Sunday, October 15, 2023

Battle of Yarmouk - First Ishtishadi Operation !

Have you watched the Hollywood movie 300? Where 300 Spartans stand against hundreds of thousands of Persians and die fighting? Well, I am not going to talk about Leonidas and his 300 Spartans, but this is the story of Ikrimah and his 400 Mujahideen.

It was the 4th day in the battle of Yarmouk, the Muslims were on the verge of defeat and complete annihilation, the lines of the 40,000 strong Islamic army were crumbling in the face of the 250,000 gargantuan heavily equipped Roman army. Seeing the formations of the Islamic army falling all around, thousands of soldiers in the Islamic army started to rout and retreat. It looked like only death and defeat were left for the Muslims.

Although thousands retreated, some Muslims did not.

Witnessing the desperate situation of the Muslims, Ikrimah bin Abu Jahl (ra) and his regiment of 400 Mujahideen refused to retreat, and took an oath to die fighting. Ikrimah and his regiment of 400 charged towards the force of 250,000 Romans, and attacked the Romans with such fury, killing thousands and stopped their advance. As time went on, one by one, the Muslims in the regiment fell, all of the regiment including Ikrimah bin Abu Jahl (ra) died fighting and embraced martyrdom.

Witnessing this heroic bravery of Ikrimah and his Mujahideen, the retreating soldiers of the Islamic army began to rally under Khalid bin Walid (ra) and attacked the Romans. Unable to bear the onslaught of the Muslims, the Romans broke rank and fled. The Romans lost the battle and at least 100,000 men. It was the greatest victory in the history of Islam.

The Muslims would have lost the battle of Yarmouk in 636 CE if not for the 'Suicide operation' or 'Martyrdom operation' of Ikrimah bin Abu Jahl (ra) and his regiment of 400.

Contrary to modern popular opinion, suicide/martyrdom operations are not something invented by people in the modern times, infact the Sahabah were the first ones to do Martyrdom operations in the field of battle.


Assalamu Alaikum beloved Akhi, I told my friends and family about the Martyrdom operations of the Sahabah in battles like Yarmouk and Qadissiyah and later in battles like in Constantinople in 1453, and I told them like you pointed out that even the Muslims of Aceh used these tactics with the approval of the Aceh Ulema against the Dutch oppressors, but they reply back to me saying that the Sahabah and early Muslims used it because it was a different time and now it is irrelevant and they reply back to me saying that the Sahabah didn't blow themselves up, how can I make them understand? Jazakallahu Khair.

Waalaikum Salaam Warahmatullah,
First of all we need to make something very clear, suicide is absolutely haram in Islam, and what Muslims do in warfare is called Ishtishadi operations, or martyrdom operations. There is a huge difference between martyrdom operations and the average suicide. The definition of suicide according the Oxford dictionary is :
"The act of killing yourself deliberately!"

Suicide is where you intentionally kill yourself due to stress, anxiety, sadness or any other worldly emotional factor, suicide is totally prohibited in Islam. However, martyrdom operations are not an act of suicide, because your intention is not to kill yourself but to defend Islam and inflict huge losses upon the oppressors. According to the Shariah it is permissible, The intention matters.

It is important note that these operations are permissible for targeting military targets only, and it is completely forbidden in Islam to attack civilians or non-combatants in anyway. 

Secondly, why was martyrdom operations were used by the Sahabah? Just like the enemies of Islam today, the enemies of the Sahabah were not average foes, but rather the two greatest superpowers of their time, the Roman and the Persian Empires. These Empires were far more technologically advanced, and were far more advanced in every department than the Muslims. Their Empires had several complex sophisticated army divisions, and one mere division alone would have around 100,000 well equipped, trained and elite soldiers. The Muslims on the other hand numbered a few thousand and didn't even have proper footwear and or even food.

The answer to that question is simple. Historically, the main objectives was to negate the technological advantage of the Roman and Persians had over the Muslims (such as the Roman elite armored units and the Persian war elephants) and to counter the numerical superiority of their armies by demoralizing them through devastating martyrdom attacks.

Claiming that now it is a different time and that cannot be used now is false since Islam doesn't change according to past or present, Islam is Islam. We don't circle the Kaaba in Hajj through cars just because it is the modern age right?

On the issue of Sahabah blowing themselves up, we need to think clearly about one thing. If the Sahabah were alive today, and if they were fighting the modern day Americans instead of the 7th century Romans, do you think they would charge and fight the Americans with swords and spears?

To make it clear, Ikrimah (ra) and 400 of his soldiers conducted a martyrdom operation in the battle of Yarmouk, they all died and embraced martyrdom, now due to the nature of modern warfare, one soldier conducting a martyrdom operation alone today, can do much more damage than Ikrimah and his 400 did in the battle of Yarmouk and of course the Muslims would have had 400 living soldiers. Ultimately lives are saved.

We are facing the same situation the Sahabah faced during their times, our enemies are also world superpowers, and far more technologically advanced and has numerous huge armies. Martyrdom operations negate the technological edge of our enemies, and their numerical superiority, not to mention the countless Muslim lives it would save.

When the Sahabah conducted martyrdom operations against Persian Elephants yesterday , how is it impermissible to conduct martyrdom operations against heavy enemy tanks today?

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