Wednesday, July 3, 2024




    Muslim women held in Rusafa prison in Baghdad, some of them with their children, have declared a hunger strike in protest to their imprisonment in inhumane conditions where they are subjected to torture and abuse. The women, who are largely of Turkish, Russian and central Asian nationalities, were convicted of false charges in farcical trials without the provision of any legal representation resulting in life sentences as well as some facing the death penalty.

    During the last six years of incarceration these women and children have endured the following cruel treatment:

    • Torture by electrocution and beatings with sticks.

    • Deprivation of food, drink and water for washing as a punishment for any noise coming from the cell which is deemed to be ‘too loud’

    • Widespread disease and refusal to provide any medical treatment.

    • Infestation of mice, locusts, and insects resulting in contamination of food and clothing leading to sickness

    • Frequent random searches

    • Male guards entering the female cells while they are sleeping and uncovered

    • Denial of visits.

    • Prevention of communicating with their families

    • Young children forcibly being repatriated without their mothers

    The Iranian backed Shia Iraqi government hinder any consular intervention that might facilitate the release or return of these women and children to their families.

    It is incumbent upon the Muslim Ummah to seek to secure the release of these Women and children. In Islamic History, there are numerous examples where entire armies were mobilised to ensure the release of even one Muslim woman, for example in the time of Mu’tasim and Hakam bin Hisham. Sheikh-ul-Islam Ibn Taymiyyah (rh) said, “To release the Muslim prisoners is one of the greatest obligations, and to spend money in this way is the best form of Ibadaat (worship – to come close to Allah (swt).” [Majmoo Al-Fatawa, Kitab-ul-Aseer, Volume 28, Page 635]

    Muslims must seek the release of the prisoners by following the divine method:

    1) Pay money for their release. This could be bail money or even a ransom.

    Ibn Hazm (rh) said, “It is the consensus (Ijma) of the Companions, that if the only way to release Muslims from captivity is to gather all the money from the Ummah, it becomes Wajib (compulsory) to do this.” [Muhallah Bab-ul-Aseer]

    2) Prisoner swap, if there are any non-muslims in prison or in captivity around the world. This is from the sunnah of the Messenger Muhammad (SAW).

    3) Break them out by force if muslims, from wherever they are being held, have the capability.

    If you cannot fulfil the above then the very least is to raise your voice and call for the release of your sisters.


    FRIDAY 5th MAY 2023

    5pm US New York

    10pm London UK

    Midnight Baghdad Iraq (6th May)

    Midnight Moscow Russia

    Midnight Istanbul Turkey

    2am Maldives




  2. May Allāh ta'ala reward you.

    Please, raise awareness about sister Aafia Siddiqi.


    Former Bagram detainees testify to these experiences, claiming her cries and screams could be heard across the facility’s corridors.

  3. Please, raise awareness about sister Aafia Siddiqi.


    Former Bagram detainees testify to these experiences, claiming her cries and screams could be heard across the facility’s corridors.

  4. Al Hol and Roj secret prisons

    When sisters and their children are arrested in the camps, this means they go from the prison that is open, to another prison away from the eyes of people.

    This allows for torture, unspeakable, and unforgivable things to occur.

    They lock the sisters in small dark toilet cubicles for months wih theis small children...This level of oppression leads both the mothers and children to insanity!

    Their physical and mental health deteriorates at a rapid rate, and the prison administration ALLOWS for this to happen.

    The Kuffaar want to keep these prisons hidden and unknown to the world because all sorts of torture goes on. The women and children are subjected to beatings, are deprived of medication and much needed medical attentiion even while eing on the brink of death and having to write their wills.

    The prison guards also subjec the sisters and their children to all types of humiliation.

    The sisters locked up in these dark toilet cubibles can hear other´s cries and screams.

  5. Victory is snatched away from the Muslims due to disobedience to Allah and His Messenger (salallahu ‘alaihi wasallam).

    So, what does the Muslim Ummah expect in our times??Many Muslims oppress others without a care, they deceive one another and engage in major sins such as fornication and lewd sexual conduct, lying, theft, drinking alcohol, gambling, backbiting?then there are Muslims who deal in interest (riba), view pornography, women who discard the hijab, many who listen to music, are addicted to movies, TV soaps?and they break the ties of kinship, cheat on their spouses and the list goes on!

    Do they really believe that Allah will give them victory and lift their state of humiliation while they are in this state? Even worse than these sins is the fact that many millions of Muslims in our times do not even know the correct Islamic Belief which is the very foundation of the Religion, they do not study it, and most of those who “practice religion” are entrenched in their sectarian beliefs in opposition to the Quran, Sunnah and the Methodology of the Companions!

    There are millions in this Ummah who call upon the dead in their graves and are engaged in all types of innovated practices? from celebrating the birthday of the Prophet (salallahu ‘alaihi wasallam) to building shrines over graves, calling upon the dead and visiting soothsayers and astrologers! In this state, do they truly expect the aid of Allah?!

    Their beliefs and actions bring about humiliation from Allah and victory to the unbelievers over the Muslims.
