This honorable Companion fought in the Battle of Badr, Uhud, and in the Battle of the Trench and he did not fear anyone. The Prophet (saws) told the people that Sa`d shall be one of the people of Paradise, and told them also that the Throne of Allah has shaken to his death. He was a very fair, tall and handsome man. He had a radiant face, good eyes, and a full beard. He embraced Islam in Madinah at the hands of Mus`ab ibn `Umayr.
Ibn Hajar said: He was one of the greatest people who benefitted Islam and he had many merits. [Al Isabah Fi Tamyiz As-Sahabah (86\3)]
Adh-Dhahabi said about his biography: The master, the great, and the martyr, Abu `Amr Sa`d ibn Mu`adh ibn An-Nu`man Al Ansary Al Awsy Al Ashhaly was white, tall, handsome, of nice face, and with good-looking beard. [Siyar A`lam An-Nubala’ (279\11)]
`Aishah said: There were three men in the tribe of Banu `Abdul-Ashhal who were better than anyone: Sa`d ibn Mu`adh, Usayd ibn Hudayr, and `Abbad ibn Bishr. [Siyar A`lam An-Nubala’ (279\11)]
Ibn Ishaq said: When he embraced Islam, he addressed his people saying: O people of Banu `Abdul-Ashhal, what do you say about me? They said: "You are our master and the best among us." He said: "I forbid myself to speak to any of you, men and women, until you believe in Allah and His Messenger." Sa`d said: "By Allah, there was neither a man nor a woman in Banu `Abdul-Ashhal but embraced Islam. [Sirat Ibn Hisam (40\2)]
Ibn Shihab said: Sa’d bin Mu’adh witnessed the battle of Badr and he was shot with an arrow at the battle of Khandaq. He lived for a month after that, then his wound relapsed and he died. [Men and Women around the Messenger - By Sa’d Yusuf Abu Aziz, Darussalam publication]
ibn Mas`ud narrated: Sa`d ibn Mu`adh came to Makkah with the
intention of performing `Umrah (minor pilgrimage), and stayed at the
house of Umayyah ibn Khalaf Abu Safwan, for Umayyah himself used to
stay at Sa`d's house when he passed by Madinah on his way to Sham
(the Levant). Umayyah said to Sa`d: "Will you wait till midday
when the people are (at their homes), then you may go and perform the
(circumambulation) around the Ka`bah?"
So, while Sa`d was circulating around the Ka`bah, Abu Jahl came and
asked: "Who is that who is performing Tawaf?"
Sa`d replied: "I am Sa`d." Abu Jahl said: "Are you
circumambulating the Ka`bah safely although you have given refuge to
Muhammad and his Companions?" Sa`d said: "Yes," and
they started quarreling. Umayyah said to Sa`d: "Do not shout at
Abul-Hakam (i.e. Abu Jahl), for he is the chief of the valley (of
Makkah)." Sa`d then said (to Abu Jahl). 'By Allah, if you
prevent me from performing the Tawaf
around the Ka`bah, I will spoil your trade with the Levant."
Umayyah kept on saying to Sa`d: "Do not raise your voice,"
and kept on taking hold of him. Sa`d became furious and said (to
Umayyah): "Keep away from me, for I have heard Muhammad (saws)
saying that he will kill you." Umayyah said: "Will he kill
me?" Sa`d said: "Yes." Umayyah said: "By Allah,
if Muhammad says that, he never tells a lie." Umayyah went to
his wife and said to her: "Do you know what my brother from
Yathrib (i.e. Medina) has said to me?" She said: "What has
he said?" He said: "He claims that he has heard Muhammad
saying that he will kill me." She said: By Allah! Muhammad never
tells lies. So, when the infidels started to proceed to Badr (Battle)
and declared war (against the Muslims), his wife said to him: "Do
not you remember what your brother from Yathrib told you?"
Umayyah decided not to go but Abu Jahl said to him: "You are
from the nobles of the valley (of Makkah), so you should accompany us
for a day or two." He went with them and thus Allah caused him
to die. [Sahih Al Bukhari (536\2)]
The previous situation shows how brave Sa`d was, how powerful he was against the disbelievers, and how proud he was of his religion. Although he was alone in Makkah, he threatened the masters of Makkah in their homeland.
