Friday, October 27, 2023

Radicalization or Guidance ?

The enemies of Allah want us to believe that anyone who accepts/believes in the form of Islam which has not been approved by them to be “radicalized” and brainwashed. While in reality, it is exactly the opposite. We are born on the Islamic fitrah, and then the families and societies brainwash us and radicalize us (into believing and worshiping all sorts of deities). The Prophet (saws) said:
“No child is born but has the Islamic Faith, but its parents turn it into a Jew or a Christian. It is as you help the animals give birth. Do you find among their offspring a mutilated one before you mutilate them yourself?” The people said, “O Allah’s Messenger (saws)! What do you think about those (of them) who die young?” The Prophet (saws) said, “Allah knows what they would have done (were they to live).” [Sahih Muslim]

Furthermore, Allah says:
"(Adhere to) the fitrah of Allah upon which He has created (all) people." [30:30]

So, it is the enemies of Allah (and the friends of shaytaan) who brainwash and radicalize people away from what they have been created to do, according to Allah’s saying:
"And I did not create the jinn and mankind except to worship Me." [51:56]

The enemies of Allah plot and plan to “de-radicalized” every “radical” they can through their various means. However, it is the plan of Allah that will prevail in the end.

"But they plan, and Allah plans. And Allah is the best of planners." [6:30]

For every single “radical” who is “de-radicalized”, there are thousands who are “radicalized”.

"When the victory of Allah has come and the conquest, And you see the people entering into the religion of Allah in multitudes." [110:1-2]

“Radicalization” is a term used to categorize people who disagree with the status quo (taghout sytem), and who are considered disloyal to it. This radicalized “radical” becomes more dangerous when he believes in a system of life which is a real alternative to the system of taghout, namely Islam (as there is no other viable systems which competes with taghout).

When someone is de-radicalized, it simply means that he/she is once again loyal to the system of taghout. He is no longer a threat to the status quo (the way things are and should be).

The true Muslim considers the “radical” someone who does not live by the system of life that Allah decreed and ordained for His creation. So, when someone is de-radicalized, he is actually radicalized (according to the system of Islam). In the terminology of Islam we would call him/her a kaafir, zindeeq, dhalem, fasiq, etc.

One of the tricks of the taghout is to lure Muslims into abandoning Islamic terminology and labels, and adopting taghouti terminology, such radical, extremist, moderate, conservative, etc. So, the taghout plots and plans, and Allah plots and plans. Allah says:
"But they plan, and Allah plans. And Allah is the best of planners." [8:30]

Little does the taghout know that it is Allah who “radicalizes” and “de-radicalizes”. Allah says:
"He whom Allah guides is the (rightly) guided, but he whom He leaves astray – never will you find for him a protecting guide." [18:17]



  1. Yes; well said, Dear Sisters; I'm still a new Muslim, but I'm I think it's ridiculous how very knowledgeable and and excellent Shaykhs have been labelled as "Radicals", just because they don't preach the 'watered-down" version of Islam! And now they've been put under restrictions, so that we students of knowledge can't communicate with them!! May Allah (SWT) save us from Infidels!

  2. Indeed Brother David it’s the sad, harsh reality no doubt ! Allahumma Ameen Ya Rabbil A’alameen to your Dua’a.
    Jazak Allah khair for your comment.

  3. This is excellent advice, the language we use is very important, it has enormous influence on our thinking. In reality, "radical" is a relative term, like most other terms in the language of kufr, its definition is fluid and changing depending on various factors, where the language of Islam, is based on something eternal and unchanging- the un-created Speech of Allah. However, if we, for the sake of argument, use their terminology for a moment, Islam, when compared to jahiliyya, is a radical ideology. It seeks to smash their systems and "isms" just as the idols in the Ka'aba were smashed. The dollar, the cross, Queen and country, Stars and stripes, it is all dry kindling, and Islam is the match. What could be more radical than that? So while I prefer to use the language of Islam, the language of Quran and Sunnah, I am ok with the label of radical, if thats what they want to call us. We stand for radical change, our values are radically different, so, like the saying goes, "If the shoe fits..."
