Learning Objective:
-The objective of a Muslim journalist and the message we want to convey.
-The characteristics of Islamic media and its objectives.
-The history and the tools of media used in the Sunnah.
-The Muslims who uses the media as a means to offer an act of I'baadah to Allah.
-Not secular or just has a Muslim name...
-The Muslims is not fulfilling the Aqeedah of the TV station he works for.
-His غايات (objectives) have been decided and stipulated by Allah.
-The Muslim reporter/journalist is like the Anbiya نبي من نبئ
-The word Nabbi (Prophet) comes from the word Nabba’ (news).
-He comes with news for the people.
-He is a Rasool (Messenger) with a message for the people.
-This is the reporter in Islam. The one who gives you news you didn't know before. He is supposed to be giving people the exclusive news that laa ilaha illa Allah Muhammad Rasululah (There is nothing truly worthy of worship accept Allah and Muhammad is His Messenger).
Learning Objective:
-The objective of a Muslim journalist and the message we want to convey.
-The characteristics of Islamic media and its objectives.
-The history and the tools of media used in the Sunnah.
-The Muslims who uses the media as a means to offer an act of I'baadah to Allah.
-Not secular or just has a Muslim name...
-The Muslims is not fulfilling the Aqeedah of the TV station he works for.
-His غايات (objectives) have been decided and stipulated by Allah.
-The Muslim reporter/journalist is like the Anbiya نبي من نبئ
-The word Nabbi (Prophet) comes from the word Nabba’ (news).
-He comes with news for the people.
-He is a Rasool (Messenger) with a message for the people.
-This is the reporter in Islam. The one who gives you news you didn't know before. He is supposed to be giving people the exclusive news that laa ilaha illa Allah Muhammad Rasululah (There is nothing truly worthy of worship accept Allah and Muhammad is His Messenger).
-A داعي (Daa’ee - caller to Islam)
-Knowledgeable about the Deen and its Message
To make Tableegh (convey the message of Allah)
((بلغوا عني ولو آية))
وقاتلوهم حتى لا تكون فتنة و يكون الدين كله لله فإن إنتهو فلا عدوان إلا على الضالمين
(2:93) similar (8:39)
Part of our objective in our Dawah and Jihad is to
1-Eradicate the فتنة (shirk) and,
2-Make the Deen and I'baadah only for Allah.
1-To expose the shirk/eradicate the shirk and warn people to leave it.
2-To call people to worship Allah exclusively.
ولقد بعضنا في كل أمة رسول أن اعبدوا الله واجتنبوا الطاغوت
-The Dai'ee/journalist/reporter must never convey a message that is opposite to Tawheed and calls to support the Taghoot.
-We can’t say 'I am Muslim but let's vote'.
-We must never cloud the clear message of Tawheed. We must never portray the Taghoot to be legitimate.
-Rasululah saws gave special attention to this topic. All the Ayaat about proclaiming the message and the Tawheed and the haqq are related to this topic of Islamic Media.
فأصدع بما تامر وأعرض عن المشركين
-The Media (I’laam- إعلام ) in Islam can never be about propagating sins/corruption/ thulum
(videos, billboards advertising on buses... Is all إعلام).
-Glamorising sins is the job of Shaytaan. Islamic media cannot do this (this is satanic media not Islamic media).
-Islamic Media can never take a side that is corrupted or evil.
-A داعي (Daa’ee - caller to Islam)
-Knowledgeable about the Deen and its Message
To make Tableegh (convey the message of Allah)
((بلغوا عني ولو آية))
وقاتلوهم حتى لا تكون فتنة و يكون الدين كله لله فإن إنتهو فلا عدوان إلا على الضالمين
(2:93) similar (8:39)
Part of our objective in our Dawah and Jihad is to
1-Eradicate the فتنة (shirk) and,
2-Make the Deen and I'baadah only for Allah.
1-To expose the shirk/eradicate the shirk and warn people to leave it.
2-To call people to worship Allah exclusively.
