Friday, October 27, 2023

Can the Islamic Ummah rely on the Shi'ahs to liberate Al-Quds?

The question that becomes the title of this article has long clung on my mind and feeling. Especially that in 2006, the Hizbullah of Lebanon succeeded, so they say, in defeating the war machine of Israel and were able to drive them out. The 33-day war of Israel vs Hizbullah, where the Hizbullah came out the victor, is a new commodity brand name marketed by Shi'ah to deceive the Islamic ummah, the absolute majority of which is with the aqeedah of Ahlus Sunnah wal Jamaah.

Long before this, there had been of course attempts by the Shi'ahs to exploit this issue of Palestine, for example with the fatwa of Imam Khomeini, the Rahbar of Iran, which fixed the last Friday of the month of Ramadhan as The Al-Quds International Day, but it seemed, it was not so influential and effective in attracting the sympathy of the Sunni Muslims to view the aqeedah of Shi'ah.

Only after the heroic story of the resistance of the Hizbullah militia in 2006, that a turning point of fitnah tashayyu’ happened in the Islamic world, particularly in Sham (Egypt, Syria, Lebanon and Jordan) and South East Asia (Indonesia and Malaysia). Just because of a one-time Shi'ah resistance against Zionist-Israel, who before this were always collaborating in destroying the resistance of the Palestinian people, which was more driven by the political factor to dominate the South of Lebanon as the base of Shi'ah militia nationally by not telling the interests of the war for the sake of Palestine.
Once again, just because of that one-time, we were made –due to the bombardment by the pro-Shi'ah mass media of the world- blind and utterly unacquainted with the heroism of the Sunni fighter personages, where tens of thousands of them have fallen in defending Al-Quds and Masjidil Aqsa. Bigs names such as Hasan Al Banna, Mustafa Siba’i, Ahmad Yassin, Abdul Aziz Rantisi, Yahya Ayyash, and a series of the Ahlus Sunnah martyrs vanished away, as if devoured and drown out by the grandeur of the Hizbullah militia figures led by Hassan Nasrallah.At that time, I was also impressed with Nasrallah, while still knowing well the good services of the Sunni martyrs in my head. So much so that we always pray do'a for their arwah. However, not a few of my mass media journalist friends had already been taken in by this marketing of the Shi'ahs. While teasing me, some said, "where are the brave Sunni people like the Hizbullah and Ahmadinejad in opposing and challenging Israel and America?" Yes SubhanAllah, he forgot the names just now and became a victim of the Shi'ah media that are zealous in bombarding us with the Hizbullah to the point that we have forgotten the services of the Ahlus Sunnah martyrs.

Besides the media factor and the embarrassing condition of the political attitudes of the government or regime of the Sunni Nations that are more subservient to U.S. pressure and hostile towards Hamas, not many people know how actually is the attitude of iman of the Shi'ahs on Al-Quds and Masjidil Aqsa, whether it be among their mufassir or even from among the Ulama's of Aqeedah who become the main marja of the Shi'ah people in the world.

The Position of Masjidil Aqsa in the Tafseer Literature of Shi'ah

A researcher on the subject of Shi'ah, Thoriq Ahmad Hijazi in his book entitled “As Shi'ah wa Al Masjid Al-Aqsa”, had presented the results of his research on the position of Masjidil Aqsa in the eyes of the Shi'ah ulama's and marjas.

Hijazi revealed that, almost all of the tafseer books of the Shi'ah's Imamiyah when interpreting the verse of Isra Mi’raj which is popular in Q.S. Al Isra: 1, stated that the actual location of Masjidil Aqsa is in the heaven or baytul ma’mur. When said that the laypeople (Ahlus Sunnah) believe that it is the masjid that is loctaed on a hill in the area of Al-Quds, the ulama's of Shi'ah said that Masjid Kufah is greater than Masjidil Aqsa. (see "Tafseer As Safi" written by Al Faydh Al Kashani vol.3/166; "Tafseer Nur Al Tsaqalain" written by Al Huwaizi vol.3/97; "Tafseer Al ‘Iyashi" vol.2/302; "Tafseer Bayan As Sa’adah" vol.2/431)

The reality of Masjidil Aqsa stated by the mufassir of Shi'ah is also similar to what were stated by the marja’ ulama's of Shi'ah in their books of aqeedah, i.e. among others: Muhammad Baqir Al Majlisi in "Bihar Al Anwar" vol.97/405; Abbas Al Qummi in "Muntaha Al Amal" pg.70; Ja’far Al ‘Amili in "As Sahih min Sirah Ar-Rasul Al A’zham" vol.3/101; Al Kulayni in the book "Al Kafi" vol.1/481).

