Importance of Making Hijrah From The Lands of Disbelief !

If you ever meet a Muslim in the West that tells you that Hijrah is not an obligation or that our real obligation is Da’wah in the West, then let him study the sayings of these Shuyookh on living in the land of the Mushrikeen and the land which is at war with your Religion and people. We will start off with a few introductory quotes and then give quotes that detail the subject. Note that we are not doing Taqleed (blind following) here since the Ayaat and Ahadith on Hijrah are already explicit in regards to this matter and we only quote these Shuyookh here because some of them clearly explain these Ayaat and Ahadith. The majority of these quotes are self-explanatory; We might add a few comments here and there to relate to our times. It is important to keep in mind when reading these quotes that Muslims cannot practice their Deen openly in the West as they ought to. Why? Since we know that our Deen is not limited to the five pillars and that it encompasses every aspect of our lives such as the establishment of the Shari’ah throughout the land and the abolishment of the law of the status quo, and speaking the Haqq in an uncensored manner and so on, Hijrah then becomes an absolute necessity so that these things - which are necessary practices of our Deen - can be implemented. Notice that we said, “and speaking the Haqq” since the West no longer allows freedom of speech for those that support this Noble Millah that they are at war against. Many of the brothers in the UK, for example, have tested the patience of the Government through their verbal support of our Muslimeen and their insults at the Kuffar; many of them have been arrested. In any case, even if they gave us the complete freedom of speech that we desire, Hijrah is still an obligation since they are against the establishment of the Shari’ah in their own lands (and even ours!) since it is like having two Presidents in a single Country; not only this, but they have publicly declared war against those who desire the establishment of the Khilafah and because of their wars against our nation.

Some of the Ahadith to keep in mind while reading these quotes are:

The Prophet (saws) said: “I have nothing to do with any Muslim who settles among the mushrikeen.” [Sunan Abi Dawood (2274) and is a Sahih hadith, al-Irwaa’, 5/30]


The Prophet (saws) said, “I am not responsible for any Muslim who stays among polytheists.” They asked: ‘Why, Apostle of Allah?’ He said: ‘Their fires should not be visible to one another’, and he (saws) said, “Whoever joins the polytheists and lives with them then he is like them” and he (saws
) said: “Migration will not end until repentance ends, and repentance will not end until the sun rises in the West.” [Al-Musnad, Vol.4/99, Abu Dawud, Kitab al-Jihad, Vol.3/7, Hadith 2479, and ad-Darami, Kitab as-Siyyar, Vol.2/239. Albani classifies it as Sahih. See: Sahih al-Ja’mi’ as-Sagheer, Vol.6/186, Hadith 7346]

Unique Characteristics of our Civilization ! 

Some of those who have written about the history of civilization define civilization as “a social system which helps man to increase his cultural output.”

Civilization consists of four main elements: economical resources, political systems, moral traditions and science and arts. The development and progress of a civilization requires many factors such as geographical and economic factors, and psychological factors such as religion, language and education. The collapse of a civilization stems from factors which are the opposite of those which lead to its rise and development; the most important of these destructive factors include moral and intellectual decadence, lawlessness and breakdown of social systems, the spread of oppression and poverty, the spread of pessimism and apathy and the lack of competent and sincere leaders.

The story of civilization began when man first appeared, and it is a long chain which one civilized nation passes on to those who come after it. Civilization is not unique to any one land or race, rather it stems from the factors we have mentioned above. There is hardly any nation that has not written some of the pages of the history of civilization, but the thing that distinguishes one civilization from another is the strength of the foundation on which it is built, the great influence that it may have, and the benefits that humanity may enjoy as a result of its rise. The more universal a civilization is in its message, the more humane it is in its inclination, the more moral it is in its direction and the more realistic it is in its principles, the more lasting will be its impact on history, the longer it will endure and the more it will deserve to be honored.

Our civilization is a link in the chain of human civilizations; some civilizations came before it and others will follow. There were factors that contributed to the rise of our civilization, and there are reasons for its decline, but this is not the topic under discussion here. Rather, before we examine the wonders of this civilization, we should discuss the serious role that it played in the history of human progress, and how much it contributed to the fields of belief, science, ethics, rule, art and literature, and how it had a lasting impact on humanity of all peoples and in all places.

The most important thing that attracts the attention of the one who studies our civilization is that it is distinguished by the following features:

Do NOT Remain SILENT Against The EVIL !!!

 Allah says in the Quran, Surah Al-Mai'da verses 78 and 79: "Those of the children of Israel who went astray were cursed by the tongue of David, and of Jesus son of Mary. That was because they rebelled and used to transgress. They restrained not one another from the wickedness they did. Verily evil was that they used to do!"

And Abu Dawood has narrated about Abdullah Ibn Masoud who reported that the Prophet Muhammad (saws) said: "The first time deficiency entered the sons of Israel when the man of them used to meet another man and says to him: Observe your duty to Allah, and leave what you do, because it is not allowed for you to do so.
Then the next day he will meet him and yet he is not restrained to eat, drink and sit with him, and when they have done so Allah struck the hearts of some of them against the hearts of others. Then the Prophet (saws) read the four verses:
'Those of the children of Israel who went astray were cursed by the tongue of David, and of Jesus son of Mary. That was because they rebelled and used to transgress. They restrained not one another from the wickedness they did. Verily evil was that they used to do! You see many of them making friends with those who disbelieve. Surely ill for them is that which they themselves send on before them: that Allah will be wroth with them and in the doom they will abide. If they believe in Allah and the Prophet and that which is revealed unto him, they would not choose them for their friends. But many of them are of evil conduct.'
The Prophet (saws) continued to say:
By Allah you have to enjoin good (Maroof) and forbid evil (Munkar), and hold against the hand of the unjust ruler, and force him on the truth strongly, or you have to limit him to the truth."

