Wednesday, April 15, 2020

From the heads of the Tawagheet... 
My beloved brothers and sisters, every person who calls for a capitalist materialistic system that is in contradiction to Islam is a Taghout. Every person who slanders Islam and doesn’t see the Shari’ah as complete, mocks it, whether it was an article, a book, a TV show, on stage at the theater, in private or in public, joking or serious, this person is a Taghout and Kaafir.

Every person who publishes a book or spreads an article or co-operates at a media station in a slander campaign against Islam and the Messenger (saws) or the Ayaat of Allah, this person is a Taghout and a caller to misguidance. Every person who fights Islam, in any way whatsoever, every person who rebels against Allah, with his tongue, deeds or wealth, this person is a Taghout and a rebellious shaytaan, whether from the men or jinn, shayateen.

It becomes waajib on every single Muslim to hate it and declare Baraa from it. As well, he must declare his disbelief in it, show his enmity against it for the sake of Allah and fight against it if the capability is there.

The second head of the Tawagheet is the one who’s worshipped besides Allah and he is pleased with it. Whether he has been worshipped during his life or after it. We can classify some of the leaders of the Sufiyyah and their extremists as from this type that are being pleased of being worshipped besides Allah and quiet about it. What is even worse is when they call their followers and students to worship them, ask them in times of need, travel and make tawaf around their graves.

We can also classify (as Tawagheet) all the legislators who are legislating laws that contradict the Deen of Allah. Like the members of parliament or the oppressive rulers who legislate in contradiction to the Book of Allah and the Sunnah of His Nabi (saws). They call people to worship them since they are giving themselves the attributes and names that belong to the Rububiyyah of Allah. That is legislation, the hukm. He says: "Legislation is for Allah alone. He has commanded that you worship Him." [12:40]

We can also classify those who openly call the people to worship him from the heads of the Taghout even if he is not worshipped. Amongst those who call to going to extremes and approve of it, both with the living and the dead. Like the mashayikh of misguidance. About some of them it is said that he was encouraging his followers to visit his grave and to ask him if one was in desperate need of anything. This person is like fir’awn who said to his people: "And fir’awn said, O eminent ones, I have not known you to have another elah other than me." [28:38]

[By Shaykh Bishr Ibnu Fahd Al Bishr (fakk Allahu asrah)]

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