In fact, Al Hurr Al Amili in the book “Tafsil Wasail Shi'ah ila Tahsil Masail Al Shari’ah” stated that there are only 3 holy sites for the Muslims (of course he means Shi'ah), namely Masjidil Haram in Makkah, Masjid Nabawi in Madinah and Masjid Kufah, it is because of the holiness of Imam Ali b. Abi Thalib (see vol.14/360). This exposure by Hurr Amili is supported by Sheikh Al Saduq, author of the book “Man La Yahdhuruh Al Faqih” which is one of the 4 main reference books of the Shi'ahs, as quoted by Hurr Amili in his book, which narrates a hadith from Amirul Mu’minin Ali b. Abi Thalib that: “It is not recommended to tighten travel except to 3 Masjids: Al Haram in Makkah, Nabawi in Madinah and Masjid Kufah” (vol.3/525)

Strangely, when glorifying Masjid Kufah, for it is inside it that Imam Ali b. Abi Thalib was buried, the Shi'ahs have already forgotten the fact that, that Masjid was built by the Muslim Commander who was one of the companions of the Prophet, namely Sa’ad bin Abi Waqqas, one of the 10 sahabahs guaranteed paradise, on the order of Khalifah Umar bin Khattab when the Muslims succeeded in conquering the capital of the Persian kingdom.

As understood, Umar bin Khattab is considered as dajjal and ‘kafir’ by the Shi'ahs for having a share in seizing Ali's right to caliphate, the same goes with Sa’ad bin Abi Waqqas declared kafir by them for not giving bai'at to Khalifah Ali. In fact, Sa’ad is even nicknamed by them as the Qarun of the Muslims. How can a Masjid built by Commander Sa’ad who is “murtad” and on the order of Khalifah Umar who is “kafir” become such noble in the eyes of the ulama's who are the references of the Shi'ahs and their followers?
The Relation of Masjidil Aqsa with the Project of Shi'ah

Before the regime of Ba’ats party in Iraq led by President Saddam Husain was deposed by the 'invisible' coalition of America and Iraqi Shi'ahs in 2003, in 2002 a Shi'ah majalah (magazine) “Al Minbar” in Kuwait made an exclusive reportage about Karbala and Al-Quds. The majalah was headed by Yasir Habib, who caused a big commotion in 2006 for cursing Aishah and the Prophets sahabahs openly in Youtube to the point that it forced the Rahbar of Iran Ayatullah Ali Khamenei to issue a fatwa that it is haram to insult the symbols of the figures of Ahlus Sunnah for the sake of the unity of Islam.

In the Al Minbar majalah edition 23, March 2002,
Yasir Habib wrote the heading of an editorial entitled “Before Al-Quds, Liberate Karbala First!”, there he said that “Although Al-Quds is special and holy but still the sequence is after Karbala, the position of Quds is not the same as Karbala and the position of the Dome of Rock is also not more special than Hussein, Masjid Aqsa is also not the same as Haram Masjid Kufah… Quds is not the first focus of our attention (Shi'ah), Karbala is our main focus, so before liberating Al-Quds it is wajib for us to liberate Karbala (which was still occupied by the regime of Saddam Husein at that time in 2002).” After it is liberated, Yasir continued, then we will move to Palestine, and it is from there that we will move on to the rest of the world spreading the light and guidance.

He again affirmed, “We have explained that Al-Quds is not going to return to the lap of the Muslims as long as the Muslims have not returned to the laps of Muhammad and Ali alayhima assalam!
(meaning following the aqeedah of Shi'ah). He added in his call, “Come back you all to Muhammad and Ali, surely Al-Quds will return to your laps by Al Mahdi! Liberate Karbala first before anything else, only then think about (the measures to liberate) Al-Quds and the surrounding regions. (Majalah Al Minbar edition 23, March 2002)Aqeedah of Shi'ah and Propaganda of Jews and Orientalists

The Zionist-Jews nation always attempt to review the interpretation of the verses of the Qur'an which mention the specialness of Masjidil Aqsa and doubt the Prophet's hadiths which are declared saheeh by ijma’ ulama' of Ahlus Sunnah wal Jama’ah.

They said that the word Al-Aqsa means the place of solat in the heaven, and for that purpose they obtained confirmations from the riwaayahs of the Shi'ahs which state that Masjidil Aqsa is the name of a Masjid in the heaven, in which the name is similar to the Masjid that is in Al-Quds today.

A Zionist view of this kind can easily be acquired in some literature such as "Entry Al-Quds" written by F. Buhl, a Jewish academician in the Encyclopedia of Islam. He wrote, “Maybe Rasul (Muhammad) assumed that Masjidil Aqsa is a place in the heaven.” (see the book “Fadhail Bayt Al Maqdis fi Makhtutat ‘Arabiyyah Qadimah” written by Dr. Mahmud Ibrahim pg.47, published by Ma’had Al Makhtutat Al ‘Arabiyyah, print.1 year 1985)

One of the senior researchers in The Academy of Asian and African Studies at The Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Yitzhak Hasson, had been researching the manuscript of the book “Fadhail Bayt Al Maqdis” written by Abu Bakr Muhammad bin Ahmad Al Wasithi.

