Monday, April 5, 2021

Takfeer of the Tawagheet?

Q: What is the reason of kuffr of those who do not declare takfeer of the tawagheet? Is it similar to the excuser of the mushrik? Also, will an excuse be accepted due to misunderstanding the narration of ibn ‘Abbas? May Allah protect you.

 A: Among the reasons for the takfeer of the tawagheet:

 1- Blocking the path of Allah (which is kuffr).

 2- Killing or harming those who command the establishment of their din and purging them (which is kuffr).

 3- Muwalaat of Allah’s enemies (which is kuffr).

 4- Legislation without permission from Allah (which is major shirk).

 5- Ruling by other than the Law (major kuffr).

 6- Litigation to other than the Law ‌(major shirk).

 7- Arbitrating by other than Law.

 8- Equalization between a Muslim and a kaafir in rights and duties (major kuffr).

 9- Insulting the most beloved while honoring the humiliated in the Law (major kuffr).

 10- Preference for human systems over shar’i methods.

 11- Committing forbidden acts with indifference or without shame (kuffri istihlaal).

 12- Permitting the prohibitions ‌such as adultery and usury, by issuing licenses for them and enacting laws for them.

 13- Spreading kuffr and ilhaad in Muslims and their lands.

 14 – Building churches and synagogues (major kuffr).

 15- Dislike towards rulings of Islam such as the hudud and welcoming the rulings of the West.

 16- Substituting the rulings of Allah such as the punishment of apostasy with the rulings of the West.

 17- Legalizing the freedom of apostasy and so on. 

If a person does not declare takfeer of the tawagheet knowing their condition, then he will be of two types: 

The first: Whoever does not declare takfeer of them them in what necessitates ignorance of Islam, then he is a kaafir like them, from start to finish. 

The second: Whoever does not declare takfeer them in a matter that does not imply ignorance of Islam, then he is a kaafir afterwards (i.e., after clarification), if that reason of kuffr is obscure to his likes. 

Q: ‌ Praise belongs to Allah; may Allah bless you and benefit others through you shaykh. Is it necessary for us to know the condition of everyone who does not declare takfeer of the tawagheet before declaring takfeer of him (in matters that necessitate ignorance of Islam), or is there no excuse for someone who lives with Muslims or in Europe and is ignorant of their situation?

A: May Allah grant you success. The important thing is that we know that from him, whether in actual fact or based on a predominant assumption, because ignorance of the situation is a preventative against takfeer in all cases, unlike ignorance of the ruling vis-a-vis major kuffr, for it is not an excuse.

[Q&A with Shaykh Abu Salman Hassan ibn Husayn]

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