Throughout the years on social media, we notice that when it comes to a sister
revealing her face online or when you see the opposite genders flirting
or mixing, many of us are like lions in those types of settings!
Dropping Ayaat of Quraan, Ahadtih, Fatawa, various opinions of scholars,
etc… We’re right on top of shutting that fitnah down immediately by
enjoining the good and forbidding the evil. We do this because we claim
to have Gheerah. Alhumdulillah that’s great and we should keep it up.
the thing which makes one scratch their head is, when these exact same
people who are encouraging the good, forbidding the evil, and who claim
to have this tremendous Gheerah for their sisters. Why then don’t they
have this same Gheerah for our sisters all around the world, especially
and in particular the sisters in the camps? Since we can actually send
aid to them unlike many others ! Why are we so selective with our
Gheerah?!? Where does that tremendous zeal and that exceptional Gheerah
for our sisters disappear to? Why is our attitude not lion-like when it
comes to helping them and their likes? Is there any daleel which states
we should only have Gheerah for a certain group of sisters and not have
Gheerah for another group of sisters? Are we going to allow the kuffaar
to dictate and stigmatize for us who we can and should help and who we
can’t and shouldn’t help? Because see, if we’re sincere with ourselves
and actually had Gheerah like many of us eloquently claim, then we
wouldn’t hesitate to help them and their likes. What’s the
difference in having protective jealousy over those sisters who expose
themselves online and over these sisters in the camps, except that these
sisters in the camps and their likes are just as much in need of your
Gheerah, if not more! Especially when one considers the seriousness of
their situation! If you claim to have Gheerah, then that Gheerah
shouldn’t just be restricted and limited to the brothers and sisters on
social media or only for the sisters who are living in the West! It
should be applied in all settings and in all situations!