Taken from “Adwa ‘ala qadiyyah at-tahakum”
(The fifth mistake) Not differentiating between the one who worships Taghout and the one who rejects it.
“Some of the people say: ”Al-Hukm is worship. And the gathering of Taghout is a gathering of worship. So anyone who answers his call and enters into his gathering he is a Kaafir and engaging in the worship of Taghout, even if he was a Muslim before he showed up.”
I say: This generalization is a mistake and also dangerous. The Tughyan (oppression, trespassing, tyranny) of the Taghout is not only in the short time where he judges between the disputing parties. Verily he is Taghout at every point of time, as long as he is upon his falsehood and his legalization of ruling the people with his desires. And likewise his followers, they are not only Kuffaar during the gathering only, instead they are Kuffaar as long as they are pleased with following his law.
And the Muslim rejects Taghout and he is not a Kaafir just by entering upon the Taghout since entering upon him is allowed in the law of Allah. And by looking at the following examples it becomes clear to you that this generalization is a mistake and also the mistake of accusing every single person who enters upon the Taghout of Kuffr, or everyone who speaks a word in the gathering of his Hukm:
(The first) An arrogant Taghout sent for two Muslim men saying to them: “Complaints have reached me that you reject our religion and the worship of our statue and I want from you to come to us early in the morning for both of you to worship our statue with us. And if you do not attend then I will make an example out of you for others (by punishing you).”