Out of His mercy for His slaves, Allah did not enable the devil to have authority over these slaves of His, as He says: "Indeed, My servants - no authority will you have over them, except those who follow you of the deviators." [15:42] Moreover, Allah describes the devil’s plot as being weak when He says: "Indeed, the plot of Shaytaan has ever been weak." [4:76] Hence, the devil resorts to whispering when he cannot find any other way to seduce the believers.
The Meaning of Whispering:
Whispering is what
the devil throws into the hearts. Ar-Raaghib said that whispering
refers to bad thoughts. Al-Baghawi said that whispering is the
concealed speech that is meant to mislead. This type of whispering is
evil and includes all the bad thoughts that occur to one’s
Whispering is different from inspiration, which is everything good that occurs to one’s mind. Ibn Al-Qayyim said that whispering is a secret communication, either in a low sound that is audible only to the receiving person, or without sound at all as the devil does with humans. Whispering sometimes comes from the Jinni devil as Allah says: "But Shaytaan whispered to them to make apparent to them that which was concealed from them of their private parts. He said, “Your Lord did not forbid you this tree except that you become angels or become of the immortal.”" [7:20] Allah called both the jinni and human devil “the whisperer” as He says: "From the evil of the retreating whisperer. Who whispers [evil] into the breasts of mankind" [114:4-5] At other times, whispering is attributed to the soul as Allah says: "And We have already created man and know what his soul whispers to him, and We are closer to him than (his) jugular vein" [50:16]
Types of Whispering:
The devil is ever present with the son of Adam. He comes to him even at the times of eating and drinking to tempt and afflict him. However, his major aim is to corrupt the believer’s faith. For this reason, he does his best to extinguish the light of knowledge and guidance in his heart, and entrap him in the darkness of doubts and confusion. Hence, the devil’s whispering is mainly targeted at two religious matters:
The first is at matters pertaining to knowledge, which are issues related to belief and faith. This is the most dangerous type of whispering because Tawheed is the foundation of Islam and the capital of the believer. Through this type of whispering, the devil can corrupt one’s religion. Hence, Shaytaan concentrates his efforts on corrupting this creed and making people doubt pure Tawheed to divert them from the true religion. The Prophet (saws) said: “The throne of Shaytaan is over the sea and he sends his brigades to tempt people. The best one for him is the one who causes the greatest Fitnah [tribulation].” [Muslim]
The second has to do with practical matters, which are the acts of worship and dealing with others. The devil is present with the Muslim when he purifies himself, prays, remembers Allah, supplicates to Him, performs pilgrimage, circumambulates and fasts in order to confuse him while performing these acts of worship and obedience and ruin them for him. In a Hadith on the authority of Abu Hurayrah the Prophet (saws) said: “When the devil hears the Athaan, he flees and passes wind noisily so as not to hear it. Then, when the Athaan is completed, he returns and whispers to people. When he hears the Iqaamah, he goes away and his voice cannot be heard, then he returns again after it is completed and whispers to people again.” [Al-Bukhari and Muslim]
Returning to the first type of whispering, which pertains to matters related to creed and faith, one of the devil’s tricks is to encourage people to be curious and ask about things that they, as creatures, cannot comprehend regarding the Creator. Thus, he whispers to people to ask about the reality of Allah and His existence. This may happen to many of the sincere believers who would then drive these thoughts away by glorifying Allah. In a Hadith on the authority of Abu Hurayrah he said, “Some of the Companions came to the Prophet (saws) and said to him, ‘Some of us sometimes find ourselves wondering about things that we cannot talk about.’ The Prophet (saws) said: ‘And do you [in particular] find this?’ They said, ‘Yes.’ So, he said: ‘This indicates pure faith.’” [Muslim]
In a Hadith on the authority of ‘Abdullaah he said, “The Prophet (saws) was asked about whispering, and he said: ‘It is absolute faith.’” [Muslim] Al-Khattaabi said, “This means that pure faith prevented them from repeating the devil’s whispering and from believing in it. It does not mean that the whispering itself is pure faith as this whispering comes from the devil, so it could not be pure faith. Faith means certainty and the Prophet (saws) was referring to the fear that they felt from being punished by Allah for such thoughts, and this is sheer faith because fearing Allah clashes with having doubts about Him.”
