Sunday, February 11, 2024



  1. How has your website not gone viral yet maa shaa Allah the dawah you have given for years along with the diverse topics you've covered over the years are explained well! may Allah reward you for your hard work and inshaa Allah I will share your site as much as I can. Jazakallah

    1. Alhumdulillah, jazakAllah khair wa barakAllahu feek for your supporting, motivating words and especially Ameen to your blessed Dua’a for us.

      JazakAllah khair for your sincere intention in spreading our Blog for His sake and insha’Allah yes go ahead and please share with those all whom you trust. And honestly alhumdulillah we actually prefer that our Blog didn’t/doesn’t go viral because not all subhanAllah wish to seek the knowledge of Allah’s Deen and rather they wish to speak from whims and desires and end up reporting our Blog and resulting it in shutting down (already happened once before, Allahu musta’an). And so not just us but also some few sincere Muslims who benefit from our Blog will as well be at a loss and that’s why alhumdulillah we firmly believe that whomever wishes to sincerely seek and search the truth of our beautiful Deen and asks for Allah’s guidance, Allah will insha’Allah guide him/her to our Blog and make it a source of benefit for him/her and for us insha’Allah in a form of sadaqah jarriyah.
