"Allah will not change the condition of a people until they change what is in themselves." [13:11]
"That is because Allah would not change a favor which He had bestowed upon a people until they change what is within themselves." [8:53]
So what have we done to change our condition? Watered down our religion and tried to explain away that which doesn't seem to suit us? Sadly, that is where we find a great many today. We seem to miss the point completely. We do not want to admit that we are in this horrible state because we have chosen to put our religion second to everything else. Our priorities are completely messed up.
What do we need to do?
and foremost, we need to realize that everything rests in the Hands of
Allah. He and He alone can help us, thus we need to turn to Him and
implore Him to rectify our affairs. At the same time, we must know that
in order to have our prayers answered, we need to do our part.
"O you who believe! If you help (in the cause of) Allah, He will help you, and make your foothold firm." [47:7]
start, we need to learn and practice Islam according to the way of the
Prophet (saws) and his noble Companions and those who followed in their
footsteps. This means we must know who Allah is and understand why He
created us. We must know who the allies and who the enemies of the
believers are. Our support must be for Allah and the believers and we
cannot depend on the unbelievers. Our Islam has to be apparent; we have
to establish the Salaah and adhere to the tenets of Islam. We cannot
make excuses for not praying five times a day and on time. We have to
stop finding excuses to deal with Riba and for forsaking many of our
As for Ahadith such as, "Whosoever
of you sees an evil, let him change it with his hand; and if he is not
able to do so, then (let him change it) with his tongue; and if he is
not able to do so, then with his heart — and that is the weakest of
faith.” [Muslim], then we interpret them in a way that favours the
criminals running our Masajid and centres. All this, hiding behind the
(misunderstood) concept of unity.
to all these politics within the Masajid and centres, some students in
Islamic universities found a good business opportunity. They saw that
Masajid and Islamic centres were not offering the services they are
supposed to, so they took that as a great source of income for
themselves and established "institutes and academies." In principle, I
have no issues with Islamic institutions like that, but because the
primary goal is to make money, they end up very pally pally with the
thugs so they can be allowed to promote themselves through their Masajid
and Islamic centres. In addition, since they want to increase their
customer base, their teachings are also watered down to suit the
political climate. They call it "hikmah or wisdom", but it is in reality
selling out. This has led to what we now know as celebrity Da'wah and a
cult like culture among many of the youth who have been bamboozled into
falling for these popular institutes and academies.
I think you get the picture; things are in a real mess! But we can turn things around if we are sincere, fear Allah, keep our duty to Him, place our trust in Him and work on bringing about positive change. Let's start by straightening out our own lives and practice of Islam, then by joining hands with those people of knowledge who have not sold out, even if they are not popular. Remember, we are not fighting a popularity contest, we are fighting for the well-being of Muslims. I am confident that if we focus on learning and practicing Islam in its pristine form, many of our problems will be solved. There seems to be this notion that we need to be aware and cautious of extremism. True, we do have to be cautious of extremism, but whether it is in the form of exaggeration or extreme negligence. The reality is that we suffer mostly from extreme negligence these days; negligence in truly adhering to Islam.
we want our state of affairs to change, if we want to be successful and
ward off Islamophobia and such things, we need to change ourselves
first. We need to enter into Islam completely and be confident that
Allah will support us.
I think you get the picture; things are in a real mess! But we can turn things around if we are sincere, fear Allah, keep our duty to Him, place our trust in Him and work on bringing about positive change. Let's start by straightening out our own lives and practice of Islam, then by joining hands with those people of knowledge who have not sold out, even if they are not popular. Remember, we are not fighting a popularity contest, we are fighting for the well-being of Muslims. I am confident that if we focus on learning and practicing Islam in its pristine form, many of our problems will be solved. There seems to be this notion that we need to be aware and cautious of extremism. True, we do have to be cautious of extremism, but whether it is in the form of exaggeration or extreme negligence. The reality is that we suffer mostly from extreme negligence these days; negligence in truly adhering to Islam.
˹necessary˺ provisions ˹for the journey˺— surely the best provision is
taqwa (righteousness, fear of Allah, piety)." [2:197]
By Shaykh Younus Kathrada (hafidhaUllah)
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