Saturday, December 15, 2018

"We hate disbelief, but not the disbelievers" ?!?!


Misconception of murj'ah: "We hate disbelief, but not the disbelievers!"

Shaykh Haytham Sayfaddīn absolutely destroyed this false lie by saying:
❝Allāh said, “So they said to their people, we distance ourselves from you and from that which you worship other than Allāh”.

So this idea now that we say or some people, and even in this city, people try to spread this idea, that any beliefs we have about something being bad, it’s only to the action, and it’s not to the person themself, so if someone comes and throws the Qur’ān in the toilet, we (i.e. those people) say well that’s a very bad action, and it’s disbelief, but the person who did it, we can’t judge him, or we don’t have nothing to say about the person himself, even though children would know, what would make someone a bad person, what makes someone a bad person?

Student: Bad actions.

Shaykh: Bad actions, bad beliefs, bad statements, you know someone kills someone, we don’t say killing is bad, but he’s the best guy in the world.

Or some guy is a rapist and we say, we hate rape, rapists we don’t have a problem with, we’re okay, it’s okay do whatever you need to do, we don’t like what you’re doing, but you as a person, you’re the best.

If someone did that, you’d look at them as like they have something wrong with them, but then when it comes to Allah, what’s worse, swearing at Allāh or stealing?

Ofcourse, someone will steal and even now they will say he’s a bad guy, he steals all the time, and everyone will be okay with that.

But then when someone swears at Allāh or they fight against the Muslimīn, or they do this and this and this, we can’t say anything about him, it’s a bad action, you shouldn’t do it, but him as a person we can’t make a judgement.

Every other part of your life, you do that on a daily basis and every second of your life is based on, “well I like this guy because he does good things, I hate this guy because he does bad things” and so on and so on, but when it comes to the religion of Allāh , all those basic Fitrah or those basic characteristics that people are born with and that they learn as a young age, they get thrown out the window.

Then Allāh said:
كَفَرْنَا بِكُمْ وَبَدَا بَيْنَنَا وَبَيْنَكُمُ الْعَدَاوَةُ وَالْبَغْضَاءُ
“We’ve disbelieved in you”,
so we declare you to be non-Muslims, we declare you to be on wrong and the things that you’re doing wrong are actions and statements of disbelief, and we openly show between us and you, hatred and enmity until you believe in Allāh alone.

So Allāh said that it’s the action that we’re getting these interactions that they’re based upon, so if someone does bad, we think of them as bad.

As soon as they become a Muslim, we change our beliefs about them and the way we deal with them, so if we even look at the Prophet (saws), you know the way the Kuffār dealt with him and some of the greatest Sahābah, Abū Bakr or ‘Umar and ‘Ikrimah Ibn Abī Jahl and some of them, the main people who were enemies to Islam in beginning became from the greatest Sahābah afterward, not because they just stopped doing those actions, but because they became Muslim, and that became the tie that bound the Prophet (saws) and all the Sahābah at the time.❞

[Sharh Nawāqidh al-Islām]

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