Ibn Taymiyyah said, “Being subjected to whispering (and the acts of) hating it greatly and driving it away only emerge from pure faith. This is similar to the Mujaahid who fights his enemy until he defeats him. This is the greatest type of Jihaad. It is pure faith because he hates such whisperings and strives to drive it away; thus, these people (i.e., the Companions) purified their faith and it became pure.” He added, When the devil cast these whisperings into their hearts and they drove them away, the faith in their hearts made them hate these whisperings and think of them as a great sin, and this is pure faith. This in no way implies that one is commanded to have such whisperings. Moreover, anything could cause man to disbelieve or disobey Allah, but he could defy that cause and prevent himself from doing so, as this would lead him to faith and piety. Nonetheless, one is not commanded to be affected by such causes. Allah says: "Those to whom hypocrites said, “Indeed, the people have gathered against you, so fear them.” But it (merely) increased them in faith, and they said, “Sufficient for us is Allah, and (He is) The best Disposer of Affairs.” So they returned with favor from Allah and bounty." [3:173-174] This increased faith and reliance upon Allah was the result of people attempting to frighten them by mentioning their enemy; however, this act of frightening people is not permissible. One might commit a sin that causes him to repent and win the love of Allah; however, people are not commanded to commit sins. This is a very broad issue.
The Prophet (saws) informed his Companions that people would talk about these whisperings. In a Hadith on the authority of Abu Hurayrah the Prophet (saws) said: “O Abu Hurayrah, people will keep asking you until they will say, ‘If there is Allah, then who created Allah?’” Abu Hurayrah said, “Once I was in the mosque and some Bedouins came and said, ‘O Abu Hurayrah, If there is Allah, then who created Allah?” He continued, “I took hold of some pebbles in my hand and threw it at them and said, ‘Go away! Go away! My friend (the Prophet (saws)) was right.” [Muslim]
Methods of Treating Whispering in Matters Pertaining to Creed:
There are two methods for protecting one’s self against the devil’s whispering in matters pertaining to creed and faith:
The first one is a preventative method, which means protecting one’s self against the whispering before it even takes place by fortifying one’s self with knowledge and devoting himself to studying and learning the issues of Tawheed and faith, because the devil always finds it difficult to whisper to scholars. Whenever he tries to defeat them, they would defeat him. If he tries to whisper to them, they would drive away these whisperings with the guidance and knowledge that they have and would thereby pelt him with these stones. It was said that one scholar is harder on the devil than one thousand worshippers. The one who gets to know Allah through His attributes and creation, would certainly glorify Him. Moreover, he would always have good expectations of his Lord until he meets Him.
The second method should be applied if the whisperings already take place. Muslims who are aware of this should drive them away and nullify their effect through six ways:
The first one is to stop thinking of these whisperings by dispelling any thoughts that are related to them and seeking refuge with Allah from the evil of the accursed devil. This is supported by a Hadith on the authority of Abu Hurayrah where the Prophet (saws) said: “The devil comes to one of you and says, ‘Who created this and that?’ Until he says, ‘Who created your Lord?’ If he comes to this, one should seek refuge with Allah and put an end to such idle thoughts.” [Muslim]
This means that if such whisperings occur to anyone, he should resort to Allah to drive its evil away and stop thinking of it. He should also know that these whisperings are from the devil who wants to corrupt and tempt him. So, he should not listen to his whispering and should stop it by keeping himself busy with something else. Allah says: "And if an evil suggestion comes to you from Satan, then seek refuge in Allah. Indeed, He is Hearing and Knowing. Indeed, those who fear Allah - when an impulse touches them from Satan, they remember (Him) and at once they have insight." [7:200-201]
Whispering is different from inspiration, which is everything good that occurs to one’s mind. Ibn Al-Qayyim said that whispering is a secret communication, either in a low sound that is audible only to the receiving person, or without sound at all as the devil does with humans. Whispering sometimes comes from the Jinni devil as Allah says: "But Shaytaan whispered to them to make apparent to them that which was concealed from them of their private parts. He said, “Your Lord did not forbid you this tree except that you become angels or become of the immortal.”" [7:20] Allah called both the jinni and human devil “the whisperer” as He says: "From the evil of the retreating whisperer. Who whispers [evil] into the breasts of mankind" [114:4-5] At other times, whispering is attributed to the soul as Allah says: "And We have already created man and know what his soul whispers to him, and We are closer to him than (his) jugular vein" [50:16]
