Saturday, April 30, 2016

Effective, Authentic Ruqyah Bath for Sihr/Ayn/Hasad !

Also, below are 2 Self Ruqyah Audios, one for Jinn/Shayateen Possession and the other for Sihr/Black Magic, to listen - MUST be heard with Headphones in ears and loud Volume to reach every part of your Body and have someone with you entire time Insha'Allah.

For those who are unable to follow the above Ruqyah Bath procedure or cannot find the Ingredients, Insha'Allah below Ruqyah water procedure to drink and bath with is also effective:
Imaam Ibn Hajar reported in his book Al-Fath from Wahb Ibn Munaabbih the way of using Sidr leaves (Lotus jujube) as a remedy to be rid of bewitchment. He said, “One should take seven leaves of green Lotus jujube, grind them between two stones, put the stones and the leaves in some water, then take out the two stones. Having done so, he should recite the verse of the Kursi (Chair) [Quran 2:255] and the last three chapters of the Quran [Quran 112,113,114]"

Following this, he should drink three sips of that water and shower with it and by the permission of Allah, everything that he was afflicted with will be gone.

This treatment is particularly useful for male impotence.

Allah Grants Help and Victory to...

A lot of people think that followers of the True Religion are humiliated, subdued and always defeated, unlike those who follow other paths. So they do not have certainty in Allah's promise of victory for His religion and His servants. Rather, even if they don't say it, they think that this promise is either particular to a specific group, or to a specific time, or they link it to Allah's will (not related to any rules that Allah set in His creation).

This (attitude and understanding) is due to absence of certainty in the Promise of Allah, the Most High, and due to a poor understanding of His Book.

1. Allah has explained in His Book that He is the Helper of believers in this world and the next. He said, the Most High:
"Indeed We will support Our messengers and those who believe during the life of this world and on the Day when the witnesses will stand." [40:51]
"And whoever is an ally of Allah and His Messenger and those who have believed - Indeed, the party of Allah - they will be the predominant." [5:56]
"Indeed, the ones who oppose Allah and His Messenger - those will be among the most humbled. Allah has written [i.e. decreed], 'I will surely overcome, I and My messengers.' Indeed, Allah is Powerful and Exalted in Might." [58:20-21]
There are many such verses in the Qur'an.

2. Allah has also explained in the Qur'an that what befalls a servant from calamity, or defeat, or other than that, is because of his sins. Allah has explained both of these principles in His Book, so when you join them, the reality of the matter will become clear to you, problems will completely disappear, and you will be in no need of unnecessary, burdening explanations, or far-fetched interpretations.

Story of Prophet (saws) and a Jewish Scholar
The Story of Prophet Muhammad (saws) and the Jewish Scholar of Madinah.

Zaid ibn Su`nah was one of the very notable Jewish scholars of Madinah and lived at the time of the Prophet (saws) in Madinah. The following story about him is narrated by Abdullah ibn Salaam who was a blessed Companion of Prophet Muhammad (saws). 

According to Abdullah ibn Salaam, Zaid ibn Su`nah reports that once the Messenger of Allah (saws) took a loan from Zaid to help other people in the city and promised to pay it on a certain date. Two or three days before the due date, Zaid ibn Su’nah approached the Messenger of Allah (saws) who was accompanying Abu Bakr, Umar, Uthman and a number of other companions to offer a funeral Prayer. After the Prayers, Zaid ibn Sunah came to the Prophet (saws), grabbed him by his shirt and cloak, and looked at him angrily and said: 

“O Muhammad! Why don’t you pay off my due?! By Allah, I know nothing of your family except deferment (on debts). I know well of your people.”

At this Umar got extremely angry and said: “O enemy of Allah! Did you actually just say what I heard you say to the Messenger of Allah (saws)? Did you really just do to him what I saw? By the One Who holds my life in His hand, if I were not concerned with (the Prophet’s) leaving us, I would have struck your head with my sword.”

The Early Islamic Civilization...

