Islam encourages bearing children for numerous reasons. Perhaps the most significant of these is to increase the Muslim population so as to strengthen the Ummah. The Shari’ah is full of evidences supporting and encouraging this. Seeking to bear children has long been the sunnah of the Prophets and Messengers. Allah’s Prophet Zakariyya (as) supplicated his Lord, as found in more than one place in the noble Quraan – not for dominance or authority, nor gold or silver – but only to be given upright offspring. So he stood and prayed, supplicating his Lord in secret saying, “My Lord, indeed my bones have grown weak, the hair on my head has turned white, and I have never been disappointed, my Lord, when I have called upon You. And I fear for those relatives after me, and my wife is barren, so grant for me, from Your bounty, a successor to inherit from me and from the family of Ya’qub – and make him, my Lord, pleasant (to You and Your slaves).” [19:4-6] And he said, “My Lord, grant to me, from Your bounty, upright offspring. Indeed, You do hear supplication.” [3:38] And he also said, “My Lord, do not leave me alone (without a successor), and You are the best of inheritors.” [21:89]
There is also the wife of ‘Imran, who asked Allah for a child, so He gave Maryam to her and made her a sign for the creation. And He gave ‘Isa (as) to Maryam and made him a prophet and a messenger from amongst those of resolve.B y increasing the number of Muslims kuffr is terrified and the religion further triumphs. This equation was understood by the kuffaar, while it remained absent from heedless minds. As such, we find that their priority in every war against Islam and its people is to target women and children, in order to destroy the “land” and its “crops,” as women are “arable land.” They were only called “a place for sowing seeds” [2:223] because they produce progeny. Destroying the “land” and its “crops” is the policy of a spiteful enemy who seeks to eradicate “La ilaha illallah” from the earth. But it is impossible for him to do so, as the Ummah of Muhammad (saws) as a fertile ummah – not a barren one – and it will remain so until Allah inherits the earth and all that is upon it. However, some women might not comprehend the enemy’s policy in their war against the Muwahhidin, nor do they appreciate that with the birth of every newborn Muslim, a thorn is planted into the throat of kuffr and a dagger is stabbed into the flank of shirk. Nor do these women realize that by increasing the number of Muslims, the despicable are suffocated and the banners of the kuffaar are lowered, just as the voices of the righteous are raised.
As for the policy of birth control, it is a disease that was injected into our fertile ummah by the enemy in order to decrease the Muslim population and weaken its strength. The Prophet (saws) ordered to increase the Muslim's numbers, as Ma’qil Ibn Yasar said, “A man came to the Prophet (saws) and said, ‘I have found a woman who is both noble in lineage and beautiful, but she is barren. Should I marry her?’ He said, ‘No.’ A second man came to him [with the same question], so he forbade him. Then a third man came to him, so he said, ‘Marry the affectionate woman who is fertile, for I will outnumber the (other) nations through you.’” [Abu Dawud and Ibn Hibban]
Likewise, the Prophet (saws) supplicated for Anas Ibn Malik to have many children and to be blessed with them, saying, “O Allah, increase his wealth and children, and bless him through what You have given him.” [Bukhari and Muslim] Anas later said, “My daughter told me that more than 120 of my progeny were buried, and I am the wealthiest of the Ansar.” [Musnad Ahmad]
Al-Ahnaf Ibn Qays entered upon Mu’awiyah who was looking at his son Yazid in front of him admiringly and then said, “O Abu Bahr, what do you say about children?” He replied, “They are the support for our backs, the fruit of our hearts, and the coolness of our eyes. We attack our enemies with them and they are what is left of us after we die. Thus, be to them as if you are a humble earth and shading sky. If they ask of you, then give to them. If they require admonition, then admonish them. Do not refrain from being generous to them, lest they become bored of your company, dislike your life, and long for your death.” Mu’awiyah said, “May Allah bless you, O Abu Bahr. They are just as you have described.” [Amali al-Qali]
Likewise, we will not miss this opportunity to warn every Muslim sister of another evil policy of Islam’s enemies, which is to delay marriage until a later age. This is part of the kaafir plot to turn Muslimahs away from their true role in life, that they were created for the Tawhid of Allah and worshiping only Him and no one else and then for serving the religion by what Allah made easy for them, including marriage, bearing children, and raising them. If only the Muslimah knew the benefits of marrying early, along with the intention to increase the population and produce righteous children who will be dutiful to her and supplicate for her and their father even after both of them die! Allah’s Messenger (saws) said, “When a person dies, his deeds shall cease except for three: a continuous charity, beneficial knowledge, or a righteous child who supplicates for him.” [Muslim]
He (saws) also said, “Indeed, Allah will raise the righteous slave’s rank in Jannah, so he will say, ‘My Lord, what have I done to receive this?’ He will say, ‘It is due to your child asking forgiveness for you.’” [Musnad Ahmad and Ibn Majah] In his Sahih, al-Bukhari titled a chapter as “Chapter: He Who Produces Children for Jihaad,” and then reported from Abu Hurayrah that Allah’s Messenger (saws) said, “Sulayman Ibn Dawud said, ‘Tonight, I will visit one-hundred women – or ninety-nine – and each of them will produce a knight who will wage jihaad for Allah’s cause.’ His companion said to him, ‘InshaAllah.’ But he did not say, ‘InshaAllah.’ So none of them became pregnant except one woman, who gave birth to half a child. By Him in whose hand is my soul, if he had said, ‘InshaAllah,’ they would have all been knights waging jihaad for Allah’s cause.”
If the Muslimah knew how much support for the religion and aggravation for the kuffaar is found therein, she would change her former attitude forever, in order to be from those who “do not take a step that aggravates the kuffaar or do anything that harms an enemy, except that a righteous deed is written for them.” [9:120] The Muslimah should reflect over the saying of ‘Umar , “By Allah, I force myself to have intercourse, hoping that Allah will bring forth from my loins someone who will praise Allah.” [al-Bayhaqi in al-Kubra]
Also, marrying off one’s daughters at what is known as a “young age” is considered a punishable crime according to the Taghout laws of some so-called “Islamic” countries. As for the Shari’ah of Islam, then nothing is Halaal except what Allah has permitted, and nothing is Haraam except what Allah has forbidden. Indeed, ‘Aishah said, “The Prophet (saws) married me when I was 6 years old. Then, we came to Madinah and stayed with Bani al-Harith Ibn Khazraj. I became ill and my hair started to fall out. When it grew to about shoulder length, my mother Umm Ruman came to me while I was playing with some of my friends on a swing. She called out to me, so I came to her, not knowing what she wanted with me. She then took my hand until she stopped me at the door of the house. I was breathing heavily until my breathing settled a bit. She then took some water and wiped my face and head with it. Then, she brought me into the house, where women from the Ansar were gathered, and they said, ‘For wellness and blessing and good!’ So she gave me to them and they fixed me up. I was not startled by any of this until Allah’s Messenger (saws) came at mid-morning. She then gave me to him, and I was – on that day – 9 years old.” [Bukhari and Muslim]
Once the Muslimah knows this, she will cast anything contrary to it aside, devote herself to increasing the Ummah in lions and preparing them! Making a den for them out of her house, wherein she nourishes them with Tawhid and Walaa and Baraa, until she opens the den’s door for them, after their hearts have become “severe against the disbelievers and merciful to one another.” [48:29], and “humble to the believers, mighty against the disb3lievers, waging jihaad for Allah’s cause and not fearing the blame of any blamer.” [5:54]
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