Friday, May 17, 2024

Preparing for Hajj..?

Every traveller must know where he is travelling to, what to take with him (a map or manual, clothes, etc.), and what vehicle to take. He should also have knowledge about the place he is travelling to, as well as its residents, climate, and so forth. 

Our life is also a journey (safar), as we are travelling to the Hereafter to meet our Lord, Allah. In fact, the Messenger (pbuh) ordered us to be in the dunya (world) like a traveller, and he informed us that this world for a believer is like a prison, full of tests and hardship:
“Be in the dunya as a stranger or a wayfarer.” (Riyad us-Saliheen, 55/471)
“The dunya is a prison for the believer and a paradise for the disbeliever.” (Riyad us-Saliheen, 55/470)
Hajj is one of the pillars of Islam and one of the greatest ritual acts; therefore, it is just like Salah (the prayer) – you cannot pray the way you want or the way you think is best. Hence, the performance of Hajj must be based upon the teachings of the Messenger Muhammad (peace be upon him) and his Companions (may Allah be pleased with them all), just like every other action, saying or intention in Islam. Therefore, we must look at how they performed Salah, fasting, da’wah, Jihad and also Hajj. Allah says in the Qur’an:
“And the first to embrace Islam of the Muhajiroun (those who emigrated from Makkah to al-Madeenah) and the Ansar (the citizens of al-Madeenah who helped and gave aid to the Muhajiroun) and also those who followed them exactly. Allah is well-pleased with them as they are well-pleased with Him. He has prepared for them Gardens under which rivers flow (Paradise), to dwell therein forever. That is the supreme success.” (at-Tawbah, 9:100)
This verse clearly lays down the Islamic Standard which we should be following; that is, the Messenger Muhammad (pbuh) and his Companions (RA). However, it is very sad to see people today commit so much shirk, kufr (disbelief), bid’ah (innovation) and muharramaat (prohibitions) during the Hajj season, as well as during many other ritual acts.

Hundreds of thousands of people – some Muslims by name, secularists, hypocrites and even fasiqoon (rebellious sinners), many of whom do not even perform their five daily prayers – go to Hajj every year; hence, it is not surprising to see thousands of people there not knowing what to do. Nowadays people go there as a ‘once in a lifetime holiday,’ taking with them all their bid’ah (innovations and superstitions) and shirk. 

Hajj is a once in a lifetime pilgrimage to the House of Allah (SWT), therefore we should make sure it is done properly in accordance with the Sunnah. Verily the reward for Hajj (if done perfectly) is nothing but Paradise.

It is Shaytan’s job and full time career to keep us away from Jannah and lead us to Hellfire. He is always looking to attack any believer, even if it means allowing him to do ninety-nine good deeds in order to make him fall into one bad deed. This accursed Shaytan will try his utmost best to divert us in any of our ritual acts and good deeds; therefore, we should make the necessary preparations which are required for these actions.

It is for this reason that we have compiled some advice for the hujjaaj (pilgrims) which will enable them to perform their Hajj properly in order for Allah to accept their deeds. Many people leave with the wrong intention, attitude, personality and preparation, not realising that preparation is one of the foundations of any action. Just before Hajj starts, many people start to indulge in what is haram, deliberately miss their prayers and do many other forbidden things, thinking that they will be forgiven for all of that which they used to do before they went to Hajj.

The necessary preparations which are needed before you go to Hajj


1. Have Taqwa in Allah
Allah says in the Qur’an:
“Oh you who believe, fear Allah as he should be feared, and do not die except as Muslims.” (Aali ‘Imran, 3:102)
Taqwa is to fear Allah, His Majesty, Might, Glory and Punishments, and so forth. The scholars define at-Taqwa (based on the saying of Abu Hurairah, may Allah be pleased with him) as: ‘To be in the place where Allah loves you to be, and absent from the place Allah hates you to be.’ The Messenger Muhammad (pbuh) also taught us to frequently ask Allah to grant us hidayah (guidance) and also at-Taqwa:
Allahumma innee as-alukal hudaa, wat-tuqaa, wal-‘afaaf, wal-ghinaa
“O Allah! I ask you for guidance, piety (at-Taqwa), chastity and self-sufficiency.” (Saheeh Muslim and Riyad us-Saliheen, 6/71)

2. Give people back their huqooq (rights)
If someone has given you anything in the past (amaanaat [pl. for amanah] – personal belongings) make sure you give it back as this is a direct order from Allah. Amanah is anything which people have entrusted you with, such as a car, money, property, and so forth. If one undertakes the journey of his lifetime, he must assume that he will not return; therefore, one should not keep any amanah which does not belong to him as he will not be returning home.

3. Leave the dunya behind you
One should not go to Hajj with their mobile phone(s), laptop, portable iron, game consoles, and so forth. Many people make the mistake of going to Hajj with all of the dunya in their hearts and pockets. Those who are going to Hajj should leave as though they will never return back. This means not getting involved in business phone calls or sending faxes and emails, etc.