“The bond of faith and ideology is a free one which human beings choose by their own free-will, after proper consideration and study. The other ties are not only more fitting for animals, but are also imposed on man and he has no say in them.

No human being can change his family descent or the race to which he belongs Nor does he have any choice of the colour of his skin. All these matters are settled before he is even born. The same applies to the land or the country of his birth and the language he speaks as a result of being raised within his particular community. Man has certain material interests and a common destiny with others, but these are also very difficult to change, because they apply to him as well as to his community. There is little room for man’s free-will in all these matters. For this reason, Islam does not adopt any of these as the basic bond uniting its community.

Faith, ideology and its practical approach of implementation are all matters of free choice. At any moment, a human being can declare his choice of these and determine the community to which he wishes to belong. No restriction is imposed on this choice as a result of man’s colour, language, race, descent, the land of his birth or his material interests which may change from one community to another…

Shaving the Beard ?!?
The Beard (Arabic: Lihyah) is defined as the hair which grows on the cheeks and the jaws. It includes the hair of the temples, the growth underneath the lower lip, the hair of the chin, and the hair that grows on the lower side of the jaws.

The Islamic Ruling Concerning Beards 
Growing the beard is a wajib (mandatory) for all males who are capable of doing so. This has ample evidence in the Sunnah (as will be shown below) and is the unanimous opinion of the 'ulama of Islam. One should not be misled by the neglect to this Sunnah by a few contemporary shaykhs, and by their providing shaky fatawa to support their action. By doing that they make people follow them into the wrong way, when the Messenger (saws) said: 
"He who starts a good Sunnah (way) will be rewarded for it, in addition to receiving rewards equal to the rewards of those who follow him into it. Whereas he who starts a bad Sunnah will be burdened with it, in addition to receiving burdens equal to the burdens of those who follow him into it." [Muslim] 
And he said:
"Allah does not pull the knowledge abruptly from the hearts of people, but he takes away the knowledge by taking [the lives of] the 'ulama (true scholars). When no 'ulama are left, people will take ignorant persons for leaders. Those will give them fatawa (religious verdicts) without knowledge. By doing this, they will stray and lead others astray as well." [Al-Bukhari]

A List of Violations
Shaving the beard results in a series of Islamic violations, as is obvious from Allah's Book and His Messenger's Sunnah. The following is a list (not necessarily comprehensive) of such violations: 

ARTICLE: The Case Ahmed Ferhani Exposes...
The Case Ahmed Ferhani Exposes the Bunk Science of Islamic Radicalization!

When cops try to predict who will become a terrorist, the results can be tragic!

In late 2012, I went to Rikers Island to interview Ahmed Ferhani, who was in jail awaiting trial on terrorism and hate crime charges. I had been reporting on Ferhani’s case for months, but this was my first time talking to him in person. He went out of his way to request a pencil and sheet of paper for me to take notes on, knowing I wouldn’t be able to bring in any outside writing materials.

In the media, Ferhani had been portrayed as “the synagogue bomber,” because of statements he made to an undercover NYPD officer about tossing a grenade into a Jewish house of worship. It’s true he made some awful statements about Jews. What’s also true, which I reported in The Nation at the time, is that the NYPD’s eight-month investigation into Ferhani was much thinner than the public knew. The FBI declined to get involved in the case, for instance, because of misconduct by the undercover officer.

He eventually took a plea, got sentenced to ten years upstate, and forced deportation after that. He was initially housed at Great Meadows Correctional Facility, and around June, 2015, was moved to Attica. On Thursday morning, his mother was notified that he’d tried to hang himself in his jail cell. She called me that morning, and I wrote a story about the abuse he claimed he suffered at the hands of prison guards. He’s in a medically induced coma now in an outside facility.

In the Bee and its Honey...

In the Bee and its Honey there is a Blessing and a lesson...