The Prophet (saws) explained to the people that Sa`d shall be one of the people of Paradise. Anas narrated that the Prophet (saws) was gifted a garment of sarcenet and he prohibited the use of silk. The people admired it, whereupon he said: "By Him in Whose Hand is the life of Muhammad, the kerchiefs of Sa`d ibn Mu`adh in Paradise are better than this.” [Sahih Al Bukhari (43\3) No. (3802) and Sahih Muslim (1916\4) No. (2469)]
Of his great brave situations:
The previous situation shows how brave Sa`d was, how powerful he was against the disbelievers, and how proud he was of his religion. Although he was alone in Makkah, he threatened the masters of Makkah in their homeland.
The Prophet (saws) explained to the people that Sa`d shall be one of the people of Paradise. Anas narrated that the Prophet (saws) was gifted a garment of sarcenet and he prohibited the use of silk. The people admired it, whereupon he said: "By Him in Whose Hand is the life of Muhammad, the kerchiefs of Sa`d ibn Mu`adh in Paradise are better than this.” [Sahih Al Bukhari (43\3) No. (3802) and Sahih Muslim (1916\4) No. (2469)]
Of his great brave situations:
narrated: Sa`d was wounded in the Battle of Khandaq
(i.e. Trench) when a man from Quraysh called Hibban ibn Al `Araqa to
hit him (with an arrow) in Al Akhal (A vein in the middle of the arm
when it is cut, the blood does not stop). So, the Prophet (saws)
pitched a tent (for Sa`d) in the masjid so that he could be near to
the Prophet (saws) to visit. When the Prophet (saws) returned from
the (Battle) of Al Khandaq
and laid down his arms and took a bath, thereupon Gabriel came to him
while he (i.e. Gabriel) was shaking the dust off his head and said:
"You have laid down the arms?" By Allah, I have not laid
them down. Go out to them (for attack)." The Prophet (saws)
said: "Where?" Gabriel pointed towards Banu
So, Allah's Messenger (saws) went to besiege them (i.e. Banu
Then, they surrendered to the Prophet's judgment but he directed them
to Sa`d to give his verdict concerning them. Sa`d said: "My
judgment is that their warriors should be killed, their women and
children should be taken as captives, and their properties should be
distributed (among worriers)." Hisham said: My father said: "I
was told that the Messenger of Allah (saws) said: Sa`d judged among
them with the ruling that Allah would have sentenced them. [Sahih
A’ishah was in the fort of Banu Harith on the Day of Khandaq and the mother of Sa’d was with her when Sa’d passed by wearing an undersized cost of mail which left his entire arm exposed. He had a spear in his hand which he continuously shook while saying:
A’ishah was in the fort of Banu Harith on the Day of Khandaq and the mother of Sa’d was with her when Sa’d passed by wearing an undersized cost of mail which left his entire arm exposed. He had a spear in his hand which he continuously shook while saying:
stayed for a short while watching the turmoil, there is no gualms
about death when the time has come.’
hearing this, his mother responded to him: ‘O my son! You have
delayed.’ So U said to her: ‘O mother of sa’d, how I wish the
armor of Sa’d is bigger than it is.’ Sa’d was hit by an arrow
(i.e., on the day of Khandaq). Ibn Al-Araqah shot him (with an
arrow). When he was hit, he said: “Take that from me, I am ibn
Al-Araqah.” Sa’d said to him: “May Allah make your face araqa
(perspire) in the Hellfire.
he prayed: “O Allah, surely You know that nothing is dearer to me
than that I should fight for Your Sake against the people who
disbelieved Your Messenger (saws) and turned him out (from his native
place). If anything yet remains to be decided from the war against
the Quraysh, spare my life so that I may fight against them in Your
Cause. O Lord, I think You have ended the war between us and them. If
You have done so, open my wound (so that it may discharge) and cause
my death thereby. So, the wound begin to bleed from the front part of
his neck. The people were not scared except when the blood flowed
towards them, and in the masjid along with Sa`d's tent was the tent
of Banu
They said: O people of the tent, what is it that is coming to us from
you? Lo! it was Sa'd's wound that was bleeding and he died thereof. “
[Sahih Al Bukhari (119\3) and Sahih Muslim (1389-1390\3) No. (1769)
His death:
His death:
bin Labeed said: When sa’d’s median arm vein was hit, he became
heavy with illness so he was transferred to the care of a woman
called Rufaydah to treat the wound. Any time the Prophet (saws)
passed by, he would say: ‘How do you feel this evening? How do you
feel this morning?’ and Sa’d bin Mu’adh would respond to him
until the night in which he was taken by his people to the quarters
of Banu Al-Ash’al. The Messenger of Allah (saws) came and said:
‘They have taken him.’ Then he went out and we went with him. He
walked very fast until the straps of our shoes cut and the Companions
complained about that to him. The Prophet (saws) said: ‘I am just
afraid that the Angels will get to him before us and bathed him just
as they did to Hanzalah.’ When he got to the house, Sa’d had been
washed and his mother was weeping over him saying: ‘Woe befalls Umm
Sa’d for the loss of Sa’d; love has been punctured.’
