"O you who
believe, whoever from among you turns back from deen, Allah will
bring a people whom He will love and they will love Him"
will bring a people whom He will love, and they love Him…"
"And if
you turn away, He will exchange you for some other people, and they
will not be your likes." [47:38]
Whoever turns back from the Deen of Allah, Allah is not
concerned, because He has no need of him. Rather, He will eliminate
them, and bring one who is better than him.
will soon bring" Instead of them:
"He will
love them and they will love Him"
towards the believers, stern towards the disbelievers." [5:54]
They are humble before the believers, they lower their
wings and are lenient with the believers, and they are peaceful with
each other. But to the disbelievers, they are stern and strong. They
never exhibit submissiveness before the disbelievers.
The Messenger (saws) taught us that, “If you meet them (need and christians) on a path, constrain them to the narrowest part of it.” [Muslim]. If the jews and christians meet you, even if they are a thousand and you are just ten, we will make things difficult for this group. We will not give way to them, we will rather force them to the narrows. We will show them the might of this Deen, not ourselves because we are human beings and they are human beings, such that it becomes clear to them that the Deen of Islam is dominant, and he who adheres to it is the mighty one.
The Messenger (saws) taught us that, “If you meet them (need and christians) on a path, constrain them to the narrowest part of it.” [Muslim]. If the jews and christians meet you, even if they are a thousand and you are just ten, we will make things difficult for this group. We will not give way to them, we will rather force them to the narrows. We will show them the might of this Deen, not ourselves because we are human beings and they are human beings, such that it becomes clear to them that the Deen of Islam is dominant, and he who adheres to it is the mighty one.
for the sake of Allah and never fearing the blame of the blamers."
They perform struggle for the sake of Allah, everyone
who opposes the Deen of Allah among the disbelievers, the rebellious,
the herectics, and the apostates. They fight everyone with the
weapons they deserve. Whoever fights them with iron and fire, they
fight them with iron and fire. Whoever fights them with debate and
arguments, they argue with him with the like of that. They struggle
for Allah.
"And never
fearing the blame of the blamers"
They do it fear the blame of the people. They
speak the truth, even if it is against themselves. But they employ
wisdom in this Struggle, and they aspire to achieve the goal. If they
see that the Da’wah demands some delay in some matters, they delay.
If they see that doing Da’wah demands leniency in some situations,
they use it because they want to reach a particular goal, and the
means are according to what the situation demands. Then Allah says:
"That is
the grace of Allah which He bestows on whom He wills and Allah is All
Sufficient for His creations’ needs, All Knower." [5:54]
[Sharh ‘Aqeedatul Wasatiyyah, By Shaykh Muhammad ibnu Salih Al ‘Uthaymeen]
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