Friday, November 25, 2016

Hukm on the Nusayriyyah !!!

Shaykhul Islam Ibn Taymiyyah (rahimahUllah) was asked about the ruling upon the Nusayriyyah and the druze and answered: 
“The druze and the Nusayriyyah are kuffaar according to the agreement of the Muslimeen. It is not permissible to eat what they slaughter nor marry their women. Rather, they cannot be acknowledged with Jizyah, for they are apostates from the Deen of Islam, not Muslimeen, nor jews, nor christians. They do not recognize the obligation of the Salaah, nor the obligation of the Ramadaan fast, nor the obligation of Hajj, nor the prohibition of what Allah and His Messenger (saws) have prohibited of dead animals, alcohol, and so on. And even if they manifest the shahadatayn alongside these tenets of creed, then they are kuffaar according to the agreement of the Muslimeen. 

As for the druze, then they are the followers of Hashtakin Ad-Darzi who was one of the followers of Al-Hakim (the apostate ‘Ubaydi ruler). Al-Hakim sent him to the people of the valley of Taymullah Ibn Tha’labah and called them to believe in the godhood of Al-Hakim. They call him ‘Al-Bari Al-‘Allaam’ (The Creator, the All-Knowing) and swear by him. They are from the Isma’iliyyah who claim that Muhammad Ibn Ismā’īl abrogated the Shari’ah of Muhammad Ibn ‘Abdillah (saws). They are worse in kuffr than the extreme shi’ah. They claim that the world existed eternally and deny the obligations and prohibitions of Islam. They are from the batini qaramitah (those who claim the religion has secret meanings contradicting its apparent meanings) who are worse in kuffr than the jews, the christians, and the mushrik arabs. They ultimately strive to be philosophers upon the doctrine of Aristotle and his likes or the majoos. Their doctrine is a combination of the doctrines of the philosophers and the majoos. They hypocritically manifest as shi’ah.” [Majmu’ Fatawa]

He also said (rahimahUllah), “The kuffr of these people is a matter over which the Muslimeen do not differ. Rather whoever doubts their kuffr is a kaafir like them. They are not at the level of Ahlul Kitab nor the mushrikeen. Rather, they are from the most deviant kuffaar, and so, the meat they slaughter is not Halaal. Their women can be taken as slaves and their property can be seized. They are apostate heretics whose repentance cannot be accepted. Rather they are to be killed wherever they are found and cursed as they were described. It is not permissible to use them as guards, gatekeepers, or custodians. It is obligatory to kill their scholars and religious figures so that they do not misguide others. It is prohibited to sleep at their homes, accompany them, walk with them, or follow their funeral processions if their deaths are known. It is prohibited for the Muslimeen authorities to abandon the order of Allah by not executing the hudood upon them.” [Majmu’ Fatawa]. 

He also mentioned (rahimahUllah), “If they manifest repentance, then there is a difference of opinion amongst the Scholars on whether it can be accepted or not. Those who accept their repentance if they abide by the Shari’ah of Islam allow them to keep their wealth. Those who do not accept their repentance, do not transfer their wealth to their heirs from amongst their kin, for their wealth is transferred to Baytul-Maal.” [Majmu’ Fatawa]. 

He (rahimahUllah) also said describing the bātiniyyah (which include the druze and nusayriyyah), “If these people are overcome, they manifest repentance because the basis of their doctrine is taqiyyah and concealment of their condition. Amongst them are those who will be known and amongst them are those who might not become known. So the best way to deal with them is to be cautious concerning their matter. They should not be allowed to remain together, nor should they be allowed to carry arms, nor should they be allowed to become from the soldiers. They should be forced to abide by the laws of Islam, including the Salaah and recitation of the Qur’aan. There should remain amongst them those who will teach them the Deen of Islam and they should be left with these teachers … And whoever is from the leaders of their deviance and manifests repentance should be expelled from their places and taken to the main lands of the Muslimeen where these sects have no manifest presence so that either Allah guides him or he dies upon his hypocrisy without harming the Muslims.” [Majmu’ Fatawa] 

In another fatwaa he (rahimahUllah) said, “Their harm upon the Ummah of Muhammad (saws) is greater than the harm of the war-waging kuffaar like the kuffaar of the Tatar, the Franks (European crusaders), and others. 

There is no doubt that Jihad against these people and the implementation of the hudood upon them are from the greatest acts of obedience and obligations. This is better than Jihad against those who do not fight the Muslimeen from the mushrikeen and Ahlul Kitab, for the Jihad against these people is from the Jihad against the murtaddeen. As-Siddiq and the Companions began with the Jihad against the murtaddeen before the Jihad against the kuffaar from Ahlul Kitāb. The Jihad against them preserves what has been conquered from the Muslimeen lands and so no one who intends to fight against the Muslimeen can enter these lands. As for Jihad against those who have not fought us from the mushrikeen and Ahlul Kitab, then it is to further manifest the Deen. And preserving assets is a priority over making gains. Also, their harm on the Muslimeen is greater than others’ harm. Rather, their harm is like the harm of those from the mushrikeen and Ahlul-Kitab who fight the Muslimeen. Rather, their harm on the Deen is greater than the harm of the combatants from the mushrikeen and Ahlul Kitab. So it is obligatory upon every Muslim to attempt to do as much as he is able of this obligation against them. It is not permissible for anyone to hide what he knows of their secrets. Rather, he must spread them and make them public so that the Muslimeen know the reality of their condition. It is not permissible for anyone to cooperate with them by allowing them to remain amongst the soldiers and state employees. It is not permissible for anyone to be silent about establishing what Allah and His Messenger (saws) ordered against them. It is not permissible for anyone to forbid the establishment of what Allah and His Messenger (saws) ordered against them. This is from the greatest doors of commanding the good and forbidding the evil and Jihad for the sake of Allah.” [Majmu’ Fatawa]

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