He wrote in his foreword, “It has been understood that the Shi'ah sects do not see the existence of the specialness of this Masjid Bayt Al Maqdis over other Masjids.”

Yitzhak Hasson also presented daleels of hadith which are listed in the book “Bihar Al Anwar” written by Al Majlisi, a foremost marja' of Shi'ah, by writing that “The ulama's of Islam have never agreed that the referred Masjid Al-Aqsa is the Masjid that is in Al-Quds today, because some of them think that Masjidil Aqsa is the Masjid which is located in the heaven and right above Al-Quds or Makkah” (footnote, Dr. Mahmud Ibrahim, pg.41)

The Jewish propaganda that questions the position and status of Masjidil Aqsa in the belief of the Muslims whose majority are having the aqeedah of Ahlus Sunnah wal Jamaah, is also supported by some splinters of thoughts of the orientalists.

Ignas Goldziehr (Orientalist from Hungary with Jewish blood, 1850-1920 AD) was the first person who doubted the hadiths about the significance of Masjidil Aqsa that exist today by claiming that Khalifah Abdul Malik bin Marwan during the period of Umayyah, had banned people from going on Hajj to Makkah in the time of fitnah that happened during the time of Abdullah ibnu Az Zubair who proclaimed himself as a khalifah who ruled Makkah.

As his counterpoint, Abdul Malik ibnu Marwan built The Dome of Rock (Qubbat Sakhra) at Masjidil Aqsa so that the Muslims would go on Hajj to it as an alternative to making Hajj to Makkah which was being ruled by Ibnu Zubair.

It was in order to smooth the politic of “Hajj” in the style of Abdul Malik bin Marwan that, according to Ignas Goldziehr, he asked Imam Ibnu Shihab Az Zuhri to invent fake hadiths that explain the significance of Masjidil Aqsa such as the popular hadith about the shaddu rihal (travel far/safar) to Masjid Haram, Masjid Nabawi and Masjidil Aqsa.

Goldziehr claimed that all hadiths about the significance of Baytul Maqdis are through the riwaayah of Ibnu Shihab Az Zuhri. (see this discussion in the book “As Sunnah wa Makanatuha fi Tasyri’ Islami”, by Dr. Musthafa As Siba’i, pg. 189-199, print. Maktab Islami, year 1985)

From such exposure, it is clear that the Jews are capitalizing on the Shi'ah hadiths which have the political aim of countering the Khalifahs of Bani Umayyah and to give significance to the holy cities of Shi'ah which exceeds the status of Masjidil Aqsa.

With that, it is also clear on how the status of Masjidil Aqsa is in the eyes of Shi'ah. Because they do not acknowledge the specialness of the third holy Masjid and the first qiblat of the Muslims, liberated by Amirul Mu'mineen Umar bin Khattab RA and restored by the Khalifahs of Bani Umayyah, as well as liberated for the second time from the Crusader Forces by Sultan An-Nasir Salahudin Ayyubi.

So how can they acknowledge the specialness of a Masjid venerated by the notable figures of Ahlus Sunnah who, in all their eyes, are despised. Khalifah Umar bin Khattab was clearly accused of stealing Ali's rights to caliphate, not to mention the Bani Umayyah who are clearly accused of massacring and oppressing the Ahlul Bayt and their followers, and it is very obvious that Sultan Salahudin Ayyubi had destroyed the power of the daulah of Shi'ah Ismailiyah, the twin brother of Shi'ah Imamiyah, namely the Daulah of Fatimid in Egypt, before he subdued the strength of the Crusaders.
Why Al-Quds?

Now the question is, why are the world Shi'ah groups paying a big attention to the issue of Al-Quds and Masjidil Aqsa today? How many international seminars had been held and also national seminars held by the Indonesian counterparts that are pro-Shi'ah which carry the theme of the liberation of Al-Quds.

I suspect, their attention to the issues of Al-Quds and Masjid Aqsa these days are more due to political factors, not purely ideologically religious.

One of Shi'ah's blog ( in the Arab world ever questioned the status and position of Masjidil Aqsa in the eyes of Shi'ah. Strangely, one of the participants of the discussion clearly stated that “Masjid Al-Quds, according to Shi'ah and the deviated sects (Ahlus Sunnah, in it), is acknowledged to have been built by the number two thief (an allegory for Khalifah Umar), and in it was a wooden mimbar (pulpit) which is popularly known as the Salahuddin's mimbar, where Sultan Kharabuddin (destroyer of religion, a nickname for Salahudin Ayyubi among the Shi'ahs) read khutbah, it is so very sad that there are people of Shi'ah who grieve and cry when the Jews are digging the areas around Masjidil Aqsa.”

