they not labeled as “Christian Terrorists?” Both of them believe in Jesus Christ, who told them to turn the other cheek, and both of them believe in the same Lord, Who commanded that “Thou shall not kill.” Period.

• Timothy McVeigh, who bombed the Federal Building in Oklahoma City, was a Catholic. Are all Catholics terrorists?

• There have been countless bombings, killings, rapes and lynchings of both American Indians and black slaves (Afro-Americans) during the past 200 years in the United States.

Will those filled with hate for Islam blame Christianity for the these inhuman acts by Christians in various parts of the world? If not, then why are they blaming the religion of Islam for what is a natural reaction to occupation of Muslim countries by foreign invaders?

Most importantly, these folks should know that the three great Abrahamic religions – Judaism, Christianity and Islam – have one common basis, and that is one God Almighty.

“All men (and women) are created equal, and we all are one nation under Almighty God,” is a statement according to the Holy Qur’an.

Lastly, as a sister in humanity, we recommend those filled with hate get an education in the history of Islam and Muslims, before they dare to write nasty letters full of personal, ingrained hatred and vendetta.

May Allah Almighty show us all the light, the Haqq - Ameen.

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