Since the Shari'ah of Islam is the Haqq till the day of Judgement and it is complete hence there is no need to refer to any other Shari'ah,
nor should one attempt to reconcile Islam by mixing practices of other
beliefs with it, i.e. to believe democracy is acceptable in Islam.
Allah has revealed all the rules and regulations in Shari'ah of Islam needed till the day of Judgement hence there is no need to refer to any other Shari'ah.
An Ikhawani deviant said, “Despite the fact that the Shari'ah is a way of life, there many issues which the Shari'ah
never spoke about, therefore we need take from what intellectual
schools have understood i.e. democracy, socialism or any other views
from different schools of thought.”
This statement contradicts the belief that the Shari'ah is complete and solution for all matters of life. The one who claims that the Shari'ah of Islam is needy for man-made law has declared a statement which is Kuffr akbar.
Then Shari'ah
of Islam is belongs to Allah and to Allah belongs the perfect names and
attributes. It is an absurd notion to say Allah is perfect but His Shari'ah
has defection. To say one has defection in their word means defection
in their attribute, and Allah is free from all defections. The Qur’aan
is the Word of Allah and Sunnah is that which has been inspired by Allah
and both are infallible.
The completion of the Deen necessitates one not to refer to any other Shari'ah nor to introduce any new matters (Biddah) and claim it to be part of the Deen.