4. Do not go to Hajj if you have any debt
Hajj should not be performed if you have (halal) debt which you owe to people. The reason why we say ‘halal’ debt is because many non-practising Muslims today have mortgages which they consider debt. However, one should not consider a mortgage as debt because it is haram to have a mortgage in the first place. Those of you who have debts should clear all your debts before you go, or at least ask the one you owe to give you time to pay them later.
If you do get permission from the one you are indebted to, you must make sure that you record your debt in a will. Whoever takes the money of a person and has intention to pay it back, Allah will pay it back on behalf of him. And whoever has no intention to pay it back, Allah will waste it – this is based on a hadeeth.

However, if you are owed money, it is better for you to completely forgive the one who owes you and let him go to Hajj (i.e. remove the debt from his neck completely). Or you can give him more time to pay you back (without to hassle him as hassling the one who owes you money is not allowed and has been dispraised). Allah says:
“And if the debtor is in a hard time (has no money to pay you), then grant him time till it is easy for him to repay, but if you remit it by way of charity, that is better for you if you did but know.” (al-Baqarah, 2:280)

5. Study the ahkam (divine rules) related to Hajj before you go
This is very obvious. One should never go to Hajj without to study its rules as it will clearly be invalidated, just like the one who prays but doesn’t know the ahkam of Salah. Make sure you study its ahkam from those who follow Ahl us-Sunnah wal-Jama’ah (the Prophet and his Companions), and not from the people of innovation.

6. Beware and abstain from the sicknesses of the heart
Some of the diseases of the heart are: backbiting, nationalism, tribalism, arrogance, having hatred towards the believers and scholars, picking on the mistakes and errors of Muslims, envy and doubt, etc. When you are going to Hajj you must go in a pure state, leaving behind any quarrels or arguments you have had with your Muslim brothers and put the past behind you. You should ask those who you have backbitten for forgiveness, and this shouldn’t be done by saying ‘forgive me brother if I have backbitten you.’ Either you have backbitten them or not, so don’t say ‘If I have.’ The best way to seek forgiveness from the one you have backbitten is to say: ‘I have backbitten you, please forgive me.’

Another disease of the heart is ar-Riya’ (showing off). Many people like to show off that they have been to Hajj and that they are ‘Hajji’. Your pilgrimage should be done for the sake of Allah and not to show off or gain respect from your family and community. Nor should you go there aiming to look for a wife or to do business.

7. Avoid doing the muharramaat (prohibitions)
The one who is going to Hajj should not indulge in any form of riba (interest), whether it is in the form of a loan or mortgage. One should also not take any form of insurance (such as travel insurance), as insurance is haram). Nor should one smoke cigarettes or take drugs!

You should also not take a loan for the sake of going to Hajj from someone who can go to Hajj himself with that money. Make sure that you do not over burden the one you are borrowing money from by taking money which he himself needs to perform his own Hajj but does not have the heart to tell you that he needs the money himself.

8. Do not go with haram money
It is not allowed for you to go to Hajj on money which has been earned in haram, such as interest based loans or money which you have earned from gambling (such as the National Lottery). Allah says:
“O you who believe! Fear Allah and give up what remains (due to you) from Riba (interest), if you are (really) believers.
And if you do not do so, then take a notice of war from Allah and His Messenger but if you repent, you shall have your capital sums. Deal not unjustly (by asking more than your capital sums), and you shall not be dealt with unjustly (by receiving less than your capital sums).” (al-Baqarah, 2:278-279)
As the verse clearly states, those who deal with interest are declaring war against Allah and His Messenger (pbuh). Who can dare challenge and fight Allah?!

9. Do not commit any zulm (oppression)
Make sure you do not commit any oppression, such as deliberately not taking your wife while you have the money and ability to take her, or by leaving your pets at home unattended. The Jinns in your home will seek revenge if you leave your pets in any form of harm. The Messenger Muhammad (pbuh) said:
“Be on your guard against committing oppression, for oppression will be darkness on the Day of Resurrection…” (Riyad us-Saliheen, 26/203)


Anonymous said...

All these evil people who go to Hajj with haram money and not behaving properly during peregrination it will not be accepted.

TheGhurabah said...

Whether Hajj will or not be accepted indeed it is upon Allah Himself to decide but yes you are very correct that certain things have been made clear in our religion that if someone does such and such or involves or indulges in such and such his/ her such actions be it Hajj might not be accepted. Still there are alhumdulillah many righteous Muslims out there going to and doing Hajj and may Allah accept from them all, Ameen! So we really can’t generalize the evil and haraam money to all those who perform Hajj even though we agree that no doubt the fitan of evil people and haraam money is extremely widespread within our ummah, Allahu musta’an.

Anonymous said...

بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم

Every act of worship we should ask Allah swt to accept it (salat, hajj, dars, etc.).

رَبّنَا تَقَبَّلْ مِنَّا إنَّك أَنْت السَّمِيع الْعَلِيم

You should go for Hajj with the right intention in your heart with halal money (savings from your job, etc.).

You find evil people who go for Hajj seeking status. They like to be called "Hajj", and they go with money which is not at all halal.

How many Muslims of today are living with halal money?

This people brag and boast about making Hajj sharing their pictures.

You cannot boat about nothing while there is people who have no money.

You attract evil eye on yourself.

Some of them even show you their certificates proving that they went for Hajj.

And first of all you should read about Hajj, how Holy Kaaba was built and the story of Ibrahim and Ismail may the peace be upon them:

How to make Hajj;

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