Messenger of Allah (saws) said: “Every weeper is false except Umm
Sa’d, then he went out with his body.”
people said to him: ‘We have never carried a corpse lighter upon us
(to carry) than his.’ He responded to them: ‘Nothing prevents him
from being light except that so and so angel who had never descended
until that day was also carrying him with you.’
and Women around the Messenger - By Sa’d Yusuf Abu Aziz, Darussalam
The Prophet (saws) grieved so much for the Sa`d’s death. Moreover, he told the people that the Throne of Allah has shaken because of his death. Gabir said: "The Throne (of Allah) has shaken at the death of Sa`d ibn Mu`adh.” [Sahih Al Bukhari (43\3) No. (3803) and Sahih Muslim (1915\4) No. (2466)]
Adh-Dhahabi said: The Throne is a creation of Allah that is subject to His control. If He wills that it should shake, it shakes by the will of Allah. Allah instilled in it a sense of love for Sa‘d, just as He instilled in Mount Uhud a sense of love for the Prophet (saws). Allah says: “O you mountains. Glorify (Allah) with him” [34:10] and “The seven heavens and the earth and all that is therein, glorify Him” [17:44]. Then Allah included all things in that and said: “and there is not a thing but glorifies His Praise” [17:44]. And this is true. In Saheeh al-Bukhaari it is narrated that Ibn Mas‘ood said: We used to hear the tasbeeh of the food as it was being eaten. This is a broad topic and we have to believe in it. [Siyar A‘laam an-Nubala’ (3/183-184)]
Al-Baghawi said: It is more appropriate to understand these reports as they appear to be. The same applies to the words of the Prophet (saws), “Uhud is a mountain that loves us and we love it.” The shaking of that which is inanimate with the Prophets and awliya’ (close friends of Allah) is not to be denied, as Uhud shook when the Messenger of Allah (blessings and peace of Allah be upon him), Abu Bakr, ‘Umar and ‘Uthmaan were on it, and as the palm-trunk pillar shook with sorrow when the Prophet (saws) left it (and began to use the minbar instead). [Sharh as-Sunnah (14/180-181]
Despite the great status that Sa`d had in Islam, he was not safe from the embrace of the grave. `A'ishah narrated that the Prophet (saws) said: "Indeed, graves embrace every dead person and if anyone will survive of it, it will be Sa`d ibn Mu`adh." [Musnad Al Imam Ahmad (98\6)]
The Prophet (saws) grieved so much for the Sa`d’s death. Moreover, he told the people that the Throne of Allah has shaken because of his death. Gabir said: "The Throne (of Allah) has shaken at the death of Sa`d ibn Mu`adh.” [Sahih Al Bukhari (43\3) No. (3803) and Sahih Muslim (1915\4) No. (2466)]
Adh-Dhahabi said: The Throne is a creation of Allah that is subject to His control. If He wills that it should shake, it shakes by the will of Allah. Allah instilled in it a sense of love for Sa‘d, just as He instilled in Mount Uhud a sense of love for the Prophet (saws). Allah says: “O you mountains. Glorify (Allah) with him” [34:10] and “The seven heavens and the earth and all that is therein, glorify Him” [17:44]. Then Allah included all things in that and said: “and there is not a thing but glorifies His Praise” [17:44]. And this is true. In Saheeh al-Bukhaari it is narrated that Ibn Mas‘ood said: We used to hear the tasbeeh of the food as it was being eaten. This is a broad topic and we have to believe in it. [Siyar A‘laam an-Nubala’ (3/183-184)]
Al-Baghawi said: It is more appropriate to understand these reports as they appear to be. The same applies to the words of the Prophet (saws), “Uhud is a mountain that loves us and we love it.” The shaking of that which is inanimate with the Prophets and awliya’ (close friends of Allah) is not to be denied, as Uhud shook when the Messenger of Allah (blessings and peace of Allah be upon him), Abu Bakr, ‘Umar and ‘Uthmaan were on it, and as the palm-trunk pillar shook with sorrow when the Prophet (saws) left it (and began to use the minbar instead). [Sharh as-Sunnah (14/180-181]
Despite the great status that Sa`d had in Islam, he was not safe from the embrace of the grave. `A'ishah narrated that the Prophet (saws) said: "Indeed, graves embrace every dead person and if anyone will survive of it, it will be Sa`d ibn Mu`adh." [Musnad Al Imam Ahmad (98\6)]
said: "This embrace is not part of the torment of the grave, but
it is something that a believer suffers as he or she loses his or her
child or beloved one in the world. It is also as he suffers the pain
of sickness, the pain of death, the pain of questioning in the grave,
the pain of his family for losing him, the pain of resurrecting from
the grave, the pain of the Day of Judgment, the pain of passing over
the Fire, and so on. Those fears may affect the person but they are
neither part of the torment of the grave nor the torment of the Hell,
however Allah shall treat the pious and righteous servants easily in
some or all of those situations. A believer shall never taste comfort
but when he encounters his Lord. Allah says: “And warn them
(O Muhammad) of the Day of grief and regrets.” [Maryam:39].
