The Islamic Ummah has witnessed a long
period of humiliation, in which blood has been split, the torn-off limbs
have multiplied, the injuries have increased, and the cries of the
Muslimeen have risen in many lands, such as Palestine, Afghanistan,
Bosnia, Chechnya, Tajikistan, Uzbekistan, Kosovo, Turkmenistan, ‘Iraq,
the Philippines, Indonesia, the Arabian Peninsula and other Muslim
lands. And after this humiliation and horrifying disgrace, the lions of
Islam, and the lights in the darkness, stood up when they realized that
the cause for this humiliation is the distance of the Muslimeen distance
from Islam and from Jihad for the sake of Allah, in accordance with the
words of the truthful and believed one, Prophet (saws):
“When you conduct transactions by al-‘Inah (a type of usury), take hold
of the tails of cows, content yourself with agriculture and abandon Jihad; Allah will cover you with a humiliation and will not remove it
from you, until you return to your Dīn (to Jihad).”
So they returned to Jihad, placed their
fingers on the triggers, and they began fighting the people of
disbelief, stubbornness, tyranny and corruption. And so Allah opened up
for them a great victory, and their campaigns became a part of history
that will never be forgotten, and their battles against the enemy became
a blazing flame. Therefore, they are the lions of (important)
happenings and the heroes of the milestones. Allah guided them to the
most-righteous path and the only solution to this shameful situation,
and that is Jihad for the Sake of the Lord of the ‘ālamīn, for iron can
only be dented by iron. And the one who said the following was truthful:
The era of subjugation taught us lessons *** With them the way becomes clear to the seeker of guidance!
That if the shelter of guidance is divested of *** the horses and warriors of victory, it becomes a graveyard!
And the Deen does not have a place *** If the guards and soldiers betray it!
And the people are all similar, except *** when they are distinguished by sacrifice and effort!
As for the enemy, Allah Has informed us in His Book that he will never be pleased with us
until we follow him in what he is upon of misguidance and error, no
matter how much we compromise under the force of humiliation and
disgrace. Allah says:
"And never will the jews nor the christians be pleased with you till you follow their way." [al-Baqarah:120]
Therefore, their utmost enmity will not
stop at any limit except at our entering into their religion and way. So
then there is no way with them except with the sword and fighting. With
them (swords and fighting), this Deen gains victory, and the lands are
returned, and the Ummah is liberated from disgrace. “He (Allah) will not
remove it from you until you return to your Deen (return to Jihad).”
And in this current world war, the people attributed to Islam are three groups:
The First Category: One who supports the
Deen of Allah, working hard in fighting the enemies of the Deen. And
these are the fewest in number but the greatest with Allah in reward.
And the Second Category: A traitor to the people of Islam, one who abstains from helping them.
And the Third Category: One who is out
of Islam, a Murtadd from this Deen due to his helping and assisting the
crusaders against the Muslimeen.
He says:
"O you who believe! Take not the jews
and christians as awliyaa they are but the awliyaa of each other. And if
any amongst you takes them as awliyaa then surely he is one of them.
Verily Allah does not guide the dhalimeen." [Al-Mai’dah:51]
And He says:
"O you who believe! If you obey those
who disbelieve, they will send you back on your heels and you will turn
back as losers." [Ali ‘Imran:149]
And He says:
"O you who believe! If you obey a group
of those who were given the Scripture, they would render you
disbelievers after you have believed." [Ali ‘Imran:100]
Shaykhul Islam Ibn Taymiyyah said: “And if the Salaf used to call those who refused to
pay the Zakaat apostates, even though they fasted, established Salaah and
they didn’t fight against the Muslim Jama’ah, then how about one who
sides with the enemies of Allah and His Messenger (saws), fighting against the Muslimeen?”
And Shaykhul Islam Muhammad Ibn
‘Abdul-Wahhab said: “Verily the evidences for the Kuffr of
a Muslim if he associates partners with Allah or joins the Mushrikeen
against the Muslimeen even if he doesn’t associate (partners with Allah),
are more than you can list from the Words of Allah, the words of His
Messenger (saws) and the words of the
trustworthy people of knowledge. So this issue is one which the people
of knowledge are upon an absolute consensus about.”
[Wa Islamah - By ash-Shaykh ‘Abdul-Majid Ibn Muhammad al-Muni’ (rahimahUllah)]
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