Friday, July 5, 2019

Islamophobia or Punishment ???

Islamophobia is a punishment from Allah on the hypocrites who want to show the kuffaar they are no different from anyone else, and Allah has commanded us (Muslims) to be different.

وَلَا تَكُونُوا كَالَّذِينَ تَفَرَّقُوا وَاخْتَلَفُوا مِن بَعْدِ مَا جَاءَهُمُ الْبَيِّنَاتُ ۚ وَأُولَٰئِكَ لَهُمْ عَذَابٌ عَظِيمٌ
"And do not be like the ones who became divided and differed after the clear proofs had come to them. And those will have a great punishment." [3:105]

وَلَا تَكُونُوا كَالَّذِينَ نَسُوا اللَّهَ فَأَنسَاهُمْ أَنفُسَهُمْ ۚ أُولَٰئِكَ هُمُ الْفَاسِقُونَ
"And be not like those who forgot Allah (i.e. became disobedient to Allah) and He caused them to forget their ownselves, (let them to forget to do righteous deeds). Those are the Fasiqun (rebellious, disobedient to Allah)." [59:19]

The Prophet Muhammad (saws) said:
خَالِفُوا الْمُشْرِكِينَ
"Be different from the mushrikeen (those who associate other deities with Allah, like the Christians, the Jews, etc.)"
[Bukhari and Muslim]

مَنْ تَشَبَّهَ بِقَوْمٍ, فَهُوَ مِنْهُمْ
"He who imitates any people (in their actions) is considered to be one of them."
[Abu Dawood - Sahih]

The Punishment is there because Allah said that he would punish and humiliate those who pick and choose.

أَفَتُؤْمِنُونَ بِبَعْضِ الْكِتَابِ وَتَكْفُرُونَ بِبَعْضٍ ۚ فَمَا جَزَاءُ مَن يَفْعَلُ ذَٰلِكَ مِنكُمْ إِلَّا خِزْيٌ فِي الْحَيَاةِ الدُّنْيَا ۖ وَيَوْمَ الْقِيَامَةِ يُرَدُّونَ إِلَىٰ أَشَدِّ الْعَذَابِ ۗ وَمَا اللَّهُ بِغَافِلٍ عَمَّا تَعْمَلُونَ
"Then do you believe in a part of the Scripture and reject the rest? Then what is the recompense of those who do so among you, except disgrace in the life of this world, and on the Day of Resurrection they shall be consigned to the most grievous torment. And Allah is not unaware of what you do." [2:85]

The punishment is there to prove to you that no matter how hard you try, they will never accept you!  When are you fools going to wake up?!

وَلَنُذِيقَنَّهُم مِّنَ الْعَذَابِ الْأَدْنَىٰ دُونَ الْعَذَابِ الْأَكْبَرِ لَعَلَّهُمْ يَرْجِعُونَ
"And verily, We will make them taste of the near torment (i.e. the torment in the life of this world, i.e. disasters, calamities, etc.) prior to the supreme torment (in the Hereafter), in order that they may (repent and) return (i.e. accept Islam)." [32:21]

Do you not believe in Allah’s statement that they will never accept you?

وَلَن تَرْضَىٰ عَنكَ الْيَهُودُ وَلَا النَّصَارَىٰ حَتَّىٰ تَتَّبِعَ مِلَّتَهُمْ
"Never will the Jews nor the Christians be pleased with you (O Muhammad) till you follow their religion." [2:12]

Perhaps the punishment is also that you don’t know you are being punished!

صُمٌّ بُكْمٌ عُمْيٌ فَهُمْ لَا يَرْجِعُونَ
"They are deaf, dumb, and blind, so they return not (to the Right Path)." [2:18]

And Allah knows best... 


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