Thursday, January 20, 2022

Misguided by Sciences !

"Have they not travelled through the earth and seen what was the end of those before them? They were more numerous than them and mightier in strength, and in the traces (they have left behind them) in the land, yet all that they used to earn availed them not." [30:9]

Then Allah mentioned their major sin, saying: "Then when their Messengers came to them with clear proofs", that is the Divine Books, the mighty miracles and the manifest beneficial knowledge that distinguished between guidance and misguidance, between truth and falsehood; "they were glad (and proud) with that which they had of the knowledge (of worldly things)", meaning, the knowledge that contradicted the knowledge of the Messengers. It is well known that being glad (and proud) showed their overwhelming happiness with this knowledge, and that they followed it firmly, showed enmity to the truth that was brought by the Messengers and (established) their falsehood as the truth. This applies to all types of knowledge that are utilized to nullify the knowledge brought by the Messengers.

The affair that is most deserving of inclusion in this are the philosophical sciences and Greek philosophy by way of which many verses of the Qur’an were rejected and its (lofty) status diminished in hearts of the people, and they held the proofs of this philosophy – that were only statements – as proofs based on certainty, even though they do not provide anything that would lead to certainty, and was preferred by the intellects of the foolish and the adherents to falsehood. This is one of worst types of denying Allah’s Signs, opposing and nullifying them. "And that at which they used to mock, surrounded them (i.e. the punishment)." [Tafseer As-Sadi]
Imaam Ibnul Qayyim said, "And if you ponder upon the statements of the people of falsehood, you will indeed find them clothed with expressions and presented in a good light with sophisticated terms, which are quickly accepted by those deprived of sound discernment-to the extent that the wicked sinners would give (good) names to the greatest types of wicked deeds." [As-Sawa’aiq al-Mursalah of Ibnul Qayyim]

If medicine, engineering and chemistry are not placed below the knowledge which the Prophets brought they become nothing; rather they will only increase the people in corruption. The knowledge brought by the Prophets is rectification for the people, a guide for them towards the right path and removes them from the darkness they are living in – the darkness of kuffr and ignorance. As for the knowledge of the philosophers and the heretics, then what Allah has stated truly applies to it: "Then when their Messengers came to them with clear proofs, they were glad (and proud) with that which they had of the knowledge (of worldly things): And that at which they used to mock, surrounded them (i.e. the punishment)." [40:83]
It is the knowledge which the people boast about nowadays, whether it is medicine, engineering, astronomy, modern politics and economics. After the Prophets came to them to remove them from the darkness of ignorance and enter them into the light of the knowledge and Imaan they became glad and boastful with the knowledge they possess, just as Allah has stated indeed: "Then when their Messengers came to them with clear proofs, they were glad (and proud) with that which they had of the knowledge (of worldly things): And that at which they used to mock, surrounded them (i.e. the punishment)." [40:83]


  1. Dear and Respected Sisters,

    Thank you so much for this excellent Post! I worked in research science for three years up until 30 years ago, and I found, much to my dismay, that a lot of scientists were atheists! They would not acknowledge God at all, and believed that man, through science, could explain everything! Very sad, and very misguided people!

    Jazak Allah khair dear sisters: keep up your great work!!


    1. Yes sadly Astaghfirullah thats the reality indeed brother... Jazak Allah khair for sharing with us your experiences brother Douglas, BarakAllahu feek.
