There is no doubt whatsoever in the mind of any true Muslim that the Messenger Muhammad (saws) was utterly despised by the Quraysh and the Mushrikeen (polytheists). In fact, the Quraysh attempted to assassinate our beloved Messenger (saws) numerous times, but due to the will of Allah (swt) the disbelievers failed miserably.
In Ibn Katheer's Tafseer of the Qur'aan, he mentions a hadeeth which was narrated by Ibn 'Abbaas (ra) in regards to the assassination attempt of the Quraysh against the Messenger Muhammad (saws):
"Some of the chiefs of the various tribes of Quraysh gathered in Daar un-Nadwah (their parliament) and Iblees (Shaytaan) met them in the shape of an eminent old man. When they saw him, they asked, `Who are you?' He said, `An old man from Najd. I heard that you are having a meeting, and I wished to attend your meeting. You will benefit from my opinion and advice.' They said, `Agreed, come in.'
He entered with them. Iblees said, `You have to think about this man (Muhammad)! By Allah, he will soon overwhelm you with his matter (religion).' One of them said, `Imprison him, restrained in chains until he dies just like the poets before him all died, such as Zuhayr and an-Nabighah! Verily, he is a poet like they were.' The old man from Najd (the enemy of Allah) commented,
`By Allah! This is not a good idea. His Lord will release him from his prison to his companions, who will liberate him from your hands. They will protect him from you and they might expel you from your land.' They said, `This old man said the truth. Therefore, seek an opinion other than this one.'
one of them said, `Expel him from your land, so that you are free from his
trouble! If he leaves your land, you will not be bothered by what he does or
where he goes, as long as he is not among you to bring you troubles, he will be
with someone else.'
old man from Najd replied, `By Allah! This is not a good opinion. Have you
forgotten his sweet talk and eloquence, as well as, how his speech captures the
hearts By Allah! This way, he will collect even more followers among Arabs, who
will gather against you and attack you in your own land, expel you and kill
your chiefs.' They said, `He has said the truth, by Allah! Therefore, seek an
opinion other than this one.'
Jahl, may Allah curse him, spoke next, `By Allah! I have an idea that no one
else has suggested yet, and I see no better opinion for you. Choose a strong,
socially elevated young man from each tribe, and give each one of them a sharp
sword. Then they would all strike Muhammad at the same time with their swords
and kill him. Hence, his blood would be shed by all tribes.
way, his tribe, Banu Haashim, would realize that they cannot wage war against
all of the Quraysh tribes and would be forced to agree to accept the blood
money; we would have brought comfort to ourselves and stopped him from
bothering us.'
old man from Najd commented, `By Allah! This man has expressed the best
opinion, and I do not support any other opinion.' They quickly ended their
meeting and started preparing for the implementation of this plan.
came to the Prophet (saws) and commanded him not to sleep in his bed that night
and conveyed to him the news of their plot.
Messenger of Allah did not sleep in his house that night, and Allah gave him
permission to migrate. After the Messenger migrated to al-Madeenah, Allah
revealed to him Surat ul-Anfaal, reminding him of His favours and the bounties
He gave him:
(remember) when the disbelievers plotted against you to imprison you, or to
kill you, or to expel you (from your home, Makkah); they were plotting and
Allah too was plotting; and Allah is the best of plotters."
this revelation, Muhammad (saws) spoke to 'Ali bin Abee Taalib and said to him,
“Sleep in my bed and cover yourself with my cloak. This green cloak is from
Hadramawt (Yemen), as long as you are under it no harm will befall you.”
Muhammad (saws) left the house and, as reported by Ibn 'Abbaas, he (saws)
passed by the assassinators yet they were unable to recognize him as Allah
(swt) took away their sight for an instant. He (saws) grasped a handful of sand
and scattered it over the heads of each of them whilst reciting verses from the
“And we have put a barrier before them, and a
barrier behind them, and we have covered them up, so that they cannot see.”
Prophet (saws) then left them and proceeded to the house of Abu Bakr as-Siddeeq
and from there they left together on the journey to al-Madeenah that very
travelled until they reached the cave of Thawr. The conspirators remained
outside the house of Muhammad (saws) until midnight as planned. One man, who
was passing by, approached them and said, “What are you waiting for here?” They
replied, “We are waiting for Muhammad.” He said, “Shame on you! By God I saw
him myself. He came out in front of you all. I was sitting across from here and
I saw him. He even put sand on your heads!”
by this they put their hands on their turbans and found sand there. They said
to each other, “But we did not see this happen! Perhaps the wind blew the sand
onto us?” Bewildered by this, they entered the house and saw a man sleeping
with the cloak of the Prophet (saws). One of them said, “Verily this is
Muhammad! Let us kill him. He is wearing his cloak.” Another shouted, “That is
not so! It is not Muhammad, I know him well.” The assassinators removed the
cloak and revealed 'Ali (ra). Taken aback by how Muhammad (saws) managed to
slip by them, they questioned Ali asking, “Where is Muhammad?” he replied, “I
do not know.”
whole incident staggered Quraysh, leaving them humiliated especially after the
arrogance and certainty they had shown outside the house of Muhammad (saws).
They were disgraced, as again somehow Muhammad (saws) had eluded them and the
plot that they had hatched in the Parliament did not bear fruit.
was the messenger Muhammad (saws) so detested?
moderate "Muslims" like to always claim that the Messenger Muhammad
(saws) was a man of love and compassion; yet if this is true then why was he
hated so much? Surely, those who believe in mercy and peace are not despised,
mocked at and ridiculed!? The fact of the matter is that these moderates are
pure fabricators, and their false claims are in complete contradiction to what
Allah (swt) says in the Qur'aan:
(saw) is the Messenger of Allah, and those who are with him are severe against
disbelievers, and merciful among themselves." (48:29)
reason why the disbelievers attempted to assassinate the Messenger Muhammad
(saws) and his companions numerous times was for only one reason – that they
were believers. Allah (swt) informs us in his Book that the believers will
always anger and infuriate the disbelievers:
mark of them (i.e. of their belief) is on their faces (foreheads) from the
traces of (their) prostration (during prayers). This is their description in
the Tawraat (Torah). But their description in the Injeel (Gospel) is like a
(sown) seed which sends forth its shoot, then makes it strong, it then becomes
thick, and it stands straight on its stem, delighting the sowers that He (swt)
may enrage the disbelievers with them (the believers)..." (48:29)
he (Allah) may enrage the disbelievers with them (the believers)" means,
that Allah (swt) has made the believers a source of agony for the disbelievers,
and will use them to strike terror into their hearts. The Kuffaar will always
despise the true believers and their Deen, and this is confirmed by the verse
in surah al-Baqarah:
will the Jews or the Christians (the non-Muslims) be pleased with you till you
follow their religion…" (2:120)
term "never, lan (in Arabic)" is future tense, therefore it is
impossible for the moderate "Muslims" to play around with this verse
and assert that this is referring to the disbelievers in the time of the
Messenger Muhammad (saws). This verse clearly indicates and informs us that the
Kuffaar will NEVER be pleased with us, therefore if you find them being kind
towards you; it is only because you have followed their path or they want to
lure you into a trap. Consequently, if a Kaafir says to you, "I like
you", it can only be because you have either compromised your Deen or he
is lying to you. Allah (swt) says:
(good words from) their mouths they please you, but in their hearts they hate
you…" (9:8)
Therefore, the reason why the disbelievers have so much hatred towards the true believers is due to the nature of our call. Our Deen teaches us to completely reject the lifestyle, customs, laws and constitutions of the Kuffaar, and to even eradicate it from the face of the earth. If Allah is an enemy to the disbelievers, wouldn’t we be too?
Allah is an enemy to the disbelievers." (2:98)
Messenger Muhammad (saws) was one of the world's most hated men as he declared
all religions and political systems as corrupted and false, and urged the
believers to fight until there is no more fitnah (kufr and shirk) on earth:
fight them (the disbelievers) until there is no more Fitnah (disbelief and
worshipping of others along with Allah) and (all and every kind of) worship is
for Allah (Alone)…" (2:193)
is very naive for many Muslims nowadays to think that they can hold on to their
Deen and carry Islam as a religion and political way of life without to suffer
any worldly consequences. If you want to be with the Messenger Muhammad (saws)
on the Day of Judgement, you must strive the way he strove and face similar
attacks, assaults and hardships.
should always expect the Kuffaar to treat us the same way in which they treated
Muhammad bin 'Abdillaah (saws) – and that is with hostility and animosity
towards us and our Deen.
those who disbelieve among the people of the Scripture (Jews and Christians)
nor Al-Mushrikoon (the disbelievers in the Oneness of Allah, idolaters,
polytheists, pagans, etc.) like that there should be sent down unto you any
good from your Lord. But Allah chooses for His Mercy whom He wills. And Allah
is the Owner of Great Bounty." (2:105)
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