They try to invade us with these terminologies, others like ‘war on terrorism’, extremism, terrorism, unity, ‘incitement to religious hatred’, ‘glorification of terrorism’ and we begin to hear one of these western terms that is full of Kufr and apostasy though covered with certain masks and terms, pushed in many platforms – i.e. the interfaith platform. They claim that their call is a universal call to bring all people together on one path, that they are unifying them and that they will remove all the racial, religious disputes between the Jews, Christians and Muslims because these three are apparently all on good respected religions. They push it in the name of global peace and harmony.
The enemies of Islam are keen to adopt those plans in order to establish this call and they adopt different means and different styles in order to convince people to love and respect each other and that we should love all religions and even to accept that they all carry the truth.
We know as well how the call of globalization was one of the elements pushing whatever was necessary to promote that filthy, dirty call and we heard a lot of people talking about global respect for global religions and we heard many conferences and many moderate chocolate people claiming that ‘Islam is about respecting all religions’ and that ‘Islam respects all religions’; They ask us to love and respect everyone and everything, to love the shirk, Kufr, Hinduism and all other Baatil, they say “love them all and respect them all, believe that they are all the truth.”
They want to sell to you that the Haqq can be more than one, but verily if the Haqq can be more than one then that means there is nothing called falsehood, the fact is that the Haqq is only one and that is the principle of the truth, it is one and everything else is falsehood.
This call for loving all religions and respecting everyone however is very old phenomena existing from the past as well, even some Sufis like ibn Sab’een and ibn Hud and Tilmisaani they used to say that it is allowed to be a Jew or Christian, and that it is allowed to transfer from Islam to any of those religions, and that if you embrace any of them you embrace the truth, whether you embrace one, two or all three of them, or you change between them, you are always on the truth.
Also the Tatarians and their ministers used to say that “the Deen of Islam is like the Deen of the Jews and the Christians, all those religions are different paths to Allah!” and they used to refer to them similar to the four madhaahib (schools of thought) that they all lead you to Allah!
And this view was also existent among those apostate rationalists, like jamaluddeen afghani and his student Muhammad Abduw in the last century, they used to believe as well in the ideas of Muhammadiyyah, Musawiyyah and Isawiyyah that they are all Haqq, and many rationalists and secularists today adopt this view and that is why they are pushing the ideas of Interfaith and we know very well that Interfaith is about apostasy, it is the call of ‘how to become an apostate.’
It is known from Islam by necessity that anybody who embraces or says that it is allowed to follow any Deen or any Shari’ah other than Islam and the path of Muhammad (sawa), is Kafir, and that is mentioned by Sheikh ul Islam ibn Taymiyyah (rh) in his fataawa. It is mentioned also by Sheikh Muhammad ibn Abdul Wahhab in his compilation of the ten negations of Islam, that one of the negations is to “refuse to call the Jews and Christians Kafir, or to doubt the Kufr of the Jews and Christians or to believe their Deen to be correct.”
And Imam ibn Hazm said in his book Maraatib ul Ijmaa’,
“The companions agree and have
consensus to call the Jews and Christians Kafir.”
And Imam Qadi Iyaad in Kitab ul Shifa’ quoting Imam ibn Hazm, said,
And Imam Qadi Iyaad in Kitab ul Shifa’ quoting Imam ibn Hazm, said,
“Therefore, we make Takfeer on anybody who does not
follow the Millah of Islam, or if he follows any other Millah or if he
doubts that those of others besides the Millah of Islam are Kafir of if
he says that they are good or carry the truth, we will call them Kafir
even if he shows all other functions of Islam liking praying, fasting
(etc) in his exterior.”
This is something very important to know and hear about, because there are many people claiming that they are not Kafir while it is a matter agreed upon. That is why it is well known among the Ulemaa, that anybody who says that they are good, they are Kafir, because that necessitates that they disbelieve in the Qur’an, because Allah says,
“Whoever seeks a Deen other than Islam, it will never be accepted from him.” [Aali Imran 3:85]
How can it be that nothing is accepted from him or his deeds and people claim that he is good or respected? Allah also says,
“Truly, the religion with Allāh is Islām...” [Aali Imran 3:19]
I.e. that the truth is Islam, anything else is falsehood.
And the one who says that the Jews and Christians are not Kafir are disbelieving in Muhammad (saws) and claiming he was a liar, because it is well known that Muhammad (saws) said that Islam came and abrogated all other religions. In the incident of Umar ibn Khattab (ra), when the Prophet (saws) saw him simply carrying one page of the torah and so was so angry, he said to him,
“Are you in doubt O ibn Khattab?” and in another narration said, “Do you doubt this message? I came to you with a message so pure and clear! By Allah, if my brother Musa was alive he would have no choice but to follow me!” [Musnad Ahmad (3/387) No. 15195 and Sunan al-Darime (1/126) No. 435]
This Hadith and many others clearly indicate that Islam is supreme and everything else is abrogated and falsehood and we know also how those Deens from before have all been distorted and so whatever remains of them is only falsehood. So do not confuse the belief in what Allah revealed to Musa and Isa with belief in the contemporary Jews or Christians, which is apostasy.
So what is stranger than those people who claim to be Muslim leaders and who claim to be Muslim activists promote these false views and call to brotherhood between all religions? And we know very well that there is no other truth except Islam and no truthful Muslim can believe that there is any other truth besides Islam.
Indeed the people of the book do not follow the Deen of Haqq, they follow the Deen of Baatil and Allah says,
“Hellfire for those who write books with their own hands and they claim that it is from Allah (like the gospel, torah and bible) in order to trade with it for a cheap price.” [Al-Baqarah 2:79]
And Allah says,
“Who sent the book that Musa came with that was guidance for the people? You prevail some and hide some, and you prevail little and hide a lot.” [Al-Isra 17:2]
All of these make it clear for us how the Deen of the Kuffar is a Deen of Baatil and falsehood.
And we pray to Allah that he protects us from the Kufr of those Jews and Christians and all of those people who call us to their Deen and to the apostasy of consenting and respecting the misguided false religions of Judaism, Christianity and interfaith!!!
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