What is meant by inspiration here is guidance. The Bee is guided to make its home in the mountains, in trees and in structures erected by man. The Bee’s home is a solid structure, with its hexagonal shapes and interlocking forms there is no looseness in its combs. Then Allah decrees that the Bee will have permission to eat from all fruits and to follow the ways which Allah has made easy for it, wherever it wants to go in the vast spaces of the wilderness, valleys and high mountains. Then each Bee comes back to its hive without swerving to the right or left, it comes straight back to its home where its offspring and Honey are. It makes wax from its wings, and regurgitates Honey from its mouth, and lays eggs from its rear, then the next morning it goes out to the fields again.

فَاسْلُكِى سُبُلَ رَبِّكِ ذُلُلاً
(and follow the routes of your Lord made easy (for you)) Qatadah and `Abdur-Rahman bin Zayd bin Aslam said: “This means, in an obedient way”, understanding it to be a description of the route of migration. Ibn Zayd said that this is like the Ayah:
وَذَلَّلْنَـهَا لَهُمْ فَمِنْهَا رَكُوبُهُمْ وَمِنْهَا يَأْكُلُونَ
(And We have subdued them for them so that some they may ride and some they may eat.) (36:72) He said: “Do you not see that they move the Bees’ home from one land to another, and the Bees follow them” The first opinion is clearly the more likely, as it describes the routes that the Bees follow, i.e., `follow these routes as they are easy for you.’ This was stated by Mujahid. Ibn Jarir said that both opinions are correct.

Tuesday, April 12, 2016

Must Rights of Allah's Messenger (saws)!

This right is the greatest right of any of the creation. None of the creation have a right greater than the rights of Allah's Messenger (saws). Allah - the Most High - said:
"Indeed We have sent you as a witness rind a bringer of good-tidings and a warner, in order that mankind may believe in Allah and His Messenger, and that you may assist and honour the Messenger." [48:89]

Therefore it is obligatory to love the Prophet (saws) over and above any of mankind - even above one's love for himself, his parents and his children. The Prophet (saws) said: "None of you will truly believes until he loves me more then his parents, his children and the whole of mankind." [Al-Bukhari (1/57) and Muslim (no. 44)]

And from the rights that are due to the Prophet (saws) are: that he should be honoured, loved and respected - but without any ghulu (exaggeration) or any falling short in the matter. Honouring the Prophet (saws) during his lifetime implied honouring his Sunnah (guidance and example) and his noble character and conduct. As for honouring him after his death, then this implies honouring his Sunnah and the Shari'ah (the Prescribed Laws) that he was sent with. Whosoever reflects upon the lives of the Sahabah (Companions of the Prophet) will come to know how these great and virtuous people established the obligation of honouring the Messenger (saws).

We Need Brotherhood !!!
"...Allah Said: 
Indeed, the believers are brothers…” [al-Hujurat; 10]
Brotherhood is from the most beautiful topics that a person can talk about! It is so pure and pleasant like light! It is so rich and beloved to the heart…

However, what is the brotherhood that is referred to in the Book of Allah?

Two people can walk down a wide road as brothers in safety and relaxation with each putting his arm on the shoulders of the other out of brotherly love. However, look at them when the road becomes narrower and is only wide enough for one of them to walk behind the other – who should I give preference to? Should I walk ahead? Or should I follow my brother and let him walk ahead of me?

Then look at the road when it becomes even narrower, leaving room for only one of them to walk on it! There is only one opportunity: either me or my brother. Who will I give preference to? Do I say that this is my opportunity and he can go look for his own? Or do I say to my brother ‘Take this opportunity for yourself, and I will find my own’?
This is the test.

Brotherhood in times of safety and ease is one thing, as it does not go against the desires of the self. In fact, it is itself one of those desires that a person seeks to obtain in order to achieve the sense of relaxation that comes along with it.

33 Lessons from Surah Yusuf

As-Shaykh Abdurahmaan Ibn Naasir As-Sa’dee states in his tafseer “Tayseer Al-Kareem Ar-Rahmaan” (pg. 408 – 412) regarding the last ayah of surah Yusuf wherein Allah says, “Indeed in their stories, there is a lesson for men of understanding.”

