Friday, March 31, 2017

Poem from a Prisoner to his Wife...


It was our Lord who caused the magicians to fall in prostration,
And it is He we must approach to release our frustration.
Through Salaat, Dua, Sabr, and Thabat,
But Insha'Allah you will be capable of that.

From Pharaoh, to Aad and Thamud as well,
They’ll all come together on a day to tell.
How their evil plots and plans to divert the track,
Of a believing people had in it an enormous CRACK!

It was Allah who caused their wickedness a loss,
Because by His Most Perfect qualities He is the BOSS!!!
So strong and Mighty but little do conceive,
But Wallahi their souls He will retrieve.

It is they who willingly chose to transgress,
Diverting from Tawheed to Shirk which is much less.
Gathered on their faces towards the burning fire,
A recompense for one who could not control his desire.

Accompanying Iblis, zaqqum and eternal torture,
What plans would that draw for a humiliating future.
By Allah it is but a just Reward,
For someone who from true guidance is deterred.

The Day when mother will run her child,
And the scene is horrific, devastating and Wild.
There will be no where to run and no where to hide,
It was you who chose to reject the infallible guide (saws)!

A noble Messenger Divinely inspired,
But you abstained and did what you desired.
So Jahannum is your final eternal abode,
Do you recall the arrogant steps you strode??

But to a believing man, women and child,
That Day will feel so wonderfully mild.
Happiness will cleanse away a life of sorrow,
Wallahi I wish it could come tomorrow!!!

O’ Allah grant us through Your Mercy a Paradise High,
But for that a believers eyes must cry.
Tears of anticipation pleasure and fear,
And don’t ever lose sight that that day is near.

Rivers of wine, milk, and honey,
And fruits in abundance which doesn’t require money!
A just reward from a Lord so kind,
Far out weighing a miserable world you left behind.

A day when the righteous would feel so respected,
And the Thalim is the one who is justly rejected!!!
Allah’s mercy is what will guarantee you a place,
But first for Allah’s Pleasure you must race.

Accumulating deeds to elevate your position,
All in preparedness of a final rendition.
O’ Allah grant me a paradise so high,
To attain Al-Firdaws I will continuously try!

By your Graciousness grant me an intercession,
Family members whom You have compassion,
And unite me again with a wife so kind,
O’ Allah please don’t leave her behind.

My Lord knower of whats in my heart,
You know what I felt for her from the start,
And through Your help it elevated degrees,
O’ Allah let that be our Decree.

Let her be the Queen of the righteous rest,
Wallahi I know I’ll feel for her the best.
O’ Allah, gift us therein with rivers that flow,
And Ultimately Your Face with Glow.

My Lord what can I ask for more?!?
For Janaat Al-Firdaws I will remain at Your door.
Asking and pleading and trying my best.
O’ Allah please aid me to past this test.

I ask You as well to have mercy on a son,
To protect and preserve along with his mum.
Grant him with us a Paradise so high,
Through continual life where he does not die.

I ask You my Lord Exalted in might,
To purify his heart in a world full of spite.
To make your pleasure his Ultimate goal,
Then gift him with birds that fly with his soul.

O’ Allah, Grant him a life full with Worship and Devotion,
And make the striving of Your mercy control his emotions.
Gift him the memorization of your book with insight,
And make It reside in his heart during day and night.

The love of You is what we require!
Which must override every kind of lustful desire.
Rubbi Instill into my wife an abundance of patience,
Whilst You deal with the oppressors with your vigorous Vengeance.

Destroy All their evil plans with Your perpetual Power,
And rid them of their lives until the coming of the Hour.
Your punishment is Mighty, Truthful and Just,
As the exclusiveness of your worship is an absolute must.

To verify in Lordship, Worship, Qualities and Names,
Is an obligatory order and not just a game.
To whoever complies there is a magnificent reward,
From Allah All Mighty our Most Gracious Lord.

Rivers and fruits and gardens of delight,
And for that one can ask Allah during the last third of the night,
Devoutly, sincerely and all on your own,
Ask The Most High Who Rose above His Throne.

During that hour He accepts your repentance,
And in return He will shower His forgiveness.
Or ask Him for favors and to that He is able,
Once granted your wishes your situation will become stable.

He removes the pain and enlightens with pleasure,
Wallahi Dua is an absolute treasure.
O’ Allah unite us with our families in paradise of happiness,
Accompanying Messengers, Prophets, companions and righteous.

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