ولقد بعضنا في كل أمة رسول أن اعبدوا الله واجتنبوا الطاغوت
-The Dai'ee/journalist/reporter must never convey a message that is opposite to Tawheed and calls to support the Taghoot.
-We can’t say 'I am Muslim but let's vote'.
-We must never cloud the clear message of Tawheed. We must never portray the Taghoot to be legitimate.
-Rasululah saws gave special attention to this topic. All the Ayaat about proclaiming the message and the Tawheed and the haqq are related to this topic of Islamic Media.
فأصدع بما تامر وأعرض عن المشركين
-The Media (I’laam- إعلام ) in Islam can never be about propagating sins/corruption/ thulum
(videos, billboards advertising on buses... Is all إعلام).
-Glamorising sins is the job of Shaytaan. Islamic media cannot do this (this is satanic media not Islamic media).
-Islamic Media can never take a side that is corrupted or evil.
-Al awrah al ghaleetha (hard awrah)
-What the eye cannot afford not to look at (you can't stop yourself from Looking).
-It is allowed to show the soft awrah (hair...) as long as you are not promoting it or condoning it and it wasn't spying (you got it from the public arena) if there is benefit in showing it (it was in the context of a debate).
-If there was music playing in the background and you can't edit it out it is permissible to put it on the video as long as there was benefit in the video (listening to music is haraam but if you just hear it without your choice,you are not accountable).
-There is a difference between reporting the sin and propagating it.
Islamic Media
-Allah ordered us to let the people know when Zaani (adulterer) is being punished publicly as a deterrent.
The Kuffaar
-(films and movies are all media)
-First of all they usually accuse people of Fahisha (illegal sexual acts) without evidence.
-They glamorise the sin so that you don't feel repulsed by this ugly act. They say they were in love, they had an affair and they make it beatified until you wish it was you.
-They don’t say they committed the evil sin of Zinaa, they say ‘they made love’.
-The Satanic Media makes out that: these things are good and it is all love (homosexuality...) and whoever is against them is intolerant and hateful.
-Islamic Media does not propagate these sins or the bad morals or values or Haraam things.
Islamic Media is based on
-promoting Islamic values and making.
-Bayaan ul Ahkam (making the rulings clear - what is halal and what is Haraam).
-Promoting the Islamic etiquette.
-If there is a societal problem that everyone is talking about the Islamic Media will Promote the Islamic solution based on the divine text.
-Islamic Media doesn't give tit for tat.
Someone sees the kuffaar violating their false man made laws. They break their laws and harm the Muslims even though they made this against their false law. So the person wants to refute the kuffaar be giving tit for tat. He says ‘What about human rights and all these human right violations! We must uphold the human rights!’
This is bad. This is promoting the illegitimate human rights and UN.
You are supposed to be promoting the Law of Allah not man-made law.
We don't say they are violating UN law. We don’t recognize that law in the first place because it is the law of kuffr. It is not the law of Allah.
We say what they are doing is Haraam in Islam and Allah forbade it and there is no legitimate law except the law of Allah.
(BTW. If you do this, people will call you a radical and without Hikmah (wisdom). Who cares what they say. We work for Allah not fearing the blame of the blamers).
-Al awrah al ghaleetha (hard awrah)
-What the eye cannot afford not to look at (you can't stop yourself from Looking).
-It is allowed to show the soft awrah (hair...) as long as you are not promoting it or condoning it and it wasn't spying (you got it from the public arena) if there is benefit in showing it (it was in the context of a debate).
-If there was music playing in the background and you can't edit it out it is permissible to put it on the video as long as there was benefit in the video (listening to music is haraam but if you just hear it without your choice,you are not accountable).
-There is a difference between reporting the sin and propagating it.
Islamic Media
-Allah ordered us to let the people know when Zaani (adulterer) is being punished publicly as a deterrent.
The Kuffaar
-(films and movies are all media)
-First of all they usually accuse people of Fahisha (illegal sexual acts) without evidence.
-They glamorise the sin so that you don't feel repulsed by this ugly act. They say they were in love, they had an affair and they make it beatified until you wish it was you.
