[1] The war of the christian crusaders.
[2] The zionist war.
[3] The communist and atheistic war.
The war of the christian crusaders is today at its most intense. Since Salahud-Deen al-Ayyobi achieved victory over the christians crusading in the Muslim lands with their strength and weapons, the christians realized that even though they had achieved (some) victories, these victories were temporary ones that did not last. That is why they started thinking about the most destructive alternatives. After numerous case studies and assemblies they arrived at (something) that was far more dangerous and destructive than military warfare; which was that the christian nations, both individually and collectively, should launch an ideological attack on those Muslims who were just beginning to grow and develop.
This is because conquering the hearts and thoughts (of people) is far more permanent than conquering their lands. The Muslim whose mind has not been corrupted cannot bear to see the Kuffaar wielding authority, and ordering and prohibiting in his own country. Therefore such a Muslim strives his utmost to expel and distance them, even if he has to sacrifice his own life, or his most cherished possession, for this cause. And this is what happened after the major conquest of the crusaders.
As for the Muslim who is exposed to the (effects) of this filthy war, he becomes ill in thought and desensitized to this disease. He does not see any danger with the presence of christians in the lands of the Muslims. Indeed, he may even think that their presence is a source of goodness which aids and advances civilization. So the christians have sufficed themselves with this ideological warfare, as opposed to the military one, because it is more effective and more permanent. What need do they have of deploying troops or spending huge sums of money, when there exists amongst the children of the Muslims those who can actually fulfill their wishes, intentionally or unintentionally, with a price or without one.
This is why they do not resort to openly fighting the Muslims with weapons and arms, except in rare cases when necessity dictates this. They resort to this in situations where speed is sought; such as what happened in Uganda and Pakistan; or when there is a need to stabilize the advancement, or establish centres, or to establish bases which engage in destructive ideological warfare; such as what happened in Egypt, Syria, ‘Irāq, and other countries, before their expulsion.
The zionist war is just the same. The jews strive their utmost to corrupt the beliefs, morals and manners of the Muslims. The jews scheme and crave after possessing the Muslim lands, as well as the lands of others. They have fulfilled some of their plans and continue striving hard to implement the rest of them. Even though they do engage the Muslims in warfare involving strength and arms and have occupied some of their lands, they also fight them through spreading and aiding the spread of] destructive thoughts, beliefs and ideologies; such as freemasonry, qadiaanisim, bahaaism, teejaanism, and others – seeking the support of the christians, and others, in order to fulfill their objects.
As for the communist/atheist war, then presently it is spreading like wildfire across the Muslim lands (this was written over 20 years ago). This happens as a consequence of their being an emptiness, weak Imaan in most people, wide spread ignorance, and the lack of a correct and healthy cultivation and development. The communist parties from Russia and China, as well as others, have managed to ensnare (into this false ideology) every spiteful, malicious person; driven by those weak in faith, or having no faith at all. They selected these types of people as being their puppets and plants in that country; spreading through (such puppets) their filthy atheistic and communistic ideologies. They lured them with promises of high positions of power and status. Through them they tore apart the Muslim Ummah and they were made as the troops of shaytaan. They were aided in this by the christians and the jews, who sometimes assisted in their preparation, whilst at other times they aided and supported them. Thus, even though they do have differences between them, yet they become a single hand against the Muslims. They view the Muslims as their worst enemy, that is why we see them co-operating with each other, as allies, against the Muslims. And Allah’s aid is sought, and He suffices us and is the best of guardians.
[Taken from volume 3 of his Majmu’ Fatawa - By ash-Shaykh ‘Abdul-‘Azeez Ibn Baaz (rahimahUllah)]
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