knowledge of Hafsah (rahimahaAllah) was such that Iyaas ibn Mu’awiyyah
said: ‘I did not meet anyone whom I can prefer over Hafsah.’ He was
asked: ‘What about Hasan al Basri and Muhammad ibn Sireen?’ He said: ‘As
for me I do not prefer anyone over her. She learnt the Qur’an by heart
when she was twelve years old.’
[Al Mizzi, Tahdheeb al-Kamaal, 152]
said this even though the brother of Hafsah (rahimahaAllah) had met
thirty Companions of the Prophet (saws) [Siyar, vol 4, page 606], and
even though A’wf al-A’rabi said: “Ibn Sireen had good knowledge (hasanul
i’lm) in Law of Decent and Distribution (al-Faraaidh), Jurisdiction
(al-Qadaa’) and Estimation (Al Hisaab).”
[Siyar, vol 4, page 609]
Hishaam ibnu Hassaan said: “I saw Al-Hasan (Hasan al Basri), and
(Muhammad) ibnu Sireen, and I did not see anyone that I thought was
cleverer than Hafsah.”
[Sifah As-Safwah, Dhikr Al Mustafiyaat min A’abidaat al Basrah, Vol 2, Page 709]
only had she memorized the Qur’an by the age of twelve but she had deep
knowledge pertaining to the recitation of the Qur’an. Hishaam narrates
that when Ibn Sireen (her brother) would find something difficult and
ambiguous (ashkala ‘alayhi) regarding the Qiraa’ah (recitation), he
would say, “Go and ask Hafsah how to recite.”
[Sifah As-Safwah, Dhikr Al Mustafiyaat min A’abidaat al Basrah]
was both a great muhaddithah (scholar of Hadith) and faqeehah (jurist).
She had learnt many Ahadith from the great Companion Anas ibnu Maalik.
[Ibn Hibbaan, K. al-Thiqaat, iv. 194]
is why Ahadith narrated by her from Anas ibnu Maalik can be found in
Saheeh al Bukhari, for example, ‘Aasim narrates from her from Anas that
the Prophet (saws) said: ‘Plague is martyrdom for every Muslim.’ [Reported by Al Bukhari, Saheeh, Tibb, baab: maa yudhkaru fi al-ta’oon]
six books of Hadith mention her name as well as the books of Sunan and
Masaaneed. One of the famous Ahadith she has narrated is the famous
Hadith regarding the washing of the dead, which she narrated from Umm
A’tiyyah al Ansariyyah. All the chains for this Hadith go through Hafsah bint Sireen.
Akram Nadwi, in his book ‘Al-Muhaddithat’ wrote: ‘Though born a slave, Hafsah bint Sireen
made the best of the opportunity presented to her and became one of the
most important scholars of her time. Some considered her superior to Hasan al Basri.’
[Akram Nadwi, Al Muhaddithat, pg 101]
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