-They don’t say they committed the evil sin of Zinaa, they say ‘they made love’.
-The Satanic Media makes out that: these things are good and it is all love (homosexuality...) and whoever is against them is intolerant and hateful.
-Islamic Media does not propagate these sins or the bad morals or values or Haraam things.
Islamic Media is based on
-promoting Islamic values and making.
-Bayaan ul Ahkam (making the rulings clear - what is halal and what is Haraam).
-Promoting the Islamic etiquette.
-If there is a societal problem that everyone is talking about the Islamic Media will Promote the Islamic solution based on the divine text.
-Islamic Media doesn't give tit for tat.
Someone sees the kuffaar violating their false man made laws. They break their laws and harm the Muslims even though they made this against their false law. So the person wants to refute the kuffaar be giving tit for tat. He says ‘What about human rights and all these human right violations! We must uphold the human rights!’
This is bad. This is promoting the illegitimate human rights and UN.
You are supposed to be promoting the Law of Allah not man-made law.
We don't say they are violating UN law. We don’t recognize that law in the first place because it is the law of kuffr. It is not the law of Allah.
We say what they are doing is Haraam in Islam and Allah forbade it and there is no legitimate law except the law of Allah.
(BTW. If you do this, people will call you a radical and without Hikmah (wisdom). Who cares what they say. We work for Allah not fearing the blame of the blamers).
-The kuffaar media has a principle that things are 'black and white' and there are 'grey area’s'.
-Kuffr media believes the masses are too stupid to figure out what is right or wrong for themselves, so they need to be spoon fed and told what is right or wrong.
-Their needs to be a good guy and a bad guy.
-Obviously they say the kuffaar the good guys.
-And the Muslims the bad guys.
Anytime something good comes out about the Muslims they
-Hide it!
-Distort it!
Anytime when something bad comes out about the Muslims, the kaaffir Media
-Give it so much publicity!
-Exaggerate it!
-For the kuffaar, grey media is ‘Good things about the Muslims and bad things about the kuffar'.
-This grey media doesn't fit into their preconceived story of the bad guys and the good guys.
When anything bad comes about the kuffaar, the kaafir Media
-They distort it!
-Question its authenticity!
-Give excuses (make out that it is a small issue)!
-Pull out some false reasoning to make it look better!
When anything good comes out the kuffaar, the kaafir media
-Exaggerate it!
-Glorify it!
Kuffr media is built upon
-Fooling the people!
-Hiding the truth!
-Hiding the facts!
Islamic Media Is built upon
-Proclaim the truth.
-Honourable Objectives.
-It's name is إعلام الحق (The Media of truth).
-Its aim is to please Allah.
-Its tool is the Haqq itself.
-This is why if they ask you to condemn something the Muslims did, you don't lie and say you condemn Muslims. You don’t stand with the kuffaar against the Muslims.
-You can’t lie. But you can choose your words carefully so as not to get into trouble. This will make your situation easier, but it will still be harder then lying. You have to do what pleases Allah, even if it is not the easiest option.
The Islamic Politics
السياسة الشرعية
-Is commanding the good and forbidding the evil.
-You don't need a license or title or badge (these are made up western Concepts) to command the good and forbid the evil.
-The Muslim is a Dai'ee he commands the good and forbids the evil. Our job is Tableegh to all the people. This is done publicly. We are not hiding the إعلام (media). We should not deter the spread of the media by not publishing or copyrighting.
-The kuffaar media has a principle that things are 'black and white' and there are 'grey area’s'.
-Kuffr media believes the masses are too stupid to figure out what is right or wrong for themselves, so they need to be spoon fed and told what is right or wrong.
-Their needs to be a good guy and a bad guy.
-Obviously they say the kuffaar the good guys.
-And the Muslims the bad guys.
Anytime something good comes out about the Muslims they
-Hide it!
-Distort it!
Anytime when something bad comes out about the Muslims, the kaaffir Media
-Give it so much publicity!
-Exaggerate it!
