Here are some means to continue observing good deeds after Ramadaan:
1) Offering the five daily prayers especially Fajr prayer in congregation (for Men):
We proved to ourselves during Ramadaan that we are capable of performing congregational prayers in the mosque and are able to pray Fajr prayers daily. So, let us observe the five daily prayers at the Masjid after Ramadaan according to the best of our ability. If we cannot do so, then, we should perform these prayers at the beginning of their allocated time, besides performing the regular voluntary prayers. You should do your best not to abandon them and give Shaytaan a chance to seize you. Be steadfast in this regard.
2) The Quraan:
Do not be one of those who recite the Quraan only during Ramadaan. The Quraan was revealed to be recited in Ramadaan and at other times. In Ramadaan, you were able to read a Juz’ (part), two Juz’s or three Juz’s every day and specified a time for doing so. So, try to specify a portion of the Quraan to be recited daily even if it is just one page. Prove to Shaytaan that you really have changed!
3) Remembering Allah:
Do your best after Ramadaan to regularly observe Adhkaar (words of remembrance) in the morning and evening, while sleeping, going outside the home, and so on. You should utilize your spare time on your way to work by remembering Allah.
4) Good Company:
You should choose the company of those who help you to obey Allah because birds of a feather flock together. On the Day of Resurrection, friends will turn into enemies except those who used to fear Allah. Believers support each other like the bricks in a building. So, you should look for a friend who would warn you if you do evil and urge you to do good deeds. Just as you expect to benefit from a well-mannered, righteous friend, your friend expects the same from you to help him to perform acts of righteousness. So, intend to cultivate goodness in yourself to achieve what you want.
5) Supplication:
Allah Says:
“And when My servants ask you, (O Muhammad), concerning Me - indeed I am near. I respond to the invocation of the supplicant when he calls upon Me.” [2:186]
“And your Lord Says, Call upon Me; I will respond to you.” [40:60]
There are many Ayaat and Ahadith that mention the virtue and merit of supplication. So, be keen to supplicate Allah after Ramadaan. Do you not have a need after Ramadaan? All of us are in need of Allah who is free of need and Praiseworthy. So, try to specify a time for daily supplication even if only for two minutes after any prayer or at the end of your day. It is important not to let a day pass without supplicating and beseeching Allah. You should ask Him to make you steadfast on the path of obeying Him.
6) Praying Tahajjud (voluntary prayers at last third of night) or doing Qiyaam (worshiping Allah entire night):
You should not deprive yourself from offering Tahajjud or doing Qiyaam at night even if for one day per week. Even if standing in prayer at night during Ramadaan has ended, these voluntary night prayers still remain throughout the year. Remind yourselves of Allah's Words: "They used to sleep but little of the night." [51:17]
7) Voluntary Fasting:
Do not forget Fasting, you should try to Fast every Monday and Thursday and the three days in the middle of every Hijri month: 13th, 14th and 15th, days of `Aashoora and `Arafat. And there still remains the 6 days of Shawwal.
8) Da‘wah to Allah:
It is to be of the best contributing factors to remain steadfast on the right path after Ramadaan. You should be concerned with your religion and work for it in order to practically prove the truthfulness of your repentance and returning to Allah. When Allah sees you working for His sake, be sure that He will make you firm on the right path by His will and power. As we said, He is The Appreciative Lord Who bestows favors by enabling good deeds and then gives reward for doing them.
So, choose the acts of obedience that you can do after Ramadaan, be steadfast and upright upon the Deen of Allah at all times, it is important to make changes in your life for the better and to overcome yourself and Shaytaan who enjoins you to do evil deeds, for you do not know when you'll meet the Angel of Death. Beware of him taking you while you are in a state of disobedience,
- Sooooo... what AFTER Ramadaan?!?
- Remaining Steadfast AFTER Ramadaan...
- Ten Signs that the Ibaadah in the Month of Ramadhan are accepted by Allah.
- What is a Successful Ramadan?
- What have we gained from Ramadaan?
- Keep the Spirit of Ramadaan Alive All Yearrrrrr...
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