Question: As-salamu ‘alaykum, what is the Asl (origin) of the people today? With mentioning of evidences…
It may be that the questioner asks with regards to the
Asl of the people in the lands of apostasy, and we will answer this
question in details by the permission of Allah. So know that, may
Allah have mercy upon you, that the ruling of a land does not depend
on who lives in it, rather the land is of two types:
Land of Islam (Darul-Islam): this is the one that the
rulings and attributes of Islam have risen in and the people rule by
the ruling of Allah.
Land of disbelief or land of war (Darul-Kuffr,
Darul-Harb): This is the one that the rulings and attributes of the
Shaytaan have appeared, and where the people rule with a ruling that
is different to that of Allah.
Allah said proving the Islam of those who lived in the
lands of disbelief (like Makkah before its conquering), “They are
the ones who disbelieved and obstructed you from al-Masjid al-Haram
while the offering was prevented from reaching its place of
sacrifice. And if not for believing men and believing women whom you
did not know – that you might trample them and there would befall
you because of them dishonor without (your) knowledge – (you would
have been permitted to enter Makkah). (This was so) that Allah might
admit to His mercy whom He willed. If they had been apart [from
them], We would have punished those who disbelieved among them with
painful punishment” [48:25]
Ibnul-Qayyim said, “The majority said: the land of
Islam is the land that the Muslimeen are stabilized in and are ruling
by the laws of Allah, and whatever is not ruled by the laws of Islam,
then that is not the land of Islam and even if it is close to one,
such is at-Ta’if which did not become a land of Islam even though
Makkah was very close to after it was conquered.” Taken from his
words in the rulings of the people of Dhimmah.
Therefore in the lands of Islam, whoever was to show the
word of Tawheed, or his name lead you to believe he was Muslim, or he
made Salaah, or he grew a beard as Muslimoon do, or found him to be
circumcised, or a woman wore Hijaab, and all those apparent signs
that indicates that this person is Muslim, and even if one who is
crazy or insane, they too are given the rulings of Islam. All these
are given the name and rulings of Islam, and the lands of Islam today
are those ruled by the Khalifah.
Original land of disbelief: and these are the lands that
Muslimeen have not opened such as America. And the majority of its
people are disbelievers, with no ties to Islam.
Land of incidental Kuffr (Darul-Kuffr at-Tara), land of
apostasy: and these are the lands in which it’s people have left
Islam as a whole, and this is also of different types:
One where the Muslimeen of Ahlus-Sunnah wal-Jama’ah
are a minority like Iran and al-Andalus, and another type where the
majority of the people are Muslimeen of Ahlus-Sunnah but the lands
are ruled by Tawagheet such as is the situation of the majority of
the Arab lands today such as the Arabian peninsula.
And as for the lands of incidental Kuffr, lands of
apostasy, if the majority of its people are apostates such as the
Rawafid, like Karbala, and Manjasah and Najf, the worst, then its
people are treated like that of Murtadeen, because this is the
situation of the majority of its people. And the standard is with the
majority not with the few and rare. Despite that; you may find some
Muslimeen Muwahhideen.
Ibn Qudamah said in al-Mughni: “And whenever the
people of the land commit apostasy, and their own rulings are applied
therein then this land becomes a land of war.”
As for the lands of apostasy in which the majority of
its people are tied to Ahlus-Sunnah wal-Jama’ah, then we judge each
by his situation; so whoever shows us their Islam by the word of
Tawheed or by Salaah, Hijaab and such from the signs of Islam, then
we judge him to be Muslim so long as he does not show to us a clear
And this is the agreement and fatwa of Shaykhul-Islam
Islam Ibn Taymiyyah when he was asked about a town called Mardeen in
Turkey which was conquered by the Tartar, whether it is a land of war
or land of Islam so he replied: “And as for its status as
Darul Harb (war) or Darus-Silm (i.e. Islam), then it is Murakkabah (composite) – both meanings are in it. It is not at the
status of Darus-Silm where the laws of Islam are run or because its
soldiers are Muslimeen, nor is it at the status of Darul-Harb
where in it its people are Kuffaar. Rather, it is a third category,
where the Muslim is treated according to what he deserves, and
the one outside of the Shari’ah of Islam is fought according
to what he deserves.”
And there has appeared some people who say that the
origin of people in the lands of apostasy is disbelief, despite the
those in the land being of Ahlus-Sunnah wal-Jama’ah and those
people have resembled the extremists and Khawarij in this unstable
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