Wednesday, February 10, 2016

INTERESTING ! Top Ten Quran Verses for Understanding the Islamic State!


SubhanAllah, this Kaafir literally knows more about the Quraan, Islam and the commandments of Allah, than majority of the so-called "Muslims" nowadays, it was surprising that he even knew the Hukm of Nasikh wal Mansukh (the Abrogator and the Abrogated Verses)... There's no exaggeration to say that atleast some of the so-called "Muslims" now adays must've atleast learnt a thing or two about their own Deenul Islam from this Kaafir - May Allah guide this man to Islam upon the methodology of Ahl' us Sunn'ah wal Jamm'ah - Ameen Ya Rabb!!! Insha'Allah Educate yourself ya Muslimeen!

The only mistake he did was defining the Hukm of taking Sabi, i.e. the "raping right hand posses" part wrongly! Insha'Allah to study the Ahkaam of Sabi, please watch the Lectures by honored Ustaadh, Abu Baraa' (may Allah hasten his full release-Ameen):


  1. i am really confused about this website. is this a christian website attempting to bad mouth islam? that video is full of mockery, disrespect, and not to mention it is not accurate. 4-24 allows rape? huh? no it doesnt

    1. Firstly, Jazak Allah khair for your comment on the sharing of this Video. Generally our Ghurabah Blog isn't open for argumentation or debates, as the Blog serves the purpose of sharing I'lm for the sake of Allah and not enforcing our beliefs upon anyone, because we can only give Da'wah, but the guidance on accepting the Haqq comes from Allah alone! So anyone is free to accept or reject what they believe is not the Haqq on our Blog or if they have another legit opinion or I'jtihaad of an A'lim that they take their I'lm from, Alhumdulillah. However, in your case, we have accepted your comment and published it because we received a similar query message on our Facebook page.

      Firstly, it seems very clear that you haven't gone through a single Content/Article of our Blog except this one, or else you wouldn't have commented “is this a christian website attempting to bad mouth islam?”, Astaghfirullah! Insha'Allah please spend some time going through some of the Contents/Articles for your own knowledge sake.

      Secondly, the Hikma of sharing this Video is mainly directed to the so-called “Muslims” i.e. the Munafiqeen amongst the Muslims who tend to Astaghfirullah listen and understand more of the words of the kuffaar explaining Islam than SubhanAllah from their own Righteous Muslims. Hence the reason they are called Munafiqeen... Plus the Quranic translation in English as spoken in the Video, is Alhumdulillah not incorrect but yes the sarcastic way of speaking them out Astaghfirullah is expected, because its from the mouth of a kaafir anyways. However you probably didn't even read the entire description under this Video, or else you wouldn't have commented: “not to mention it is not accurate. 4-24 allows rape? huh? no it doesnt”, because we already clearly mentioned, quoting the description under the Video that: “The only mistake he did was defining the Hukm of taking Sabi, i.e. the "raping right hand posses" part wrongly! Insha'Allah to study the Ahkaam of Sabi, please watch the Lectures by honored Ustaadh, Abu Baraa' (may Allah hasten his full release-Ameen)...” Please Insha'Allah do read the entire description under the Video.

      Thirdly, Allah indeed guides whom He (swt) wills and the reason why we made Dua'a for such a kaafir, even though he is being the sarcastic kaafir he is, is because he has most of the knowledge of our Religion in accordance to Ahl as-Sunnah (judging by some of his other videos as well), even though he is a filthy kaafir, but many as him also have been guided by our Rabb to the Deen, who perviously openly continued on their kuffr against Islam, and having such a knowledgeable kaafir becoming a Muslim can, Allahu a'laam be of benefit to the society, especially since he has the skills of debating (judging by some of his other videos), and has many followers. Plus even our beloved Prophet (saws) made Dua'a for guidance from either Umar Khattab or Abu Jahl, at that time when these two were the arch enemies of Allah's Deen, and indeed our Rabb guided our beloved Sahabah Umar (r.a) to Deenul Haqq.

      So overall, we wanted to explain and clear what we Alhumdulillah did as per above. We pray Insha'Allah that we did not offend you in any way and we appreciate your words of Hidayah to us, may Allah accept from you and us all and forgive us all, our sins and shortcomings – Ameen!

  2. This site is one of my favourites!
    May Allah Azzawajal be pleased with the writers....Allahhumma Ameen Ya Rabb

    1. Jazak Allah khair wa BarakAllahu feeki for your comment of support, Alhumdulillah.

      Allahumma Ameen Ya Rabbil A'alameen to your blessed Dua'a indeed... May our Rabb accept from us all for His (swt) sake indeed and forgive us all our Sins, flaws and shortcomings - Ameen Ya Rabb!

      Insha'Allah please do keep us and entire Ummah in your Dua'a always.

  3. Asalamualikum the video doesn't work any more and where can I get all the Abu Baraa videos. Many god locked from youtube and from archive[dot]org. Please help may Allah reward you.

  4. Waalaikum Assalam wa Rahmatullah,
    Below are Alhumdulillah links provided to us. May Allah reward all those who are still uploading and trying to share the I’lm which is being shut down by the enimies of Allah!