-For the kuffaar, grey media is ‘Good things about the Muslims and bad things about the kuffar'.
-This grey media doesn't fit into their preconceived story of the bad guys and the good guys.
When anything bad comes about the kuffaar, the kaafir Media
-They distort it!
-Question its authenticity!
-Give excuses (make out that it is a small issue)!
-Pull out some false reasoning to make it look better!
When anything good comes out the kuffaar, the kaafir media
-Exaggerate it!
-Glorify it!
Kuffr media is built upon
-Fooling the people!
-Hiding the truth!
-Hiding the facts!
Islamic Media Is built upon
-Proclaim the truth.
-Honourable Objectives.
-It's name is إعلام الحق (The Media of truth).
-Its aim is to please Allah.
-Its tool is the Haqq itself.
-This is why if they ask you to condemn something the Muslims did, you don't lie and say you condemn Muslims. You don’t stand with the kuffaar against the Muslims.
-You can’t lie. But you can choose your words carefully so as not to get into trouble. This will make your situation easier, but it will still be harder then lying. You have to do what pleases Allah, even if it is not the easiest option.
The Islamic Politics
السياسة الشرعية
-Is commanding the good and forbidding the evil.
-You don't need a license or title or badge (these are made up western Concepts) to command the good and forbid the evil.
-The Muslim is a Dai'ee he commands the good and forbids the evil. Our job is Tableegh to all the people. This is done publicly. We are not hiding the إعلام (media). We should not deter the spread of the media by not publishing or copyrighting.
1. Islamic Media is a Media of Al Sidq (The Truth)
"the good leader doesn't lie to the people"
ياايه الذين امنو اتقوا الله و كونو مع الصادقين. (9:100)
The media is all about what you say and the Muslim is truthful when he speaks. His words are Ibaadah.
Don't lie and spread falsehood.
A lie : 'vote because Democracy is not shirk'
this is not Sidq (truth) it is a big ugly lie. Democracy is shirk.
This is not Islamic Media.
The Islamic Journalist cannot be a liar.
والذين يرمون المحصنات ثم لا يأتون بأربعة شهداء فاجلدوهم ثمانين جلدة ولا تقبلو لهم شهادة أبدى و ألاك هم الفاسقون
The kuffaar media are always accusing women of Fahishah (illegal sexual acts). This is evil, even if the women they accused is a kaafirah. Allah created all the women and He has gheerah over them. She is haraam for you (to look at, violate...) even if she is a kaafirah.
لولا جاءو عليه بأربعة شهداء فإن لم يأتو بالشهداء فألاك عند الله هم الكاذبون
All these kufaar media are liars in the sight of Allah because of their false accusations. Their testimonial is rejected and Allah has completely forbidden us from listening to them.
The Islamic Journalist must be a Saadiq.
2. The Islamic Journalist is NOT Neutral
He is partisan to the Haqq (Truth).
Islamic Media is not Neutral. Neutral meaning you don't know what the Haqq is; it could be Islam it could be kuffr. This is not how the Muslim journalist is. The Muslim journalist knows the haqq is Islam and he/she will never consider anything other than Islam as the Haqq.
We can invite a kaafir to ask him what he thinks. But really, who cares what he thinks. Allah already told us what the Ahkaam are. We are propagating Islam not a kaafir.
We can invite him with his opinions, but we can't let him speak and be quite. After he says what he says we must after refute the baatil (falsehood) and present the truth and the reality.
The kuffaar media are not Neutral.
They have their own uncompromising Aqeedah,
-Freedom of speech.
They will never criticise/question/undermine it.
They are not unbiased and just documenting everyone’s opinion, as they like to claim.
They have an agenda. Their agenda is to,
-Make them look like the good majority,
-Make us look like the bad minority.
They invite ONE Muslim to talk by himself then they get 5 'Muslims' who are really kuffaar munafiqeen murtads (who are all think the same as each other and are from same organisations) to challenge our views and say look they are the minority (they want to refute us).
They will report what you say but twist/distort it or challenge it (your imaan will be your criteria).