Types of Whispering:
The devil is ever present with the son of Adam. He comes to him even at the times of eating and drinking to tempt and afflict him. However, his major aim is to corrupt the believer’s faith. For this reason, he does his best to extinguish the light of knowledge and guidance in his heart, and entrap him in the darkness of doubts and confusion. Hence, the devil’s whispering is mainly targeted at two religious matters:
The first is at matters pertaining to knowledge, which are issues related to belief and faith. This is the most dangerous type of whispering because Tawheed is the foundation of Islam and the capital of the believer. Through this type of whispering, the devil can corrupt one’s religion. Hence, Shaytaan concentrates his efforts on corrupting this creed and making people doubt pure Tawheed to divert them from the true religion. The Prophet (saws) said: “The throne of Shaytaan is over the sea and he sends his brigades to tempt people. The best one for him is the one who causes the greatest Fitnah [tribulation].” [Muslim]
The second has to do with practical matters, which are the acts of worship and dealing with others. The devil is present with the Muslim when he purifies himself, prays, remembers Allah, supplicates to Him, performs pilgrimage, circumambulates and fasts in order to confuse him while performing these acts of worship and obedience and ruin them for him. In a Hadith on the authority of Abu Hurayrah the Prophet (saws) said: “When the devil hears the Athaan, he flees and passes wind noisily so as not to hear it. Then, when the Athaan is completed, he returns and whispers to people. When he hears the Iqaamah, he goes away and his voice cannot be heard, then he returns again after it is completed and whispers to people again.” [Al-Bukhari and Muslim]
Returning to the first type of whispering, which pertains to matters related to creed and faith, one of the devil’s tricks is to encourage people to be curious and ask about things that they, as creatures, cannot comprehend regarding the Creator. Thus, he whispers to people to ask about the reality of Allah and His existence. This may happen to many of the sincere believers who would then drive these thoughts away by glorifying Allah. In a Hadith on the authority of Abu Hurayrah he said, “Some of the Companions came to the Prophet (saws) and said to him, ‘Some of us sometimes find ourselves wondering about things that we cannot talk about.’ The Prophet (saws) said: ‘And do you [in particular] find this?’ They said, ‘Yes.’ So, he said: ‘This indicates pure faith.’” [Muslim]
In a Hadith on the authority of ‘Abdullaah he said, “The Prophet (saws) was asked about whispering, and he said: ‘It is absolute faith.’” [Muslim] Al-Khattaabi said, “This means that pure faith prevented them from repeating the devil’s whispering and from believing in it. It does not mean that the whispering itself is pure faith as this whispering comes from the devil, so it could not be pure faith. Faith means certainty and the Prophet (saws) was referring to the fear that they felt from being punished by Allah for such thoughts, and this is sheer faith because fearing Allah clashes with having doubts about Him.”
Ibn Taymiyyah said, “Being subjected to whispering (and the acts of) hating it greatly and driving it away only emerge from pure faith. This is similar to the Mujaahid who fights his enemy until he defeats him. This is the greatest type of Jihaad. It is pure faith because he hates such whisperings and strives to drive it away; thus, these people (i.e., the Companions) purified their faith and it became pure.” He added, When the devil cast these whisperings into their hearts and they drove them away, the faith in their hearts made them hate these whisperings and think of them as a great sin, and this is pure faith. This in no way implies that one is commanded to have such whisperings. Moreover, anything could cause man to disbelieve or disobey Allah, but he could defy that cause and prevent himself from doing so, as this would lead him to faith and piety. Nonetheless, one is not commanded to be affected by such causes. Allah says: "Those to whom hypocrites said, “Indeed, the people have gathered against you, so fear them.” But it (merely) increased them in faith, and they said, “Sufficient for us is Allah, and (He is) The best Disposer of Affairs.” So they returned with favor from Allah and bounty." [3:173-174] This increased faith and reliance upon Allah was the result of people attempting to frighten them by mentioning their enemy; however, this act of frightening people is not permissible. One might commit a sin that causes him to repent and win the love of Allah; however, people are not commanded to commit sins. This is a very broad issue.
