Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Bettering The Street Children

How are the children of the world? Maybe not so good. The fates of children are still miserable. They have become victims of a system implementation, victims of adults' barbarity. Many of the children's rights are ignored. One of them is due to neglect.
Imagine, in Indonesia alone, last year, the number of abandoned and almost abandoned children reaches 17 millions (Rakyat Merdeka, 22/3/10). From that number, 230 thousands of them become street children in the various cities of Indonesia. Thus disclosed by the Indonesian Child Protection Committee Chairman (KPAI), Hadi Supeno.

"Street children, 95 percent of them come from poor families with low education and from environments that are exploitative towards children," he said. Street children are victims of neglect, exploitation and discrimination.

Although the number of abandoned children each year continues to rise, there has been no comprehensive treatment of the phenomenon. The root causes of neglected and street children are the powerlessness of parents and the policies of the State and the whole sector, which make them slumped, rejected and marginalized.

While the solutions offered are still partial, segmentary and even repressive in character. Instead of being helped, abandoned children are even criminalized. True, the Ministry of Social Welfare have the Children Social Welfare Programs (PKSA) which is being socialized as the government's efforts to save the nation's children.

The targets of the program are the children who live an unbefitting life and are having social problems, such as poverty, neglect, handicap, isolation, social disability, behavioral abnormality, victims of disasters, as well as victims of violence, exploitation and discrimination. However, the results are not yet apparent.

Obligations Of Parents

A child is a gift from Allah SWT, which makes a husband-wife happy; a happiness that can't be measured in properties. A child is a rizq from Allah, we must be grateful. Allah SWT says:
"To Allah belongs the dominion of the heavens and the earth; He creates what he wills. He gives to whom He wills female [children], and He gives to whom He wills males. Or He makes them [both] males and females, and He renders whom He wills barren. Indeed, He is Knowing and Competent." (Ash-Shūraá : 49-50)

Paying attention and giving the rights of children is a form of shukr (gratitude) and a performance of obligations as parents, all at once. In fact, when the child is still in the womb, parents already have to pay attention to him/her. It is wajib for the husband or father (to-be), to provide for the child since he/she is till in the womb. In fact, even if the mother, who is pregnant with his child, has been divorced by him. Allah SWT says:
"And if they should be pregnant, then spend on them until they give birth." (Aţ-Ţalāq : 6).

While, as for the mother, it is wajib upon her to provide the best nutrition for the unborn, maintain her health and be well-behaved in order not to pass down the bad habits on to the expected child. So, once the little one is born, it is wajib for the parents to show their joy, how ever the condition of the child is. The newborn is not to be received with curses, just because the birth was not expected. Whether it be a male or female baby, complete or lacking physically, it is the right of children to receive a happy reception. Sometimes, some parents hate it when the born child is not up to their expectations, such as undesired gender or having physical disability.

Whereas, sometimes Allah tests us with disabled children. Such as blindness, muteness, deafness or other defects. People who understand that this is a test would be tolerant in accepting it and and remain ikhlas (sincerely willing). They would be ridha (pleased) for the rizq from Him.

The next obligation is to keep the baby alive, both when it is still in the womb and when it is already born. Yes, children have the rights to life. Allah SWT says:
"And do not kill your children for fear of poverty. We provide for them and for you. Indeed, their killing is ever a great sin." (Al-Isra' : 31).

This includes abortion, it is haram, unless there is an emergency or inescapable reason that allows it. Ironically, not a few married couples are planning (Family Planning) for abortion as they are unwilling to have more than two or three children.

The next obligation of parents is to give a good name to the child. Choose Islamic names and stay away from names that contain elements of resemblance with other religions or doers of immorality. A Muslim should rightly be proud of his/her Islamic name.

Thus, it is sunnah for a mother to breastfeed and she should pay attention to the child's nutrition's. Allah SWT says:
"Mothers may breastfeed their children two complete years for whoever wishes to complete the nursing [period]. Upon the father is the mothers' provision and their clothing according to what is acceptable. No person is charged with more than his capacity. No mother should be harmed through her child, and no father through his child. And upon the [father's] heir is [a duty] like that [of the father]." (AI-Baqarah: 233).

In brief, it is wajib for parents to care for and educate their children in the best way possible. Children are entitled to the right to the sanctity of offspring, the right to life, the right to valid and good names, the right to be given breast-feeding, living place, care, including health care and nutrition, the right to separate sleeping arrangements, the right to a secure future, the right to religious education and good behaviors, the right to education and recreation, as well as sports and self defense, the right to fair treatments, the right to be provided in halal ways (see Al-An'am: 51, Al-Isra': 31, Al-Baqarah: 233). When all parents understand in accordance with the Islamic Shari'ah, to make every effort to meet all the children's rights, there would be no story of abandoned children.

The Role Of The State

On the other hand, It is wajib for the State to facilitate the families so as they are able to give the rights of the children. Welfare is the key. It is wajib for the State to ensure the welfare of the families so there will be no parents who – because of poverty - neglect their children.

It is wajib for the State to prevent children from the bad situations in the streets, economic exploitation, violence, neglect and discriminatory treatment. The rights of children to grow and develop, to life survival and participation, must be fulfilled.

Indeed, to expect the fulfillment of the children's rights in the capitalist world today is almost impossible. Because, secularism makes the children as a material of investment for parents and as commodities to be exploited. In fact, children are even shaped to meet the ambitions of parents. While the secular State tends to be helpless in prospering the children's welfare because prosperities belongs only to a handful of community called The Rich. As a result, only children from wealthy families have bigger chances of their rights to be fulfilled.

Due to that, there is no other way except to hope from the Islamic system. The application of Islamic Shari'ah in all aspects of life, whether it be in the social, culture, economy, legislation, as well as politics, will right away have an impact on the welfare of the society, family and that includes children. That's what have been exemplified by the Daulah Khilafah, that makes justice and human welfare as a priority, that the rights of children are also being met.

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