It seems to me, their attention these days to the issues of Palestine and Al-Quds is by nature caused by non-ideological political factors. Because, if looked at the aqeedah or ideology of Shi'ah with regards to Masjid Al-Aqsa, it is very clear that it is not regarded as holy and not more special than Masjid Kufah, Karbala, Kubah Samarra, Najaf and others. The only reason left is the factors of politics.

As we know, Iran, since the revolution of Khomeini, has been enthusiastic in the efforts to export its Shi'ah revolution to the entire Islamic world and working night and day in order to spread the Shi'ah thoughts with all the resources that they have.
For that purpose, they think hard so that at least, as the first phase, they could be accepted by this absolute majority of the Muslims who are Ahlus Sunnah and not be suspected of bringing Shi'ah thoughts. They see that the issues of Palestine and Al-Quds, since a few decades ago, have become a central issue, as well as hot at the same time, in the eyes of the world Muslims. It is for that reason that the politicians and ulama's of Shi'ah raise this issue as their commodity of ‘sales’ (trademark).

They also, since the last decade, fixed every last Friday of Ramadhan as The Al-Quds International Day. The central issue of Al-Quds indeed is very central and easy for winning the trust and sympathy of the Sunni Muslim public in the Islamic world.
Therefore, the core point that can become the confirmation of my guess, that this issue is being exploited politically for the spreading of the Shi'ah thoughts, is by portraying that, as if it was indeed the heroism of Shi'ah that defeated Israel in the Hizbullah war in 2006, as well as the manouver of Ahmadi Nejad, the president of Iran, who continuously brags that he would crush Israel and wipe it out from the world map.

This strategy is quite successful in anesthetizing and deceiving Sunni ulama's and intellectuals who are naïve with this strategy of Shi'ah, to the point that they, either directly or not, are having a share in helping and defending the Shi'ahs in spreading their teachings in the midst of the Ahlus Sunnah community.

Whereas, the blessed land, namely Palestine and Al-Quds are not revered and sanctified by Allah and His Rasul except because there is Masjid Al-Aqsa in it. It is for this that there are mutawatir hadiths which mention the privilege of performing solat inside it, and journeying there. However, like what I have mentioned, the attitude and position of the main mufassir and ulama's of reference of the Shi'ahs do not regard at all the presence of Masjidil Aqsa, let alone the specialness as explained by the sources of Ahlus Sunnah.

Due to that, there is no other tafseer that could explain their big attention on the issues of Al-Quds and Palestine, other than the factor of politics which I presented above. Let the readers judge objectively themselves. Accepted or not, it's up to the readers.
Mamduh Ismail, a Palestinian columnist wrote on his website “”, that the axis of Shi'ah Iran-Syria-Hizbullah alliance are the munafiq people who abuse the issue of Palestine for their own interests, as a marketing of the heroism, to their own people and the Muslims people of the world. However, when Gaza was bullied by Israel and bombarded by the Zionists for more than 20 days in late 2008 until January 2009, the Shi'ah axis which appeared heroic in front of the Muslim public of the world turned out to be not helping (not even a single bit) their ‘brothers’, the Muslims in Gaza who were suffering as a result of the Israeli aggression. Not even one rocket or weapon did they send for helping Hamas who struggled alone defending Gaza from the Israeli aggression. Whereas, they say they are a strong Nation which have military strength that could destroy the Zionist forces. But what happened? What they are doing is just a disgusting hypocrisy (see link in Arabic downloaded by this author on 4th July 2012)

The bottom line is, I believe that the group that is “accustomed” to insulting Khalifah Umar bin Khattab and discrediting Salahuddin Ayyubi in the past, of course will never liberate Palestine and Al-Quds in the present time.

Al-Quds and Masjid Al-Aqsa can only be liberated by the group that receive the help of Allah Ta’ala, they are called Ath Thaifah Al Mansurah who are firm and istiqomah, holding on to the Kitabullah and Sunnah of Rasulullah (SAW), and having an aqeedah that is saheeh, not even a single bit mixing with the bid’ah dhalalah such as the aqeedah on the ma'sum state of an ordinary human being besides Rasul, let alone those who believe that the Qur’an is fake and distorted.

Allahu A’lam


  1. ‘Indeed, the liberation of Jerusalem from the Zionist occupation is not possible at the hands of those who curse (i.e. Rafidah Shia) its conqueror (i.e. ‘Umar al-Farooq) and its liberator (i.e. Salah al-Din al-Ayyubi al-Kurdi).’ – Shaykh Raed Salah al-Falastini

  2. Russia and Putin have more Muslim blood on their hands than Israel and America put together. Let us remind ourselves that Putin committed war crimes in Syria and together with Iran and Hizbushiatan of Lebanon.