Islamic Media is not Neutral
We are open about this and we don't try to hide it,
-We will listen and give you time to speak,
-We will have an open mind,
-We will not censure you,
-Distort your message,
(آداب الحوار)
But we will always present the Islamic answer to them.
We can’t allow the kuffaar to,
-Slander Allah or Rasululah (saws),
-Condemn the Mujahideen,
-Belittle the Shariah.
If we see this we MUST STOP IT.
If this happens on your forum or your website you must,
-Delete it (If it is swearing...),
-Challenge it (If they brought their evidence and you are refuting it like a debate).
If you leave it, you will be accountable.
If you think it's not you responsibility it is better for you to shut it down rather than leave all this kuffr to be promoted.
3. Islamic Media is Comprehensive
-It reaches everybody,
-It address the Masses,
-It impacts the whole of society not only the minorities,
Private dawah (inviting a couple of people to your house) is not haraam.
But your dawah cannot be all private or you haven't fulfilled your duty.
But the إعلان وإعلام (news and media) is supposed to be open and public.
-Anybody can find and hear it, even without your permission.
Media in Islam -فأصدع بما تؤمر
The people hear the truth whether they like it or not.
1. Convey The Truth - التبليغ
Tableegh is to convey (relay) the message of Rasululah saws, that reached you, to someone it HASN'T reached.
Its objective is to worship Allah by conveying the truth (conveying the TRUTH not whatever you feel like, this an act of I'baadah not a pass Time).
- convey {بلغوا عني ولو آية}
Tableegh/Convey :
-{let those who are present tell those who are absent}
((ربه مبلغ فقه وليس فقيه))
Rubba mubalighi fiqhin wa laysa faqeeh
((ربه حامل فقه إلا مب أفقه منه))
A Shubuha:
Don't speek without knowledge,'
What they mean is you have no right to teach unless you are an aalim and have ijaazah...
Who gave you the ijaza to tell me the hukm ‘don't speak without knowledge’? Are you a mufti.
-Making bayah al hukm (clarifying the ruling) is obligatory,
-As long as you know the hukm you can convey it,
-Speak about what you have knowledge,
-If you don't have knowledge about that subject don't speak about it,
-You don't need an ijaza to tell someone alcohol is haraam. Even if you don't know the hadith or the ayah or the Isnaad or Arabic that says alcohol is haraam, if you know all that, is better. But it is not a condition to make bayan of the hukm (clarifying the ruling).
You give as much as you are capable
-If you know the hukm give the hukm,
-If you know the hukm and the evidence give that,
-If you know the hukm and the evidence and the reference give that.
Each person according to their capability.
It doesn't become haram for you to clarify the ruling just because you are not mujtahid...
2. Prevail your Deen -إضهار أدين –Ith’harudeen
إخفاء (Ikhfaa’) is the opposite of إضهار (Ith’haar)
-To make it apparent
-To make it know
-Plain and clear to see
Ikhfaa' :
-Not show
This is not allowed
The objective ITH'HARUDEEN
-To give Authority to The Deen
To make your Deen Distinguishes and Dominant over every other Deen
وعد الله الذين امنو منكم و عمل الصالحات ليستخلفنهم في الأرض كما استخلفهم الذين من قبلهم وليمكن لهم دينهم الذي ارتضا لهم وليبدلنهم من بعد خوفهم أمنا يعبدوني لا يشركون بي شيئ فمن كفر بعد ذالك فألاك هم الفاسقون (24:55)
-The objective of our Media is Tamkeen (Unquestionable authority and establishment) for the Deen of Allah
In your Islamic Media you can't be a journalist that doesn't have a Deen and is Neutral
In your Media you're have to make you're Deen
-known and apparent
People should know you are a Muslim/your Deen is Islam and your journalism has an Islamic stance and outlook
When you go on the Media our objective is to make the Deen of Allah the highest
Your objective is not any worldly benefit
-Popularity and publicity for your group
You don't say whatever the people want to hear or what will make you pally with the pigs
You say whatever pleases Allah (our media is I'baadah to Allah only)
1. Convey The Truth - التبليغ
Tableegh is to convey (relay) the message of Rasululah saws, that reached you, to someone it HASN'T reached.
Its objective is to worship Allah by conveying the truth (conveying the TRUTH not whatever you feel like, this an act of I'baadah not a pass Time).
- convey {بلغوا عني ولو آية}
Tableegh/Convey :
-{let those who are present tell those who are absent}
((ربه مبلغ فقه وليس فقيه))
Rubba mubalighi fiqhin wa laysa faqeeh
((ربه حامل فقه إلا مب أفقه منه))
A Shubuha:
Don't speek without knowledge,'
What they mean is you have no right to teach unless you are an aalim and have ijaazah...
Who gave you the ijaza to tell me the hukm ‘don't speak without knowledge’? Are you a mufti.
-Making bayah al hukm (clarifying the ruling) is obligatory,
-As long as you know the hukm you can convey it,
-Speak about what you have knowledge,
-If you don't have knowledge about that subject don't speak about it,
-You don't need an ijaza to tell someone alcohol is haraam. Even if you don't know the hadith or the ayah or the Isnaad or Arabic that says alcohol is haraam, if you know all that, is better. But it is not a condition to make bayan of the hukm (clarifying the ruling).
You give as much as you are capable
-If you know the hukm give the hukm,
-If you know the hukm and the evidence give that,
-If you know the hukm and the evidence and the reference give that.
Each person according to their capability.
It doesn't become haram for you to clarify the ruling just because you are not mujtahid...
2. Prevail your Deen -إضهار أدين –Ith’harudeen
إخفاء (Ikhfaa’) is the opposite of إضهار (Ith’haar)
-To make it apparent
-To make it know
-Plain and clear to see
Ikhfaa' :
-Not show
This is not allowed
The objective ITH'HARUDEEN
-To give Authority to The Deen
To make your Deen Distinguishes and Dominant over every other Deen
وعد الله الذين امنو منكم و عمل الصالحات ليستخلفنهم في الأرض كما استخلفهم الذين من قبلهم وليمكن لهم دينهم الذي ارتضا لهم وليبدلنهم من بعد خوفهم أمنا يعبدوني لا يشركون بي شيئ فمن كفر بعد ذالك فألاك هم الفاسقون (24:55)
-The objective of our Media is Tamkeen (Unquestionable authority and establishment) for the Deen of Allah
In your Islamic Media you can't be a journalist that doesn't have a Deen and is Neutral
In your Media you're have to make you're Deen
-known and apparent
People should know you are a Muslim/your Deen is Islam and your journalism has an Islamic stance and outlook
When you go on the Media our objective is to make the Deen of Allah the highest
Your objective is not any worldly benefit
-Popularity and publicity for your group
You don't say whatever the people want to hear or what will make you pally with the pigs
You say whatever pleases Allah (our media is I'baadah to Allah only)
3. Prosperity in the Earth -إعمار الأرض- I’maar ul arth
You are commanding the good and forbidding the evil to bring benefit and Islaah to the earth after the Fassad has spread interested Earth because of the sins of people and the man made law.
The aim of Shariah:
جلب المصالح و درء المفاسد – Bringing benefit and preventing harm.
When you are calling for the Ahkam to be upholded that will cause benefit and prosperity.
Think of all the evils that would be stopped, and all the good that will come, if alcohol was banned.
هو الذي أنشأ كم من الأرض واستعمركم فيه
And to Thamud [We sent] their brother Salih. He said, "O my people, worship Allah ; you have no deity other than Him. He has produced you from the earth and settled you in it, so ask forgiveness of Him and then repent to Him. Indeed, my Lord is near and responsive."
هو الذي جعلهم الارض ذلولا فمشو في...
Allah made the earth subservient and made the rizq for us to benefit from it and prosper in a halal way. There is no Maslaha (benefit) from haraam.
You are commanding the good and forbidding the evil to bring benefit and Islaah to the earth after the Fassad has spread interested Earth because of the sins of people and the man made law.