By this evidence, which is the Hadith commenting on the verse, Allah has prohibited us from remaining silent against the evil, and He (swt) commanded us to remove it. Allah commanded the Muslims to enjoin Maroof and deny Munkar, and made it a duty upon them to do so. 

Separation of Men and Women!!!

‘Adiyy bin ‘Umayrah reported that Rasulullah (saws) said, “Allah does not punish the individuals for the sins of the community until they see the evil spreading among themselves, and while they have the power to stop it, do not do so.” (Ahmad) Thus, here before me lies an opportunity to send a message to people who think that the best solution to living under the kafir rule is to compromise Islam to suit our needs in the west. 

Establishing the Injunction of Separation of Men and Women in Islam 

The religion of Islam is a perfect religion and exalted in law. It does not make anything forbidden unless it is harmful to all members of society. From the renowned scholars of the past and of today, there has always been a general ruling derived from the Qur’an and Sunnah that the mixing of men and women are against Islam. In suratul ahzab Allah says “And when you ask (his wives) for anything you want, ask them from behind a screen: that is purer for your hearts and for their hearts...”(33:53) 
Although there were actually three commandments in this verse, the one particularly worthy of notice for this topic is observing a covering between men and the wives of Rasulullah (saws). 

Many people do not hesitate to point out that some verses in suratul ahzab were applicable only to the wives of Rasulullah (saws) and were revealed specifically for the houses of Rasulullah (saws) and his Wives. However, these injunctions are binding for all Muslims as we are required to follow the guidance and tradition of Rasulullah (saws). 

Allah said: “Verily in the Apostle of Allah you have the best example for everyone who looks forward towards Allah and the Day of Judgment, and remembers Allah much (al ahzab:21)

Incident of when the Persion King spoke to the Sahabah...

On the first day of the battle of Al-Qaadisiyyah, the Persians traveled from al-Heerah until they reached al-Qaadisiyyah at the bridge called al-‘Ateeq, facing the Muslim camp, with the river in between. The Persian king, Rustam, sent a word to Sa’d Ibn Abi Waqqaas (the leader of the Muslim army) saying: “Send us a man with whom we may speak. 

So he sent Rab’ee Ibn ‘Aamir, who came to him and found him sitting on a throne of gold, with carpets and cushions interwoven with gold thread. Rab’ee Ibn ‘Aamir came riding his horse, with his sword in a sheath of cloth and his spear tied around with a cloth. When he reached the carpets he made his horse step over them, then he dismounted and tied his horse with two pillows that he tore apart. Then he took the saddlecloth and wrapped it around himself (like a cloak). 

They gestured that he should put down his weapon, so he said: “If I had come to you on my own initiative, I would do what you ask, but you are the ones who called me.” 

Then he came, leaning on his spear and taking small steps so as to do more damage to the carpets on which he was walking. When he came near to Rustam (the Persian king), he sat on the ground and stuck his spear into the carpet and said: “We do not sit on your furniture.” 

Rustam asked him: “What brought you here?

He said: “Allah brought us here. He has sent to us to bring whomsoever He wills from the worship of other people to the worship of Allah, from the constriction of this world to its ease, and from the injustice of other religions to the justice of Islam. He sent to us His Messenger, bringing His religion to His creation. Whoever accepts it, we will accept that and leave him and his land alone, but whoever refuses, we will fight him until we end up either in Paradise or in victory.”

Characteristics of the Successful Believers!!!
References: Qur'aan, Tafseer Ibn Katheer, the book, 'al-Khushoo' and informative Answers by Shaikh S. al-Munajjad, Lying or Envying by Abdul Malik al-Qasim, and others 

"Successful indeed are the believers. Those who with their Salaat (prayers) are Khashi'oon. And those who turn away from al-Lagw. And those who pay the Zakaat. And those who guard their chastity (i.e. private parts, from illegal sexual acts). Except from their wives or (captives and slaves) that their right hands possess, - for then, they are free from blame; but whoever seeks beyond that, then those are the transgressors; those who are faithfully true to their Amanah and to their covenants; and those who strictly guard their Salaat. These are indeed the inheritors. Who shall inherit the Firdaus, they shall dwell therein forever." [Soorah al-Muminun (23): 1-11]

Allah mentions the qualities of the believers who are blessed and have attained victory. The first quality is, "Those who with their Salaat (prayers) are Khashi'oon (those who possess Khushoo)."

"Al-Khushoo means calmness, serenity, tranquility, dignity, and humility." [Tafseer Ibn Katheer, Dar al-Sha'ab Edition, (6/ 414)] Ibn Abbas t explained Khashi'oon to mean, with fear and tranquility. [At-Tabaree (19: 9)]

Al-Khushoo is a necessary component of Salaat. Shaikh al-Islam Ibn Taymiyyah (rahimahullah) said concerning the verse, "Seek help in patience and Salaat and truly it is extremely heavy and hard except for the Khashi'oon (those who possess al-Khushoo)." [Soorah al-Baqarah (2): 45] "This (verse) implies condemnation of those who are not Khashi'oon... Condemnation only applies when something obligatory is not done, or when something forbidden is done. If those who do not have Khushoo are to be condemned, this indicates that Khushoo is obligatory." [Majmoo al-Fatawa (22/553-558)]