Sunday, February 11, 2024


As the false and evil pagan festival known as Valentine's Day approaches, we will see the fools and feeble minded racing to purchase gifts and make plans for a special day/night with their spouses as a sign of their love for them. Even many of those who are normally abusive toward their spouses will avail this opportunity to profess their love to their spouses. It's all hogwash, silly, fake and ridiculous. The same applies to so-called wedding and couple's anniversaries.

It is absurd to think that "celebrating" a specific day each year will revive and keep alive the love in a marital relationship. Had there been any good whatsoever in it, we would have been guided to it in our perfect and complete Religion (Islam), and our role model and the best and most perfect of all human beings in every way, Muhammad (saws), would have celebrated and encouraged its celebration. Rather, we have been guided to being kind and treating our spouses well all the time.

Here is the default position for Muslim married couples:
وَمِنْ آيَاتِهِ أَنْ خَلَقَ لَكُم مِّنْ أَنفُسِكُمْ أَزْوَاجًا لِّتَسْكُنُوا إِلَيْهَا وَجَعَلَ بَيْنَكُم مَّوَدَّةً وَرَحْمَةً ۚ إِنَّ فِي ذَٰلِكَ لَآيَاتٍ لِّقَوْمٍ يَتَفَكَّرُونَ

"And of His signs is that He created for you from yourselves mates that you may find tranquility in them; and He placed between you affection and mercy. Indeed in that are signs for a people who give thought." [30:21]

وَعَاشِرُوهُنَّ بِالْمَعْرُوفِ ۚ فَإِن كَرِهْتُمُوهُنَّ فَعَسَىٰ أَن تَكْرَهُوا شَيْئًا وَيَجْعَلَ اللَّهُ فِيهِ خَيْرًا كَثِيرًا
"And live with them in kindness. For if you dislike them - perhaps you dislike a thing and Allah makes therein much good." [4:19]

This is not restricted to certain times, rather it is an obligation to treat spouses well and to be kind to them in general terms. It is also guidance to overlook faults and always look for the good.

It is only blind followers and fools who fall for those false celebrations, while those who understand what love and respect is make every day special and surprise their spouses with gifts at any time. True lovers live with one another upon a footing of kindness, mercy and respect. They help and support one anther, they appreciate one another and honour one another at all times. Their love is not merely expressed in words, but through their actions. The husband and wife fulfill the rights of one another and treat one another with affection. They value each day they are together and strive to make each day better than the next. They don't neglect one another all year long, then all of a sudden, on their anniversary or on Valentine's Day, they profess their true love for one another and spoil one another. This is how fools and idiots behave.

Is there a better sign that you love your spouse than when you wake them up for Salaatul-Fajr and remind them not to miss a single Salaah? Is there a better sign that you love your spouse than when you guide them to the obedience of Allah? Is there a better sign of love for your spouse than when you make dua'a for them in your sujood and in the middle of the night?

Let's wise up and stop blindly following the misguided and those far from Allah and His Religion.

*Note that when we speak of spouses and couples, we mean a man and woman who are lawfully married to one another and that marriage is recognized by Islam. As for boyfriends and girlfriends or gay couples, then these are (Islamically) illegal relationships and are shunned and there is no blessing or goodness in them.


  1. Jazak Allah khair, for this, dear sisters! This is very informative; I really can't understand why a lot of our Muslim brothers and sisters these days are participating in this, along with other Haaram activities such as playing music and wearing tight and revealing clothing!!

    Once again, your Site is a great fountain of knowledge, and the more Muslims who become aware of this site, the better it will be for all of us!!


    brother Douglas

    1. Jazak Allah khair wa BarakAllahu feek brother Douglas for your comment and usual support and words of motivation, Alhumdulillah.

  2. Khadija (radhiyallahu anha) used to hire different trustworthy men to sell her goods in the markets because she herself was a modest and pious woman who also respected the traditional norms of her society especially for being a woman

    She married Prophet (sallallahu alayhi wasallam) and submitted all of her wealth to him giving him all the authority from then onward [feminists and modernists will prefer to die than doing this, they in-fact on the hand abuse their right in husband’s wealth].