The aim of Shariah:
جلب المصالح و درء المفاسد – Bringing benefit and preventing harm.
When you are calling for the Ahkam to be upholded that will cause benefit and prosperity.
Think of all the evils that would be stopped, and all the good that will come, if alcohol was banned.
هو الذي أنشأ كم من الأرض واستعمركم فيه
And to Thamud [We sent] their brother Salih. He said, "O my people, worship Allah ; you have no deity other than Him. He has produced you from the earth and settled you in it, so ask forgiveness of Him and then repent to Him. Indeed, my Lord is near and responsive."
هو الذي جعلهم الارض ذلولا فمشو في...
Allah made the earth subservient and made the rizq for us to benefit from it and prosper in a halal way. There is no Maslaha (benefit) from haraam.
4. Direct people to recognise their Lord
-Discover their creator,
-Acknowledge His Ruboobiyah,
أولم يرو إلا السماء فوقهم كيف ببينا ها وزينا ها و مالها من فروج. والأرض مدوناها وال...
Islamic Media should bring this argument to the people.
5. Reach the Masses
We want to deliver the true clear message using the means that will teach as much people as possible,
و لوط إذ قال **لقومه** أتاتون الفاحشة وانتم تنصرون. ا انكم للتاتون الرجال شهوة من دون النساء بل انتم قوم تجهلون. فما كان جواب قومه إلا أن قالو اخرجو ال لوط من قريتكم إنهم أناس يتظاهرون
He told his people openly, the ones doing the crimes, not secretly to his cat in his bedroom.
What Happens when you speek the truth on the Media:
اخرجو ال لوط من قريتكم إنهم أناس يتظاهرون
People will:
· Exile you out off your home
· Block your website
· Delete your post
· Turn people away from you
· Defame you
· Ban you from public place
If this happens to you, very good. Mabrook! You are following the Sunnah of the Anbiya. You are fulfilling the hukm of the Islamic media.
It's all good. Keep going.
We want to deliver the true clear message using the means that will teach as much people as possible,
و لوط إذ قال **لقومه** أتاتون الفاحشة وانتم تنصرون. ا انكم للتاتون الرجال شهوة من دون النساء بل انتم قوم تجهلون. فما كان جواب قومه إلا أن قالو اخرجو ال لوط من قريتكم إنهم أناس يتظاهرون
He told his people openly, the ones doing the crimes, not secretly to his cat in his bedroom.
What Happens when you speek the truth on the Media:
اخرجو ال لوط من قريتكم إنهم أناس يتظاهرون
People will:
· Exile you out off your home
· Block your website
· Delete your post
· Turn people away from you
· Defame you
· Ban you from public place
If this happens to you, very good. Mabrook! You are following the Sunnah of the Anbiya. You are fulfilling the hukm of the Islamic media.
It's all good. Keep going.
6. Expose False Ideas
The Kuffar put their spin on everything
They take every chance they get to promote their democracy freedoms and Aqeedah on their media.
We Can’t leave them to Do And Say What they ever they like unchecked.
We Have to challenge it
It is used Refute:
-Bad ideas.
You can’t let them Speak and you don't want to Say anything back. It Doesn't matter if you are alone. You have the haqq.
The Kuffar put their spin on everything
They take every chance they get to promote their democracy freedoms and Aqeedah on their media.
We Can’t leave them to Do And Say What they ever they like unchecked.
We Have to challenge it
It is used Refute:
-Bad ideas.
You can’t let them Speak and you don't want to Say anything back. It Doesn't matter if you are alone. You have the haqq.
7. To create public opinion
We want to Change the opinions of The people.
Islamic media is Used To Bring Up Subjects That no one talks About or That the public Don't know About (ruling on Voting):
-Cause dialogue and Debate,
-warn people about Allah’s prohibitions,
-Give the believers the Bushra (glad tidings) of Jannah and prosperity that comes with obeying Allah and following His commands.
Its ok If Not Everyone agrees with you along as you caused awareness.
People will not be so ignorant about it and so easily fooled.
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