The Prophet (saws) informed his Companions that people would talk about these whisperings. In a Hadith on the authority of Abu Hurayrah the Prophet (saws) said: “O Abu Hurayrah, people will keep asking you until they will say, ‘If there is Allah, then who created Allah?’” Abu Hurayrah said, “Once I was in the mosque and some Bedouins came and said, ‘O Abu Hurayrah, If there is Allah, then who created Allah?” He continued, “I took hold of some pebbles in my hand and threw it at them and said, ‘Go away! Go away! My friend (the Prophet (saws)) was right.” [Muslim]
Methods of Treating Whispering in Matters Pertaining to Creed:
There are two methods for protecting one’s self against the devil’s whispering in matters pertaining to creed and faith:
The first one is a preventative method, which means protecting one’s self against the whispering before it even takes place by fortifying one’s self with knowledge and devoting himself to studying and learning the issues of Tawheed and faith, because the devil always finds it difficult to whisper to scholars. Whenever he tries to defeat them, they would defeat him. If he tries to whisper to them, they would drive away these whisperings with the guidance and knowledge that they have and would thereby pelt him with these stones. It was said that one scholar is harder on the devil than one thousand worshippers. The one who gets to know Allah through His attributes and creation, would certainly glorify Him. Moreover, he would always have good expectations of his Lord until he meets Him.
The second method should be applied if the whisperings already take place. Muslims who are aware of this should drive them away and nullify their effect through six ways:
The first one is to stop thinking of these whisperings by dispelling any thoughts that are related to them and seeking refuge with Allah from the evil of the accursed devil. This is supported by a Hadith on the authority of Abu Hurayrah where the Prophet (saws) said: “The devil comes to one of you and says, ‘Who created this and that?’ Until he says, ‘Who created your Lord?’ If he comes to this, one should seek refuge with Allah and put an end to such idle thoughts.” [Muslim]
This means that if such whisperings occur to anyone, he should resort to Allah to drive its evil away and stop thinking of it. He should also know that these whisperings are from the devil who wants to corrupt and tempt him. So, he should not listen to his whispering and should stop it by keeping himself busy with something else. Allah says: "And if an evil suggestion comes to you from Satan, then seek refuge in Allah. Indeed, He is Hearing and Knowing. Indeed, those who fear Allah - when an impulse touches them from Satan, they remember (Him) and at once they have insight." [7:200-201]
Thus, the person should restrain himself from continuing with such thoughts as they have dire consequences.
The second one is that he should not ask direct questions related to these whisperings. In other words, he should not utter any of these whisperings for he would be safe for as long as these whisperings are confined in his heart without reaching his tongue. In a Hadith on the authority of Abu Hurayrah the Prophet (saws) said: “Allah has forgiven my Ummah the evil thoughts that occur to their minds, as long as such thoughts are not put into action or uttered.” [Al-Bukhari] This was the behavior of the Companions when they encountered anything like this. In a Hadith on the authority of ‘Abdullaah Ibn ‘Abbaas he said that a man came to the Prophet (saws) and said: “I have thoughts of such a nature that I would rather be reduced to ashes than speak about them.” He (saws) said: “All praise is due to Allah who has reduced the plot of the devil to whisperings.” [Abu Dawood]
The third one is to say with firm belief “I believe in Allah”, when any of the devil’s whisperings occur to him. The Prophet (saws) said: “People will continue asking questions until they would say, ‘Allah created everything, but who created Allah?’ The one who finds something like this should say, ‘I believe in Allah.’” [Muslim]
It is well known that belief in Allah is the first pillar of believing in the unseen, and from which belief in all the other pillars spring. Confirming this belief by one's tongue acts as a reminder of Allah and drives away the devil.
