Tuesday, January 8, 2013

Another briefing on Murji'ah Sect

The Murji'ah Sect Considers Ruling With Others Besides Allah's Law Is Only An Ordinary Vice 


Another astray understanding of the Murji’ah sect, according to the book “Being Aware Of The Deviations Of The Neo-Murji'ah [transl.]” written by Ustadz Anung Al Hamat, Lc. M.Pd.I, is that, they view kufr (disbelief ) to be possible only if there exists the factors of juhud (rejection), as well as istihlal (legitimation) within the heart. This is as written in the book, page 35. 

“They also view that falling into kufr only happens due to the heart, such as the presence of 'juhud' (rejection) and istihlal' (legitimation). Falling into the state Kufr, in their view, has nothing to do with the words or actions.

Someone who humiliates Allah or tramples on the Qur’an, to them, is not kafir until that person believes in the legitimation of the action or words. Whereas, the Ahlussunnah firmly asserts that purely because of the words and actions, one could become kafir, thrown out from religion as already explained in the books of 'aqeedah and fiqh.” 

Besides that, the astray sect of the Neo-Murji’ah that we can see today, consider ruling by other than the law of Allah as not kafir but only the same as doing any other immoral conducts that does not cause one to be out from Islam. 

Furthermore, on pages 59-61 of the book, it was stated as below:

Not ruling with the law of Allah is regarded the same as other sins and immoral things that do not kick one out from Islam. They equate it with the sins of drinking khamr, committing adultery and stealing that do not cause the offender to be kafir or kicked out from Islam. Besides that, there is a daleel sourced from Ibnu Abbas that they always sing, namely “kufrun duna kufrin”, the kufr that does not kick out the offender from religion. 

In commenting the statement of Ibnu Abbas, one of the ulama's of hadith from Egypt, Sheikh Ahmad Shakir stated (Hukmu Al Jahiliyah, pg. 39): “This atsar of Ibnu Abbas and the rest often played out by the deceivers who claimed to be ulama's and others who dare against religion, are made by them as an excuse or justification to legalize conventional laws, made by the humans and imposed in the countries of Muslims.” 

This was also felt by Sheikh Bakr Abu Zayd, so he declared: “Another consequence is the trivialization of the affair of the enactment of Allah's Shari'ah to judge mankind, in fact they are even assisting the people who judge by the thaghut laws, whereas Allah commands us to reject it. In the book “A’lamul Muwaqi’in”, Ibnul Qayyim said; the biggest bid’ah is forsaking the book of Allah (Al-Qur’an) and the sunnah of His Rasul and creating a new law that disagrees with them both.” 

In his other book, he also said: “Among the worst influences of this understanding (murji’ah) in our time is 'syirku at tasyri’' (shirk in the matter of the legislation) i.e. by allowing to leave out the Shari'ah of Allah the Lord of the earth and heaven, and making a conventional law (as its replacement). This action in the perspective of the murji’ah is not a form of kufr. Whereas, it is already clear that leaving out the law of Allah is in contradiction to the Shari’ah and a form of arrogance against His law, as well as a form of resistance against Allah and His Rasul. 

Even more than that, the sheikhs who are infected by the understanding of Murji’ah are also such daring to state that people who abandon the law of Allah according to ijma’ ulama' are not kafir, out of Islam. Even if kafir, it is only like committing other vices. 

Among those who stated as such was Khalid Al Anbari in his book “Al Hukmu Bighairi ma Anzalallah wa Ushul at Takfir fi Dhauil Kitab was Sunnah wa Aqwal Salafil Ummah.

To be noted, Khalid Al Anbari is a contemporary writer from Egypt who lives in the Saudi, a number of his books are always made as references, be it in lectures, article writings in magazines..

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