Allah also says: “And warn them (O Muhammad) of the Day that
is drawing near (i.e. the Day of Resurrection).” [Al-Mu'minun:18].
We ask Allah forgiveness and kindness.
Despite those fears, Sa`d is one of the people of Paradise, and one from the noblest martyrs. Do you think that the one who shall enter Paradise will not suffer any fear, pain, and horror in both lives! Ask your Lord for safety and to gather us in the company of Sa`d. [Siyar `Alam An-Nubla’ (290-291\1)]
The Angels attended His funeral:
Despite those fears, Sa`d is one of the people of Paradise, and one from the noblest martyrs. Do you think that the one who shall enter Paradise will not suffer any fear, pain, and horror in both lives! Ask your Lord for safety and to gather us in the company of Sa`d. [Siyar `Alam An-Nubla’ (290-291\1)]
The Angels attended His funeral:
Umar narrated that the Messenger of Allah (saw) said concerning the
death of Sa’ad ibn Mu’adh: “This is a righteous servant for
whom the Throne shook and for whom the gates of heavens were thrown
open and whose funeral was witnessed by 70,000 angels who had never
descended to the earth until that day. He was squeezed (in his grave
once), then he was released.” [Sahih Muslim]
The weeping of the Companions for Him:
The weeping of the Companions for Him:
the wound of Sa’d burst open again, Allah’s Messenger (saws)
rushed to him and held him to his chest while blood flowed on him.
Then Umar came in and uttered the tarjee: ‘Ina lillahi wa ina
ilayhi raji’oon (To Allah we belong and to Him is our return).’
A’ishah also reported: “Allah’s messenger (saws) came to visit Sa’d alone with Abu Bakr and Umar in the tent which Allah’s Messenger (saws) pitched for him in the masjid. At that time, Sa’d was in the throes of death. By the One in Whose hand is the soul of Muhammad, I said to myself: ‘’Today I am going to distinguish between the crying of Abu Bakr from that of Umar and all this while I was in my apartment. Both of them were as Allah described them: ‘Merciful among themselves.” [Al-Fath:29].
A’ishah also reported: “Allah’s messenger (saws) came to visit Sa’d alone with Abu Bakr and Umar in the tent which Allah’s Messenger (saws) pitched for him in the masjid. At that time, Sa’d was in the throes of death. By the One in Whose hand is the soul of Muhammad, I said to myself: ‘’Today I am going to distinguish between the crying of Abu Bakr from that of Umar and all this while I was in my apartment. Both of them were as Allah described them: ‘Merciful among themselves.” [Al-Fath:29].
and Women around the Messenger - By Sa’d Yusuf Abu Aziz, Darussalam
He passed away in the 5th year of Hijrah in young age: 37 years old. The Prophet (saws) offered Salah at him and he was buried in Al Baqi` (the graveyard of Madinah). May Allah be pleased with Sa`d, may Allah reward him the best for what he did to Islam and Muslims, and may Allah gather us with him in His Place of Honor (Paradise).
He passed away in the 5th year of Hijrah in young age: 37 years old. The Prophet (saws) offered Salah at him and he was buried in Al Baqi` (the graveyard of Madinah). May Allah be pleased with Sa`d, may Allah reward him the best for what he did to Islam and Muslims, and may Allah gather us with him in His Place of Honor (Paradise).
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