I am writing to my Muslim brothers and sisters living in Europe, America, Canada, Australia, New Zealand, UK, Latin America and any other region of the world where the disbelievers out number you, and justify their unacceptable treatment of Muslims with their term “freedom of speech. What is freedom of speech? One would think it is the freedom of every citizen living in a country to have the right to have a view, or voice an opinion. A sad reality is freedom of speech only is valid if your speech is in line with the local governing bodies values. Well, that is not exactly true for instance, in current day democratic Australia, even those who oppose democracy have a voice such as the Socialist groups, Christian groups and the like. We need to ask ourselves, are we as Muslims offered to same freedom? Can we freely say we want Islamic law without ridicule or possible arrest? Can you freely sympathise with any armed Muslim group in the world without being liable to any one of a number of criminal offences? Another, no less important question is, are we able to practice our religion without persecution? Can a Muslimah walk down any street in a disbelieving dominated society without people staring at her, maybe verbally abusing her or in the worst case scenario being physically abused as was the case with a Saudi sister who was stabbed to death in the UK by an ‘Islamophobe’? And why is it that a brother whose Islam is evident is profiled by western and European security agencies as a threat because he prays in the masjid, has a beard and choose not to vote? This must be more freedom of speech? The question I ask myself is, why do we stay in such humiliating circumstances when Allah has made this earth wide and vast for us?
It seems to me, that if you keep your practice of Islam out of sight then you are the perfect Muslim for the majority of disbelievers. They do not want you to display your love of Allah and His Messenger. In fact, the more you dedicate your life to Allah, the more it will become apparent in your life and the more the majority of disbelievers will persecute you. I am not saying all disbelievers are like this, but the majority who fall for the Western and European governments’ propaganda they filtrate into western and European homes via digital and satellite television and the print media.
Allah Azza wa Jel sent down the Quran as a Guide for Muslims and Prophet Mohamed was chosen to show us how to live according to the Kitab. As Muslims, we know that the more we live our life according to the Kitab, the more our life will be at ease and tranquillity will enter the deepest places of our hearts. Only a Muslim can feel this most blissful of feelings and alhumdolillah we have been chosen to be among the Muslims. I ask myself, why does it disturb disbelievers so deeply to see a practicing Muslim woman? Why do disbelieving men think it is okay to verbally abuse a Muslim woman with her children or spit at her or push her off a train as was the case in Melbourne, Australia. Why is it, when a large Muslim community wants to build a masjid in a Western or European community there is an overwhelming outcry against it being built or established at an already built facility? Isn’t the masjid the heart of the Muslim community? Onto another point, the West and Europe are meant to be all about the rights of women aren’t they? So, if a woman choses to submit to her Creator and cover there should be no problem? If a Muslim woman makes the choice to cover her body why is it anyone’s business? The strange thing is, the fact that a Muslim woman makes the choice to cover then governments of many European countries want to strip her of this so called democratic right! Did I forget to tell you that freedom of choice is for everyone but Muslims who follow Islam? Sad, but true!
Allah azza wa jel says in the Quran that the disbelievers will not be happy until we are one of them. The more we look like the disbelievers the more they will accept us. If a Muslim woman dresses in lose clothing she is deemed to be extreme in her practice of Islam, but, if she wear skin tight jeans and top, make-up and a tiny scarf this is more acceptable to them, and the ultimate is achieved when a Muslimah totally discards her hijab. I remember many years ago when I first wore the niqaab many sisters where against me doing this form of ebadah. They would say to me that I was making their life more difficult due to my choice. At the time I could not understand how an act of ebadah could make another Muslim so unhappy. The reality was that living in a society that doesn’t accept Islam or Muslims had affected my fellow Muslim sisters to the point of discouraging me from an act of ebadah.
My husband and
myself made the decision after praying istikharah and having istishara that we
would make Hijrah. It was not an easy decision but one we needed to make.
Watching what was happening to our fellow Muslims in the country we lived was
distressing. Muslims were being imprisoned for three years without trail based
on a so called terror threat which was never proven, Muslim homes were being
raided in a regular basis, and Muslims were being systemically harassed by the
‘Intelligence’ and Police services, passports being taken from people or even
being denied. Muslims were and are living in this country in a state of paranoia.
This paranoia has led to Muslims distrusting other Muslims and even cutting
ties; a sad reality. We know as Muslims that this is all the ploy of shayton
and we also know Allah swt has Decreed all that has occurred in order to bring
us back to Him swt.
When I first arrived to the land of my hijrah I expected that my neighbours would be of the calibre of Abu Bakr AsSadiq, Omar Ibn Al Khatab, Umm Salamah, Salman Al Farsi and Bilal RAA. I didn’t realise that even in the lands where the shariah is implemented everyone was still human and fallible. I judged my fellow Muslims harshly and wanted to flee back to the country of my, my parents, grandparents and great grandparents birth. I think I was looking for the mistakes of my fellow Muslims so I had an excuse to go running back! How the shayton aimed to fool me!
The first year financially was also very difficult. I always reminded myself that Allah Azza wa Jel loves the Muhajiroon (those who migrate for His Sake), and by His Will and Permission my family would not be left without our needs being fulfilled and every time Allah made a way for us from places we did not plan for or expect.
I made hijrah three years ago and my entire life has benefitted. I can walk the street without fear dressing in a full niqaab including covering my eyes without stares of disapproval or verbal abuse, I hear the Quran everywhere, I hear the Adhan five times a day, myself and my children have Islamic manners where elders are respected, the young are shown mercy and our peers are treated with love and justice (alhumdolillah), my daughters are growing into morally sound woman, my sons are connected to the masjid and my heart is now becoming truly connected with my Rab, Allahu Akbar.
From Your Sister in Deen.
(Umm Rasheed, she is in Somalia now)
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