The fourth one was mentioned by Ibn Al-Qayyim who said:
The Prophet (saws) said that the one who is afflicted with any whisperings such as being asked who created Allah should recite the verse: "He is the First and the Last, the Ascendant and the Intimate, and He is, of all things, Knowing [57:3] Ibn ‘Abbaas asked Abu Zumayl Simaak ibn Al-Waleed Al-Hanafi when he said to him, “There is something that I feel in my chest.” [To which he inquired,] “What is it?” He replied, “By Allah, I will not talk about it.” Ibn ‘Abbaas said, “Are you in doubt?” He replied, “Yes.” Ibn ‘Abbaas said, “No one was saved from this until Allah revealed the verse: "So if you are in doubt, (O Muhammad), about that which We have revealed to you, then ask those who have been reading the Scripture before you." [10:94] Then he said to Abu Zumayl, “If you feel any of this, recite the verse: "He is the First and the Last, the Ascendant and the Intimate, and He is, of all things, Knowing" [57:3]”
Allah has guided people to the fact that an infinite
chain of creation is logically invalid and that the chain of creation
is traced back to a beginning that is not preceded by any other thing
and will end at something that is not followed by any other thing.
Allah is the First who was not preceded by any other thing and the
Last who is not followed by any other thing. He is the Ascendant and
nothing is above Him and the Intimate and nothing is under Him.
The fifth one is resorting to Allah by supplicating to Him and asking Him to make one’s heart firm on faith. This is why the Prophet (saws) would supplicate to Allah saying: “Ya muqallib al-quloob thabbit qalbi ‘ala deenik (O You who changes the hearts (i.e., Allah), make my heart firm on Your religion).” He (saws) also would say: “Faith wears out just as clothes do, so ask Allah to renew your faith.”
The sixth one is that, if the whispering continues, one should refer to the people of knowledge regarding whatever troubles or disturbs his belief in his Lord for Allah says: "So ask the people of the message if you do not know." [16:43]
The devil’s whispering in acts of worship is something that he does with certain people. He makes them imagine, for instance, that they have nullified their ablution while praying or that they have prayed three Rak‘ahs instead of four. He also comes to the slave after performing ablution and whispers to him that he did not wipe over his head or did not wash his body parts in the correct way.
The treatment of this kind of whispering is to overlook it, especially if it has become a habit. The Prophet (saws) guided us to its treatment when he said: “The devil comes to one of you while he is praying and would open his anus, and the person would think that he has nullified his ablution while in fact he did not. If anyone of you feels this, he should not leave the prayer until his ears hear a sound or his nose smells a bad smell.” [Al-Haythami: Al-Majma‘ with a Saheeh Chain] The one who is afflicted with this should remember and mention Allah a lot because the devil has no authority over those who do this frequently. He should also invoke Allah and supplicate to Him frequently to drive this affliction away. Moreover, he should seek the help of specialized physicians. May Allah protect us and all Muslims from every affliction and drive the devil’s plot away.
The fifth one is resorting to Allah by supplicating to Him and asking Him to make one’s heart firm on faith. This is why the Prophet (saws) would supplicate to Allah saying: “Ya muqallib al-quloob thabbit qalbi ‘ala deenik (O You who changes the hearts (i.e., Allah), make my heart firm on Your religion).” He (saws) also would say: “Faith wears out just as clothes do, so ask Allah to renew your faith.”
The sixth one is that, if the whispering continues, one should refer to the people of knowledge regarding whatever troubles or disturbs his belief in his Lord for Allah says: "So ask the people of the message if you do not know." [16:43]
The devil’s whispering in acts of worship is something that he does with certain people. He makes them imagine, for instance, that they have nullified their ablution while praying or that they have prayed three Rak‘ahs instead of four. He also comes to the slave after performing ablution and whispers to him that he did not wipe over his head or did not wash his body parts in the correct way.
The treatment of this kind of whispering is to overlook it, especially if it has become a habit. The Prophet (saws) guided us to its treatment when he said: “The devil comes to one of you while he is praying and would open his anus, and the person would think that he has nullified his ablution while in fact he did not. If anyone of you feels this, he should not leave the prayer until his ears hear a sound or his nose smells a bad smell.” [Al-Haythami: Al-Majma‘ with a Saheeh Chain] The one who is afflicted with this should remember and mention Allah a lot because the devil has no authority over those who do this frequently. He should also invoke Allah and supplicate to Him frequently to drive this affliction away. Moreover, he should seek the help of specialized physicians. May Allah protect us and all Muslims from every affliction and drive the devil’s plot away.
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