They are either ignorant people who may love
Da’wah, but they are ignorant. They love to spread Islām and they think
that is the proper way to do it. That is their ideal way of doing it or
one of their ways of doing it. Those are the type of people who should
temporarily withdraw from the Da’wah field and arena, and sit back and
learn before they misguide and get sins instead of the deeds that they
are expecting. We are pro-Da’wah and I said it many times. Our life
roams around it. I said convey what you know of ‘Ilm, which is true
solid ‘Ilm. No matter how much you know and even if it is a little bit,
convey it. We spoke in this class on how to be kind and wise in
conveying the Da’wah, so you can open the hearts and your message can
reach them, but interfaith and Da’wah are two opposites.
So a group of those who promote this and
attend these and their platforms are Islamically untaught. Their idea of
Da’wah is a photo shoot sitting and standing with a priest and a rabbi,
and then at the end of the day returning to their wives on a full meal,
thinking they have accomplished something big in Da’wah. They have accomplished
nothing more than getting the title of being total losers, as a
declaration by Allah from on top of seven skies.
"Say: Shall We tell you the greatest losers
in respect of (their) deeds? Those whose efforts have been wasted in
this life while they thought that they were acquiring good by their
Allah says to the Prophet (saws) shall We tell you the greatest of the losers? They are
those whose efforts have been wasted in this life, while they thought
that they were acquiring good by their deeds. They thought they were
doing good deeds and acquiring good deeds, but in reality what they were doing was sins and they are losers. Allah said they are losers.
Some do not know the difference between Da’wah and interfaith, its origin and root, and the history behind it. There is a history behind it. Some do not know how it started in judaism, how it started in christianity, and then how some of the so-called Muslims began to promote it and what their agenda is. Then at the end, he goes to interfaith and blames you saying why do you talk about interfaith? I am doing Da’wah. These are true losers. They do not know what they are doing. They are accumulating sins and thinking they are doing something noble, which is Da’wah. They are ignorant and they should withdraw until they learn. Ask them the history behind it and they could never tell you.
The second category is those who promote the
history and the ideology behind it. The second category is those who
promote it with knowledge of aspects of it or they are believers of it.
Like I say that is a total belief, yet they still promote it. These are
the ruwaybidah and the unafiqeen of this Ummah and of our time. They
believe in this ideology and they are the ones that help the enemies of
Islām stop the spread of the true and real Islām, The Islām. They are
seeking a version of Islām that pleases the enemies of Islām, when in
fact they are supposed to please Allah.
"Never will the jews nor the christians be pleased with you until you follow their way."
It is a Verse in the Qur’aan. Allah is
telling the Prophet (saws) that never will the
jews and christians be pleased with you, until you follow their
religion. Now if followers of any faith, ideology or religion who are
not Muslims say that Muslim, that preacher, that Shaykh, that group or
that organization is good, that means one of two things:
Number one – they are liars and they are just saying that.
Or number two – if they are truthful, that
means that person, that Shaykh or that organization is not on the path
and the Islam of the Prophet (saws) because Allah said:
"Never will the jews and christians be pleased with you until you follow their way."
Allah does not lie:
"And whose words can be truer than those of Allah?"
Of course, none. So if they will never be
pleased with you, should we join them? What do we do? Allah keeps
giving us guidance in the next part of the Ayah. Allah says:
"Say: Verily, the Guidance of Allah (Tawheed) that is the (only) Guidance."
Tell them the only guidance is the guidance
of Allah. Do not follow in that interfaith and in their footsteps. All
the guidance is the guidance of Allah. Interfaith is a kuffr ideology.
Da’wah is the path of our beloved Muhammad (saws). Comparing between the two is like attempting to compare between
apples and oranges, the oranges being the interfaith and a rotten orange
for that fact.
"Say: Not equal are al-khabeeth (all that
is evil and bad as regards things, deeds, beliefs, persons, foods, etc)
and at-Tayyib (all that is good as regards things, deeds, beliefs,
persons, foods, etc), even though the abundance of al-khabeeth (evil)
may please you. So fear Allah much, O men of understanding, in order
that you may be successful."
Never will they be equal. They are not
equal. The things that are filth can never be equal to the good. The
filth for example like interfaith can never be equal to the good,
Tayyib, like Da’wah. The next part of the Verse is:
"Even though the abundance of al-khabeeth (evil) may please you."
The next part of the Verse is even though
the abundance of the filth may dazzle you. When you look around, that is
what scores points for Du’aat today.
Abul-Wafaa’ Ibn ‘Aqeel who died five hundred
thirteen years after the Hijrah said, “If you want to see the status of
Islām in any era. Do not look to how crowded they are at the doors of
the Masājid. Nor look at their loud wailing of Labbayk (during Hajj).”
That is not what you look at. Rather, “look to their status in Walaa and
Baraa.” So he is saying if you want to see the status of Islam in any
era, do not go to the doors of the Masjid to see how crowded they are
over there. Do not go see how loud they are in Labbayk. Go to their
level of Walaa and Baraa and see what level it is at.
Like I said last week, Walaa and Baraa was
such a simple matter until the underdeveloped minds wanted to give their
input and cast doubts, so the ‘Ulamaa had to stand up and show the pure
form of this matter. Now we have the modernists and all kinds of groups
who have been casting doubts and if we respond to them, we would stay
here in this topic for weeks to come. I advise those who can read in
Arabic to read a great book on this topic of interfaith by Shaykh Bakr
Abu Zayd, may Allah raise his rank to Firdaws. I am not sure if it is
translated. There is also another book better than that one, which is a
four volume in-depth book on interfaith by a professor called al-Qadi.
An amazing book that talks in-depth about it.
[By ash-Shaykh al-‘Allamah Ahmad Jibril (hafidhahUllah)]
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