    She spent all wealth earned from it in the cause of her husband not for any personal gains and she focused more on being a devoted mother and obedient wife.

    After revelation, she completely limited herself from any personal gains or external activities and entirely devoted herself to the collective mission and cause of her husband, taking care of the children and home. And all of her wealth was spend in the way of Allah.

    And this is where you get the actual life of a Muslim woman and wife in the light of Islam from the example of Khadija (radhiyallahu anha), which can still be said to be not entirely Shariati because Khadija (radhiyallahu anha) lived only 8-9 years into Islam, while the revelation and Sunnah extended for 15 years more and the topic of roles and responsibilities of men and women, husband and wife were discussed properly in later period of Madinah. Thus we can find better examples only in the life of later wives of Prophet (sallallahu alayhi wasallam), his daughters and women of Companions, who never took part in any external activities or competed with men apart for the strictly religious reasons.

    Khadija (radhiyallahu anha) never had more love for wealth or career goals. She maintained high modesty, she married multiple times, she had kids, she focused more on being a good mother, obedient wife, always worked for the collective cause of her husband and religion and was willing to let go off any personal goals for it.

    Hence we can clearly see from the actual biography of her life that her example is no support of any misguided modern construct of women empowerment rather more of the traditionalist’s view.

  3. Does "imitating the disbelievers" include to adopt Feminism and to oppose poligamy?

    1. Imitating the disbelievers is and can be in various ways and forms and you can insha’Allah understand as such in detail by reading one of our post on this topic, i.e:

      Detailed understanding on IMITATION ! (

      But generally speaking Feminism and opposing polygamy (standing against polygamy) is haraam no doubt but also depending on the person and his level of support of these haraam it might even reach to the level of being kuffr akbar for a person. For example if a person opposes polygamy by saying he/she firmly believes that what Allah has revealed to be permissible for the Muslim men is actually in reality impermissible then it becomes a statement or action of kuffr akbar and not haraam but if a person believes that yes alhumdulillah polygamy is no doubt allowed by Allah and permissible for Muslim men but its due to my own personal weakness and jealous nature (mainly in women) that I cannot share my husband with anyone else and so I dislike polygamy personally then this is not a statement or action of kuffr akbar nor has it been termed as haraam by the righteous scholars.
      So again the point is to understand and know what a person really believes and stands for insha’Allah.

  4. Muslimas and reverts behave exactly like the disbelieving women from the Christians when it comes to respect men and their husbands. There is an absolute lack of sincerity. Many brothers choose not to get married. They do not find religious partners sol they either end un commiting zina or they remain single for the rest of their lives.

    Women of today are shameless and extremely demanding. Muslims women end up marrying a thug with Muslim name who lives off haraam or is addicted to gambling.

    There is no point of being Muslims and have the same corrupted way of live like the non Muslims.

    It is all about the money. Allah taala allowed marriage to fulfill the emotional and sexual needs of the humans but unfortunately marriage has become a business.

    That is why homosexuality has become widespread among muslims.

    1. All of this is due to lack of deeni knowledge, lack of imaan and the lack of understanding our deen completely. Inna lillahi wa inna ilayhi raaji’un !!!

  5. You have to share your husband (if you have one) with another women.

    Not being kufr to reject poligamy does not mean that you can reject it because you are a jealous woman.

    1. Yes very true. A Muslimah should insha’Allah learn to control her jealousy and so she follows the Hadith of loving for your Muslim brother/sister what you love for yourself. Sadly we have many married women who keep hold of their husbands as if its their possession and other divorced/widowed women are left in a poor state begging/ without a mahram and/or oppressed by the society. Even though jealousy is part of women nature no doubt but that should not hold them back in helping, loving and sharing with their Muslim sisters what Allah has blessed them with. Sadly the amount of divorcée’s and widows are increasing in our ummah but one of the main reason is also that the majority of the men of this ummah treat their wives badly and unjustly and leave them or put them/make them live in such a state that they are forced to seek Khula, Allahu musta’an. We personally have been witnessing many such cases, la hawla wala quwwata illah billah !

  6. Men are more jealous and yet many Muslim women keep male friends.

    Even kafir men have gheerah for their women and most of the killings of women in the West are because of this.