This story is from the best of stories because of what it relates from the varying phases of life; from trial to tribulation, from being tested to being blessed, from humiliation to grandeur, from slavery to kingship, from division to unity, from grief to joy, from superfluity to famine, from famine to glut, from hardship to ease, and from denial to affirmation. So blessed be the One who revealed it in the best manner possible.

From amongst the lessons derived from this surah are:

1. The knowledge of interpreting dreams is a very important branch of knowledge that Allah gives to whom he pleases from His servants. And most of them (dreams) are based on symbols that are ambiguous in meaning and in description. For indeed the significance of the sun, the moon and twelve stars bowing to Yusuf, is that these lights are the beauty of the sky, and from them emanates benefit. Likewise the prophets and the scholars are the beauty of this earth, and by them mankind is guided through darkness just as they do by the light of the stars, the sun and the moon. Moreover, since the source of this light is his mother and father, hence it is very befitting that the moon and the sun symbolize his parents, for from them emanate the greatest light from which he and his brothers are off-springs. Thus, the sun, which is a feminine noun, symbolizes his mother and the moon, which is a masculine noun, symbolizes his father, and the stars symbolize his brothers.

The Signs of a Tāghūt !

As we explore the journey of mankind from the time of Ādam to our current times, we find a constant struggle between Satan and his allies against the bearers of Haqq. Throughout this conflict, the Haqq may triumph over falsehood, whilst at other times, falsehood may overshadow the Haqq. Over the arduous course of this journey, Allāh (subhānahu wata’āla), through His Might and Mercy did not leave the seekers of Haqq in darkness. He sent to the believers clear guiding verses in order for them to distinguish between truth and falsehood, and to repel the forces of oppression - The Tāghūt. The Tāghūt exists in a myriad of forms, including the kings, rulers and oppressive governments of our current times. 

Indeed, Allāh (subhānahu wata’āla) says in the Qur’ān: 
“And indeed We have put forth every kind of example in this Qur'ān, for mankind...” (al-Kahf 18:54) 

Amongst the most vital and relevant lessons we learn from the Qur’ān, and that is applicable to us today, is the concept of oppression and the characteristics of an oppressor. Allāh (subhānahu wata’āla) describes in a multiple number of ayāt, the characteristics of the oppressors, and the methods they use to oppress the masses. One of the main stories mentioned in the Qur’an in over 27 chapters, and in over 70 different places is the story of Mūsa and Fir’awn.

We need to understand that the wisdom behind this is not to simply learn about the personality of Fir’awn from a historical perspective. Rather, this story describes in detail the characteristics of the oppressors, so we may take heed and use this as a criterion for how we analyse the world we live in today.

Fazaa’il-e-Amaal, written by Moulana Zakariyyah, is an Authoritative book used by the Tablighi Jamaat world-over and has been translated into several languages.
It is full of fabricated stories promoting shirk!!!

For example, it mentions a story of two brothers whose father died leaving behind an inheritance, which included three strands of hair of Allah’s Messenger (saws).
“The brothers divided the property in half so that they had one strand of hair each. However they disputed about the third strand of hair. So the elder brother agreed to give the younger brother all the three strands of hair if the younger brother gave up his share of the property, to which the younger brother agreed.
When the younger brother died, many pious people dreamt of the Holy Prophet (saws) who told them, “If a person has any need he should ask it from Allah sitting at the side of his grave.” “[Fazaa’il-e-Amaal, ch.5, p.128]

The futility of this story is too obvious to even refute, for indeed Prophet (saws) forbade taking graves as places of worship, and begging Allah of ones needs (i.e., du’aa) is worship, as he (saws) said:
Du’aa is worship (I'baadah).” [Abu Dawood]

So it seems quite strange that the Messenger of Allah (saws) would tell someone to do something which he himself forbade! And likewise, the book is full of fabricated stories which not only serve no purpose but contradict the very fundamentals of this Deen.
Doing du’aa to other than Allah is shirk and futile. Even though this is a fundamental principle of Islam, the Tablighi Jamaat promote calling out to the Prophet (saws) and complaining to him about one’s needs.
The following stories from Fazaa’il-e-A’maal shows this: