There are nine instances in which verses were revealed exactly as Umar (ra) had suggested.
Maqaam Ibraahim: Wherein Umar (ra) told Nabi (saws), "Why don’t you make the Maqaam Ibraahim a prayer place?" Allah revealed the Aayat, "And the Maqaam of Ibrahim a prayer place." (Baqarah 124)
Hijaab: Aaisha (ra) said that after the laws of Hijaab were implemented, Sawda (ra) went out for some need. Despite being covered, she could still be recognised. Hence, Umar (ra) recognised her and said, "O Sawda, look at how you have come out, by Allah you cannot hide." Sawda (ra) immediately went to Rasulullah (saws) who was eating at the house of Aaisha (ra). Nabi (saws) had a bone in his hand. Sawda (ra) told Nabi (saws) that she had went out for some need and Umar (ra) told her such and such. Aaisha (ra) narrates that the bone was still in the hand of Rasulullah (saws) and he hadn’t yet placed it when Wahy (revelation) came to Rasulullah (saws) . After the revelation was complete, Nabi (saws) told the women that they have been given permission to go out for need only if they are properly covered. (Mazaahirul Haqq vol.9 pg.430)
Prisoners of Badr: Nabi (saws) made Mashwara with the Sahaaba (ra) regarding the prisoners. Umar (ra) said, "O Rasulullah (saws), these Kuffaar should be killed by chopping their necks." Nabi (saws) accepted the opinion of Abu Bakr (ra) to free them and take a ransom. The Aayaat, "It is not for a prophet that he have prisoners of war…" (Anfaal 67) was revealed.
Umar (ra) told the wives of Rasulullah (saws) , "Either you will refrain from displeasing Rasulullah (saws) or Allah will replace you with wives who will be better than you…" Then a similar Aayaat was revealed, "It may be if he divorced you that his Lord will grant him instead of you, wives better than you." (Al-Tahrim
When Nabi (saws) separated from his wives in an enclosure, Umar (ra) told Nabi (saws) , "If you divorce your wives, then Allah and Jibraaeel and myself and Abu-bakr (ra) and the believers are with you." Then Allah revealed a similar Aayat, "but if you help one another against him (Muhammad), then verily Allah is his Mawla (Lord) and Jibraaeel and the righteous among believers and angels are his helpers…" (Al-Tahrim 4)
When Abdullah ibn Ubayy (a Munaafiq) passed away, then Nabi (saws) wanted to perform his Janaaza Salaat. Umar (ra) held the clothes of Nabi (saws) and prevented him from doing so. Allah revealed, "And never (O Muhammad) pray (funeral prayer) for any of them (hypocrites) who dies." (Tawbah 84)
When the Aayat, "Even if you ask forgiveness for them 70 times, Allah will not forgive them." (Tawbah 80). Nabi (saws) said, "Definitely, I will increase upon 70" and he began making Istighfaar for them. Then Umar (ra) said, "O Rasulullah (saws), Allah will not forgive them at all whether you make Istighfaar for them or not." Then, the Aayat, "It is equal to them whether you (Muhmmad) ask for forgiveness or ask not forgiveness for them. Allah will never forgive them." (Munaafiqoon 6)
When the Aayat, "And We created man (Adam) out of an extract of clay. Thereafter, We made him as a Nutfah…" (Surah Mu’minoon 12-14) came, Umar (ra) remarked, "Glory be to Allah, the best of all creators." The same Aayat was revealed. According to some narrations, Nabi (saws) exclaimed, "Are you increasing on the Qur’aan, O Umar?" Thereafter, Jibraaeel descended with revelation and said to Nabi (saws) that is the completion of those Aayaats.
When Nabi (saws) made Mashwara with the Sahaaba (ra) regarding Aaisha (ra) when the incident of Ifk (accusation of Zina took place), Umar (ra) asked Nabi (saws), "Who has made your Nikah to her O Rasulullah (saws)?" Nabi (saws) replied, "Allah." Umar (ra) said, "Do you think that your Lord deceived you on that? Glory be to You (Allah), this is a great lie." (Noor 16) Then Allah revealed the exact same words.
There are four Aayats revealed which were similar to the opinion offered by Umar (ra) . The Aayaats were not exactly like the opinions of Umar (ra) as in the previous nine Aayaats.
Umar (ra) said to the Jews: "I implore you in the name of Allah! Do you find the description of Muhammad (saws) in your books?" They replied, "Yes." He then asked them, "What is stopping you from following him?" They said, "Verily Allah does not send a messenger except that there is an angel appointed for him. Verily, Jibraaeel is the one who has been appointed for Muhammad (saws) and he is our enemy from the angels, and Mikaaeel is our friend. If he had been with Nabi (saws), we would have followed him." Umar (ra) then told them, "Verily, I bear witness that Mikaaeeel does not have animosity for the friends of Jibraaeel and Jibraaeel does not befriend the enemies of Mikaaeel." The Aayat, "Say (O Muhammad), whoever is an enemy to Jibraaeel (let him die in his fury), for indeed he has brought it (Qur’aan) down to your heart by Allah’s permission confirming what came before it and (offers) guidance and glad tidings for the believers. Whoever is an enemy to Allah, His angels, His messengers, Jibraaeel and Mikaaeel, then verily Allah is an enemy to the disbelievers." (Baqarah 98)
Umar (ra) was desperate for wine to become Haraam and he used to say, "O Allah explain for us regarding wine, because verily it destroys wealth and intelligence." Then the Aayat, "They ask you (Muhammad) about wine and gambling; say, in them is a great sin and some benefit, but the sin is greater than their benefit." (Baqarah 219). Nabi (saws) recited this Aayat to Umar (ra) , but he did not find clarity; hence, he said, "O Allah, explain to us clearly." Then the Aayat, "O you who believe, do not come close to Salaat whilst you are intoxicated." (Nisaa 43). Nabi (saws) read this Aayat to him, but he did not find proper clarity still so he said, "O Allah explain to us regarding wine very clearly." Then the Aayat, "O you who believe, intoxicants and gambling … are an abomination of Shaytaan… so avoid it." (Maaidah 90). Nabi (saws) read this to Umar (ra). Then Umar (ra) finally stated, "We have stopped, O our Lord, we have stopped."
Abdullah ibn Abbaas (ra) narrates that once Nabi (saws) sent a person from the Ansaar to Umar (ra) during the afternoon to call him. When he came to Umar (ra), he found Umar in such a condition that Umar disliked anybody seeing him. Umar (ra) then said, "O Rasulullah (saws), I hope Allah commands us and directs us regarding the aspect of seeking permission." Thereafter the Aayat, "O you who believe, let your slaves and those among you who have not come to the age of puberty ask permission (before coming to your presence) on three occasions: before Fajr, while you put off your clothes for noonday rest..." (Noor 58)
When the Aayat, "(in the gardens of delight) a multitude of those will be from the first generation. And a few from later generation." (Waaqiah 13) was revealed, Umar (ra) began to cry and said, "O Rasulullah (saws) and little from the later generations. We believe in the messenger of Allah and testify in him and which little from us will be saved?" Then Allah revealed the Aayat, "A multitude will be from the first generations and a multitude from the later generations." (Waaqiah 39-40). Nabi (saws) then called him and told him that Allah has revealed what you said.
There were two opinions of Umar (ra) which the Jews confirmed to be in the Tawrah.
Tariq ibn Shihaab (ra) narrates that a Jew came to Umar (ra) and asked him, “Do you see the Aayat of Allah in the Qur’aan? 'and hasten to forgiveness from your Lord and a Jannat whose width is the skies and earth. It is prepared for the muttaqeen (God-fearing).'”(Aali Imraan 133)
"In that case, where is the fire, i.e. Jahannum?" Umar (ra) told the other Sahaaba (ra) that were present to answer him, but none of them could answer. Umar (ra) then said to him, "Do you notice the day when it comes, doesn’t it fill the skies and earth?" He replied, "Yes, indeed." Umar (ra) then asked him, "Then where is the night?" he replied, "to wherever Allah wishes." Umar (ra) then told him (in the same way) "the fire is also wherever he wishes it to be." The Jew then took an oath saying to Umar (ra) that, "O Ameerul Mu’mineen, verily it has been revealed in the book of Allah in the same way."
It has been narrated that Ka’ab Ahbaar (a famous Jewish rabbi) once said to Umar (ra), "Destruction to the king of the world from the King of the sky." Umar (ra) said, "with the exception of that person who restrains himself." Ka’ab then said, "By oath on that being in whose hands is my life, verily I have found it in the book of Allah." Umar (ra) then fell into Sajdah for Allah.
vol.10 pg.518; Ilmiyyah
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